Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Spider Farmer Indoor Growing Social Network Activity(10.1-10.31) Reply To: Spider Farmer Indoor Growing Social Network Activity(10.1-10.31)

Points: 6,637

I’d interpret their line about “all your positive actions will earn you points” to mean that only quality content that adds to the community will get points, I don’t think anyone thinks spamming is a positive action as it’s purely selfish to get yourself ahead instead of being about contributing to a community in a positive way.  Personally I’m not going to spam as it’s not worth my time to win a contest that way, it has no value.  I will be the verbose mofo I always am and share my opinions and experience freely and often, try to help where I can and learn as much as I can from others while doing it.  If that is considered useful, appreciated and positive and I win something then all the better, if not then I’ve done exactly what I do on any social media/forum anyway.

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