Home Forums Grow Journal Happy Wife equals Happy Life winter vege garden.

last updated by IamN2pot 2 years ago
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    • #9042
      Points: 961

      We love our winter vege’s. Kale, cilantro, golden bell pepers, tomatos and spinach. The peppers and tomatoes won’t have ripe fruit intil late Feb, but who else is eating fresh fruit from their garden in late winter? The wife just picked her first kale, spinach and cilantro. “YUMM”!!! Planter in Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

      I planted the seeds around Oct 25th into a 6 pack. The Giant Green peppers didn’t germinate. ??? IDK

      Pictures from Nov 8th. Transplant day. They were still under my SF2000 LED’s.

      A few days later, Nov 13th. I moved them from the closet into the tent.

      One week later, Nov 20th, the day my wife begin harvesting her leafy green veggies!


    • #9054
      Points: 796

      Looks great 😃 but my favorite veggie didn’t come up, the 🫑 are a staple in about everything I cook,but the rest looks good bro, I already know that your thumb is greener than anything in that garden my friend  😂 Take care I will be talking with you later on bro.

    • #9071
      Native Sugar Shack
      Points: 142

      Great looking garden! Just started ours about a month ago give or take. We have tomatoes, onions, radish, serrano, jalapeno, habanero, red bells and others. All under the Spider Farmer SE7000 LEDS. Don’t have photos to upload, but you can check them out if you want to on my YouTube channel, Native Sugar Shack.


    • #9139
      Points: 961

      Well fellow winter gardeners, it’s been a week since I updated our veggie grow. @Brad104, the Cali Golden bell pepper is doing great. Still don’t know why the Giant Green bell peppers didn’t sprout. Oh well.

      The tomatoes have flower bud that will be opening in the next few days. Kale is going crazy. The wife just took her 3rd salad for lunch today. That made her day, a fresh salad. (boys, happy wife…….. 💡 )

      Enjoy the pictures….

    • #9407
      Points: 961

      Time for another veggie garden update. Baby green tomatoes every where. Our bell pepper plant has loads of blooms and the leafy greens, kale, cilantro and spinach are being eaten on a regular basis. We’re really looking forward to tomatoes and peppers in Feb and March.


      • #9408
        Points: 707

        Looks great, they seem to really do well under that light. Have you noticed equal yeilds when compared to outdoor crops? How about the quality? You got me interested in trying this myself

      • #9414
        Points: 961

        They do great under the light and indoors. Flavor? best darn tomatoes I/we ever ate or grew. Best of all, growing inside in a “sterile” enviroment means no thrips, aphids, leaf miners, white flies, jumping beetles, catapillars….! You get the picture. Talk about pick and eat…… . If you have the room, I highly recomend adding you favorite(s) to your grow room.

        WARNING: never move or put plants from outside into your indoor cannabis garden, unless you like playing russian roulette with insects. Start from seed!!!

    • #9842
      Points: 961

      Just a quick update on the veggies. I had an issue with BER (blossom end rot) on my tomatoes. It’s a common problem caused by a Calcium deficiency. I an using FoxFarms Ocean Forest and what I thought was a Potasium deficiency in my cannabis grow turns out to be Calcium. THey look almost the same in the leaves, so I just assumed it was Potasium about 1/2 way through bloom that was low. See what tomatoes taught me! My soil isn’t low in Calcium any more and after over doing it to start, the tomatoes have recovered and don’t have any more signs of BER on the new fruit.

      Fresh tomatoes (and salads) in January,     Y U M !!!!!   …and the peppers aren’t far behind, but they hide well, LOL!


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