2022年 10月 13日 at pm12:10 #5122
I would like to personally say.I truly believe since being here from day 1 I think that theese 2 guys I’m going to give a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating definitely deserve it for going above and beyond so far and I know that they will continue to be a great asset to this forum! I am not 🚫 kissing ass of any kind that’s not in me.Im just speaking the truth.From listening to there advice first hand and seeing the amazing plants that they grow.Im of hopes to one day be the kinds of growers that theese 2 guys are! Thanks guys for everything and everyone of us, your advice helps!
@ somatek
@ cannabliss
You guys are at the top of this game in my opinion.I couldn’t figure out how to do ratings so this is what I came up with.There is also quite a few 4 s in the crowd to guys so I hope these replies are going to be as good as I believe they will be about these 2 fellas !
Happy Growing to you All
2022年 10月 13日 at pm2:20 #5147
Go to their profile, add review is in yellow at the top right of the page. I’d only reviewed the spider farmer official profile as yet, but I just checked and the button is there for regular users as well.
2022年 10月 13日 at pm2:22 #5149
Thanks @neurotic turtle I can use my phone in desktop version but it’s kinda hard finding stuff.I appreciate the help though,thank you!
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