Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation If my jars are holding around 60% should I stop burping?

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    • #6344
      Points: 6,116

      It’s only been 4 days though.  It still has that greenish smell to it.  I kinda assumed I’d keep burping, but when would I stop?

    • #6395
      Points: 702

      You should actually never stop, just increase the amount if time between burps. You want to refresh the oxygen often at first, to help release any extra moisture but then it’s to replace the oxygen to help keep from getting stale and also check if bovidas are not dried out.

      I always go twice a day first week, once a day week 2, then every other day for a week. Then once every week or 2.

      You can honestly smoke it any time, and if you have surplus I always recommend trying some every day. Then you get to experience the evolution of the cure.

      • #6535
        Points: 6,116

        Oh I’m smoking the hell out of it.  I don’t have anything else, lol.  Thank you for the advice.  I have boveda packs but I haven’t been using them.  The last harvest prob didn’t last more than 3 months.  I didn’t pay close attention to the rh after a month, but during that time the rh always held around 60%.  I thought I only needed the boveda for an issue with high or low rh?  But not sure.

      • #6547
        Points: 702

        Yeah definitely not necessary but is insurance they will stay right. Once they get overly dry it’s hard to get back to that nice supple fresh bud feel.

      • #6906
        Points: 6,116

        Maybe I’ll throw them in there.

    • #6406
      Points: 6,638

      If it has the green grass smell you want to keep burping until it’s done off gassing the chlorophyll and is back to normal smells before leaving sealed for long term storage.

      • #6536
        Points: 6,116

        Ok cool thanks.

      • #6537
        Points: 6,638

        How long were they drying before you jarred the bud up?  Is the stuff you chopped the other week?

      • #6736
        Points: 6,116

        Yeah they only took maybe 6 days.  Temps got messed up bc the cold at night caused the ac to not blow cold air.  2 nights that happened.  Temps got up to 70°.  The other thing I think was bc it had very little vegetation left except for the buds themselves.  I took a lot of dead leaves off before I started drying.  The rh remained in the 60%s though.  My first harvest took twice as long to dry.

      • #6760
        Points: 6,638

        That’s why you’re getting the off gassing in the jars, just keep burping and you’ll get back to the terpy goodness.

    • #6579
      Points: 796

      Everything I always seen said to dry 10-14 days and then jar it for 3 weeks and burp it 2x a day for the 1st week then 1x a day the next week and burp a couple times during 3rd and final week.This is how I have done it in the past

      • #6737
        Points: 6,116

        What does it say about the rh?

    • #6595
      Points: 4,166

      Different ppl do different things & it seems to work out. I have some sealed up & some opened to burp. Never by a schedule though, and it just works. I know that because it’s taken me 23 mins to type this because my phone is sideways. I had to delete  so much because I went way off subject. 😂😂

      • #6618
        Points: 702

        It really depends on how much time you have to dedicate to it. It’s not absolutely necessary you’ll still get high even if you get it really dry and never burp (go try any dispensary weed in this state, 90% won’t be cured and dry as a MF). It helps break down chlorophyll and make it taste better and burn better. Some will claim it makes it more potent but it’s just the thc heads changing to more Amber’s. And also a bit of entourage effect because of better flavor and smoothness.

      • #6754
        Points: 6,116

        I can keep doing it for a while.  I don’t mind doing it, I just didn’t know if it came to eventually not be good for it anymore.  But I thought that was based on its moisture content.  They can be on the dryer side but still have plenty of chlorophyll in them.  I’m keep burping until that smell is gone.

      • #6667
        Points: 6,638

        There’s so many local variables that it’s hard to compare unless there’s a lot of detail shared.  In winter around here the humidity is often as low as 30-40%, if I hung them for 10-14 days like is commonly suggested I’d have dust on sticks by the end.  Like you said, you really need to understand how to make things work in your situation and the more you understand the process, experiment with ideas, the better the end result will be.  Drying and post harvest processing is just as important as growing as poor practices can lead to degrade quality.

      • #6755
        Points: 6,116

        I’ve been more nervous about the dry than I ever am about the grow.  It does seem like a very easy opportunity to mess everything up.  I did so well the first time. Winter should make things easier.  I think.

      • #6738
        Points: 6,116

        Bro I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve done that.

        I’ve got some grove bags but I haven’t used them yet.  I hear they’re great though.

