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First we prep the bags by tucking the bottom corners in and then squishing the bottom into a circle to make a little cylinder which we fill with bud or in this case two with 10g each.  Which is one variable, this way of pressing uses more bags and yield would probably be better compared if I pressed two 10g pre-pressed bags.  That takes twice as long though and when pressing quantity time is more important then bags that cost a buck a piece.  So I decided to keep the time variable the same with understanding that bottle tech costs twice as much (ie $2/press instead of 1…)

Next a couple shots of the bags slowly being compressed, you can’t rush this step or you’ll have blow outs, especially with 10g packed in as you need to give the bud/bags time to heat and expand as the pressure goes up.  To much expansion under too much pressure is always bad.

Apparently I forgot a snap of the rosin oozing out of the press but the ever essential post press pic…

and second press pic…

Now to go weigh it all out and compare the weights (between presses and different techs).  This pic does nicely show what happens when you let the pucks slide one the parchment as it wiped the front clean lol.  Always be careful when pulling the parchment out until you can lift the pucks clear and set aside.  Although I always wipe the edges off to get as much rosin out of the bag as possible.  The 2nd presses really weren’t necessary as you can kind of tell by the feeling of the pucks if they need to be squeezed again, both the pre-press and bottle tech came out fairly dry so I expect the yield will be pretty insignificant and quality will probably be lower.  We’ll see after it’s collect, weighed and sampled though, assuming I can still type after 4 dabs lol.  For Science!

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