Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Mold and pathogens or fungi

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    • #3739
      Points: 796

      I wanted to start a thread about all 3 of these bad dudes Mold,Fungi and other pathogens.What do you do chemicaly or organicly to get rid of these guys?

      Thanks for your replies in advance!

    • #3791
      Points: 6,116

      I hope I never ever see those guys

    • #4581
      Points: 796

      Does anyone know anything about septoria I believe I have it unfortunately!

    • #4598
      Points: 470

      I’ve never heard of septoria before. I’m assuming you have some discoloration on your leaves to be saying you think you have it.

      As far as mold, I’ve only ever had to deal with powdery mildew so far, and that was a pain. For that I used a combination of alternating between weekly sprays of hydrogen peroxide (diluted) and safer’s 3 in 1. It didn’t fully eradicate the PM, but it would kill it off, and then it would start coming back, and I’d have to spray again. Towards the last half of flower I only used the hydrogen peroxide spray & picked off the leaves with whatever spots cropped up. I don’t know if any of that applies to what you have though.

    • #4616
      Points: 6,638

      The same key issues for any pathogen; a solid IPM strategy that mitigates the risks to keep them out of the grow room. Once you see them on your plants you’ve already lost half the battle; defense is really the best offense here.

      Make standardized procedures when taking clones to minimize the risks of cross contamination. Use filters on your fans to reduce the spore count. Remove all dead plant matter and compost in a separate area to make sure the grow is sterile. Keep your plants brix high and ensure they have adequate potassium and silica for thick/hardy cell walls, consider chitosan products to boost the immune system, making sure you aren’t carrying spores into the room on your clothes, etc.

      As to your specific problem I’d start by posting pics and getting input to make a diagnosis of the potential issues. I posted this awhile ago if you need tips on good photos to take to get an accurate diagnosis.

      • #4628
        Points: 796

        I appreciate your response @nate I had assumed that no one was looking at these older threads still. Thankfully how wrong I was  😂😂

    • #4623
      Points: 796

      • #4641
        Points: 6,638

        This could be a number of nutrient issues as well, what makes you think it’s septoria specifically?

      • #4704
        Points: 4,166

        Honestly those spots on the leaf there look like damage from pests.

        Have you checked under the leaves with a microscope, or jewelers loupe?

        I’m thinking thrips. However there are some nutrient issues as @somatek suggests as well.

        It may not be an actual deficiency. Maybe more of an uptake/root problem?

        Trust me I’ve had starved plants. lol 😅 (not a proud statement)


      • #4750
        Points: 6,638

        Great point about leaf damage not necessarily being a deficiency/excess.  That’s why I specifically say nutrient issue, not deficiency/excess, as there’s no way to tell from a single pic without more context what the problem could be as it’s always a spectrum of more/less likely possibilities.

      • #4751
        Points: 796

        Because of the halo Ring that comes around the brown spots, I wish I had took pictures of the last crop and didn’t.Ihave been dealing with the humidity level being high and heat as well so it is the best breading ground for this type of stuff.I wasn’t posting in any forum around then, this is all new to me I made a profile on RIU AND THC I mostly entered contest and stuff,hence how I found out about this contest,so I dove right in hard in hopes of winning a nice led from one of the superior companies in the business here at spider FARMER forum.I truly appreciate all of your help on this too @somatek I’ve said before how I do value and appreciate your opinions for I know I can become a better grower by listening to you guys for this is a awesome contest ,but I’m one of you guys who really enjoy growing and just love to watch the plants do what they do you know so I will go for now and think of how nice it is up there in your neck of the woods @somatek

      • #4774
        Points: 6,638

        Something like septoria is what I’d look at after excluding all other possibilities.  High heat and humidity can also shut down respiration and limit nutrient availability, the VPD being out of whack can cause a bunch of issue but then again I’m only working off the one pic you shared and as the grower who know’s what’s going on best as far as conditions, watering/fertigating schedules, etc you ultimately have to make your best guess based on what you know.

        Hope you figure out a solution and let us know if you manage to solve the issue.

    • #4625
      Points: 796

      I went ahead and took it out away from my other plants,so if it is something like a spore that can be transferred easily.

      • #4844
        Points: 796

        I’ve decided I have 5 white widow clones, that are close to the size of the 2 fuel dogs and the purple ghost candy,so I have removed the plant from the other 3 Incase it’s something like a spreadable pathogen I’m hoping that the bad plant can make it for the next couple of weeks to were I can figure out if it’s a deficiency,or pathogen of some sort,so I will keep everyone posted with the sick gal,but I am going to be moving a white widow clones in with the other 3 I believe that is my safest bet at this stage of the game 🎯 Thanks be to each and everyone of you guys who have helped me with the issue at hand

      • #4883
        Points: 6,638

        Be sure to keep us updated and share more pics if the problem persists as it may help others down the line, especially if you figure out what’s going on and creating the issue.

    • #4701
      Points: 4,166

      Check out this chart to see if it can help diagnose @brad104

    • #4702
      Points: 4,166

      This guide is a good help as well.


    • #4706
      Points: 4,166
    • #4728
      Points: 796

      I really appreciate it I’m going to check it out now, thanks again @cannabliss

      • #4731
        Points: 4,166

        I hope you’re able to find something that lines up with what you have going on.

    • #4740
      Points: 796

      @cannabliss I believe it’s this septoria bro,it’s been hot and humid especially the last grow at the end of August we harvest so you know July and August in East united States is hot bro.And as you see from my grow pictures I’m still in the dinosaur age with 1000 HPS with those ballast alone it’d be hot but mother nature too.Ive been fighting it in a basement my dude.I truly believe that that’s it by the looks of the leaves,cause as stated last crop it was around too.Ive honestly never heard of this before and I appreciate you guys coming around and helping me with the diagnosis i.thank you all once again guys.








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