
Home Forums Q&A Uv lighting

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    • #4480
      Points: 795

      Why do some of the companies not up to par as the good ones here use a uv light with their white light instead of using an ir red

    • #4537
      Points: 470

      If I’m not mistaken, far red and UV do different things for your plant. I’m not sure how it works, but here’s a link to a super basic explanation about UV light and cannabis, and here’s an article about the effects of far red light and plant growth. So I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, I think they just do different things for your plants. I’ve never used either, but this is just what I could find on google.

    • #4554
      Points: 1,670

      How Ultraviolet Radiation Affects Plants with Dr. Bruce Bugbee:


      and a longer article that shows it actually hurts in the long run, for the two cultivars they tested.


      They tested with only 400ppfd canopy intensity, and varying amounts of UV.


      Looks like I need to buy a cycle timer when I change my bulbs, lmao.   My girls currently get 12hrs of UV, which is apparently stunting them.  I’ve never noticed a deleterious effect.  Typically I only see the (UVR8?) response of increased thc, not very much tanning, and increased hardiness and waxier leaves.

      • #6602
        Points: 795

        Thanks again for the link, this is most helpful.

      • #6668
        Points: 6,638

        Perfect reply to a subject where we’re still learning a lot and don’t clearly understand the best practices.

    • #4568
      Points: 795

      I’m wondering and asked this ❓ in this thread, because I have to buy a 450 led super soon and I only have around 200 dollars and Iwas leaning towards the phlizon 450 but it’s not got any reds I want the SF 4000 so bad I can taste it,but don’t see myself being able to get the other 200 in time so if anyone has a suggestion on a good cheaper light I’d appreciate it and thank you @ nearotic turtle and @ nate I really appreciate you

      • #6669
        Points: 6,638

        The philizon pl4500 has an IR/UV switch and most of the diodes are in the red 3k spectrum (five times more then 6k diodes), I just won one awhile ago from RIU for the best tip and it’s definitely more on the warm/red side then cool light.  Not sure what you meant by “it doesn’t have any red in it”.

    • #6683
      Points: 795

      Sorry @somatek I misunderstood I thought that they were uv and no red but I see now that is awesome and great information , thanks for the explanation

      • #7080
        Points: 6,638

        Glad that sorted your confusion out and hope you figure out what to do as you’ve been asking about is since the forums started.  It’s always stressful figuring out what’s the best purchase, try not to stress too much and don’t rush any purchase until you’re sure it’s the right fit.

    • #7089
      Points: 795

      I’ve been asking since the forum, because I have to get a led for this closet space and I have accumulated some money off of there products too so I am trying to slow roll this veging while I see how this contest turns out,cause please believe I have to get one,I just may win won better than I could buy and save 500 dollars if that helps you understand what I have been asking for.Im trying to get the best spectrum for my dollar but hopefully just for my perspiration at the very least I will get close to 100 off of some of spider farmer equipment and hopefully that sexy se 5000,I can promise you it’s not going to be from lack of effort or just giving up you know we’re I’m coming from

      Thanks again

      • #7105
        Points: 6,638

        No problem, I know what it’s like living on a tight budget and how it makes you over think everything.  Good luck and hope it all works out for ya.

    • #7106
      Points: 795

      Check out what I got today all I need now is the best light I can get and I got almost enough points for my 6 inch inline fan SF it’s getting closer to a reality @somatek

    • #7107
      Points: 795

      Check out what I got today all I need now is the best light I can get and I got almost enough points for my 6 inch inline fan SF it’s getting closer to a reality @somatek

    • #7112
      Points: 6,638

      Nice, step by step you’ll get there.

    • #7114
      Points: 795

      Lol 😆 iktr I’m giving it a hell of an effort too man one of my favorite movies and I’m betting you are going to know what the line is and it’s how I’m feeling about the se 5000

      There can only be one!

      • #7167
        Points: 6,638

        lol, that was an ongoing joke with my ex-fiancee after the Hillside Festival one summer.  We were camping with another women named Rachel (my ex’s name) and I kept teasing her with that line.  Although she didn’t know the highlander movies so I had to explain the context lol…

    • #7174
      Points: 795

      I knew I have been talking to you long enough to know that you were able to appreciate that classic as do I my friend @somatek good stuff buddy

    • #8170
      Points: 4,165

      Spider farmer actually has some in their shop. I’m very interested in trying out UV in the grow. Unsure if these add-in’s are compatible with other lights. Probably not.
      Many online posts say many things. I like to dive in & try it for myself. I may find a way to add some UV.

    • #8171
      Points: 795

      Thanks for the information @cannabliss I greatly appreciate it, I was unaware that they sold these out of there arsenal.Im thinking that they are new are they? And how do they receive there 30 watts of power I’m assuming a USB to plug in but I am not sure.As always I appreciate your feedback and knowledgeable information.You are one that I’m definitely glad I now know Thank you @cannabliss

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