Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Thinking of trying out silica in my next soil grow

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    • #2291
      Points: 795

      I’m really wanting to try silica on my next soil grow, it’ll be my first time using silica so all information is appreciated

    • #2515
      Points: 697

      I use silica blast every other water. Be sure to add it before nute or it can cloud up and won’t mix properly. It’s actually most effective as a foliar spray, only a small amount gets absorbed through roots.

      Although the guy at my shop was telling me about a different type if silica that can be absorbed at a higher rate. It was 60$ for a small bottle so I passed. It was called facilitor.

      • #2518
        Points: 6,116

        I started using PowerSi this last grow and I noticed a definite change in the strength of the stems and the density of the buds.  I bought the regular and bloom.

    • #2534
      Points: 470

      I used cyco silica last grow, and it definitely seemed to help strengthen the plant matter. I think you were saying you were growing in soil, so I would suggest alternating the silica on your non feed waterings so it doesn’t cloud up. If you do end up adding it in when you’re feeding other nutrients, make sure you add it first, and have your water pH below 8, and then add calmag (if you’re using it), and then your base nutrients last.

      • #2537
        Points: 6,116

        Was this reply for me or Adam?

      • #2540
        Points: 470

        I was trying to reply to Brad (the original poster of the thread), but it may not have posted correctly. That’s who I was referring to when I said I thought they were growing in soil.

        Edit: feel free to weigh in if you have any thoughts to add though.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Nate.
    • #2548
      Points: 795

      I really appreciate the feedback Nate and the other one to I believe it is Adam I appreciate you both and I thank you.I already read that it’s mixed first,but I do appreciate it guys thanks again

    • #2573
      Points: 2,471

      Silica is amazing. Ever since ive started using it,  ive had less problems and plants look way better.

    • #2584
      Points: 4,165

      Silica is an awesome addition to our mediums nutrient regimen.
      It helps build resistances like pests, heat spikes & cold dips, mold, drought, and quite a few other benefits like even giving your plants the ability to strive with high salinity.
      Google “Silica in cannabis 🪴 ”  There is so much info that will make you want to add silica to your water.

      Yes, silica products should be the 1st thing added to your water.  IT WILL RAISE THE WATERS PH LEVEL!  So I recommend doing a Mach watering *just a gallon of water to make a test Bach*

      Mix your nutes as you would per the gallon of water. Then check ph. Add your silica product. Use 5ml to see where it takes your ph. Keep track of how much you use to bring ph to your optimal range.
      This will be the amount of silica you want to add prior to mixing in your base nutrients & other supplements. After mixing, you should not have to PH again. (Til you mix more)

    • #2631
      Points: 795

      I appreciate all of the information guys I truly appreciate it and I am going to be adding it in my new grow thanks @ cannabliss @racky@ nate@keith@adam

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