Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Grow room set up Reply To: Grow room set up

Points: 6,116

I scored a bunch of 3/4 inch pvc for free and put this together.   I was going to use foam board for the walls.  I’ll keep my dehumidifier in there and a portable ac or radiator heater.  I was only going to use a 4×5 area for growing.  The tent is 5×8. I could use any any advice on how this will work or not work.  Right now I have a small tent and the ventilation system draws in the air from the lung room that is conditioned to keep the tent within the proper vpd parameters.  My lung room would prob not be conditioned if everything’s in the bigger tent.  This winter it’ll draw in cold air, while the heater runs at the other end of the tent.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I’m still thinking this thing out.

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