      • #6761
        Points: 6,638

        It’s definitely easy to make a mistake and drop the quality a lot quicker when drying.  Winters around here are a pain to dry as the humidity is usually very low.  I’ll often keep them in cardboard boxes with lines strung across to dry to keep the humidity up, I’ve also modified totes to hold screens if it’s really dry which works great as long as you check them daily/a couple times a day or else you’ll get mold. I’ve got one of the 1/2oz grove sample bags to test for the next harvest, I like the idea of storing branches in the larger 1/2-1lbs bags until you have time to trim them but we’ll see if they live up to the hype.  Good luck with figuring out the best way for your climate and be sure to share your experience with grove bags if you get around to trying them before me.

      • #6764
        Points: 6,116

        That’s cool how you explained that.  If I was in that situation I like to think I’d have come up with that solution.  I think that’s what I enjoy the best about this hobby.  I mean other than smoking it.  There’s always something to fix or make better.

      • #6768
        Points: 6,638

        Especially before the explosion of readily available gear online, growers use to have to be very inventive and boards were filled with DiY tutorials building everything under the sun.  It’s very much the kind of hobby where the more you learn, the more flexible you become and finding creative solutions is easier and easier.

      • #6909
        Points: 6,116

        They hadn’t even invented plastic yet.   Haha get it?  It’s an old joke.

      • #6915
        Points: 702

        I feel like I should. Is it a movie quote?

      • #7007
        Points: 6,638

        Lol, well played sir

      • #6751
        Points: 796

        @keith I always heard humidity when Jared is around 60% although I have not done a whole lot of jarring,so you already know just listen to @somatek,@atom and @cannabliss you already know that they are the knowledge providers who I have been discussing everything with,but I’m sure they are other people as well I just talk with them alot and they make, damn good sense regularly bro,as I’m sure you already know.I hope you get straightened out with it bro

      • #6757
        Points: 6,116

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>What do you do with your bud if you don’t jar it?</p>

      • #6783
        Points: 6,638

        Smoke it in the biggest blunt ever?  Although bagging it up is probably more likely lol

      • #6894
        Points: 702

        ASTRO cone!

      • #6896
        Points: 6,116

        That’s gotta be a Canadian thing?

      • #6834
        Points: 4,166

        I have a few zips from my outdoor in the freezer for bubble hash.

      • #6897
        Points: 702

        The good gallon zip locks work good if you run out of jars. Also you can get 5 gallon buckets with screw on lids that work pretty good. I would use a turkey bag inside the bucket though. Plastic isn’t the greatest thing to store it in.

    • #6846
      Points: 796

      I smoke like a chimney @keith for real and bag up everything else you know it’s so nice to see when it’s all said and done,also knowing that you are the individual who brought this wonderful flower in this world and for yourself and others maybe to enjoy.I mean I’ve always loved it when they say oh that’s so and so’s dro man and it’s the 💣💣💣

      • #6898
        Points: 6,116

        That’s cool, I never thought about putting it in bags.

      • #7009
        Points: 6,638

        It use to be common back in the 90’s, especially with commercial growers who’s goal was to get it out the door and sold asap.

    • #6903
      Points: 796

      Yeah I truly have not done a lot of jarring but I’d love to jar some real dank ass bud for over 8 or 9 months when the phycological properties release in the marijuana.I just can never wait that long.i used to love me some LSD

      • #7044
        Points: 6,116

        Bro I’m still holding onto some from 10 years ago.  It was my absolute favorite in high school.  I don’t even know if it goes around anymore. When ecstasy came out lsd disappeared.  Mostly anyway.

      • #7058
        Points: 6,638

        Hope you’ve got it in the fridge stashed away so it doesn’t degrade.  I use to have a collection of all the sheets I saw, Mr Clean (orange trippy background with a big pic of the Mr Clean logo in the center of the sheet) still brings back fond memories of many wavy nights.

    • #7047
      Points: 796

      Iktr I wouldn’t mind to enjoy a trip and laugh filled night bro with about 5 of us and every ones tripin balls

      • #7109
        Points: 6,116

        I’m just waiting for someone who’s not scared of it to trip with.

    • #7128
      Points: 796

      Your talking to him bro, please believe that although I don’t know even where or how far we really are from one another right I’m in the tri state of West Virginia Kentucky and Ohio bro in gods country as we’ve always said.I know nobody else in there right mind lives close to this asshole of the US

      • #7132
        Points: 6,116

        Holy shit!  You’re not very far from me at all.  Same side of the country.  I was born and raised in Ohio, now I live 12 hours south of there.  I don’t wanna say bc of the situation in my state.  I don’t want to get myself in trouble.  But I’ll message you.

    • #7134
      Points: 796

      10-4 my guy that is what is up

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