Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation When does seedling stage end and veg stage begin?

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    • #8101
      Points: 1

      I have read that once it has 4 sets of true leafs it’s now in veg stage, I have read when they have 5 fingers per leaf is when veg stage begins.

      I have to start giving ferts at the start of veg stage, I am still a little way out, but I am curious how you determine when the veg stage starts.

      Any thoughts, suggestions, on this would be appreciated. 

    • #8109
      Points: 6,638

      Rapid vegetative growth is how I’d define when veg starts.  Seedlings are developing roots right off the bat more then anything as the ratio of roots to shoots is a key factor of health.  Once the roots are established and the plant has a ready supply of resources it shifts to growing leaves to capture sun and produce sugar.  That’s the start of vegetative growth as the plants need lees P (involved in cell division and replication, so needed for rapid root or flower/seed growth) and more N (which is used for all things green and leafy).

      Hope that answers your question, their is no definitive answers so people suggest things like the number of leaflets or the number of nodes.

    • #8144
      Points: 1

      Well rapid vegetative growth seems like it could mean many things to different people.  I grow lots of other plants, and I don’t think cannabis rapidly grows anything compared to other plants like cucumbers. But yes I get what your saying so how does a new grower determine if it’s growing rapidly?  By the roots? You telling me I gotta uproot my plant to see if it’s in the veg stage. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

      You got a lot.of knowledge young jeti, but your delivery process has room to grow.


      I know your answer is 100% correct but I’m really new, and that just gave me more questions then answers.


      Don’t get me wrong  I 100% appreciate the response and will look for rapid vegetation growth. I’m just not sure what that looks like.

      • #8146
        Points: 961

        If you’re looking for a specific number of days after gremination that it moves from seedling to vegitive, that’s a bit like asking for how long until childhood ends and “puberty” starts? A good general answer to that question just happens to be a good general answer to your question. When a youth begins the “middle school” growth spurt, you can be pretty sure puberty has begun. Same with your seedling. When you see a growth spurt, you can bet they are entering veg stage. Can I say puberty starts, in general, at about 11 years old?, yep. It doesn’t make it true for everyone. Same with your plants. One pheno may be in veg stage in 14 days, another variety may take more like 21 days. There ain’t no ‘written in stone’ answer. Sorry we can’t be more specific.


      • #8235
        Points: 1

        Thanks for the clear explanation, that will help me out a lot. @IamN2pot 👍

      • #8231
        Points: 6,638

        Cannabis is one of the few plants that can grow to be a 20+ft free standing plant in one season, they are much faster growing then most plants.  If you haven’t seen it’s potential that just means your grow is limiting it’s growth.

        “You got a lot.of knowledge young jeti, but your delivery process has room to grow.

        I know your answer is 100% correct but I’m really new, and that just gave me more questions then answers.”

        Maybe asking questions instead of making condescending comments will get you farther ahead so you’re part of the conversation and understand what people are talking about.  Your lack of knowledge is your issue, being an ass isn’t going to motivate me to help you learn if you’re too lazy to learn yourself and too confrontational to engage in polite conversation…

      • #8233
        Points: 1

        You mad bro?


        You have answered many of my questions with advanced knowledge that helps me very little. Most your posts seem like you just spamming the forums to get those points. Have you been rolled back yet? I know Keith and Brad have been then all of a sudden you moving up.

        Whats that all about seems suspicious to me.

      • #8239
        Points: 6,638

        You paranoid bro?

        I barely posted yesterday despite being off work.  Does that seem like something a spammer would do?

        Why would I write such long, elaborate posts that are regularly blocked by the sites fire wall to spam instead of simply replying with short, say-nothing replies like others have?

        Seems like someone is feeling defensive for being called out for being too lazy to educate themselves and instead pushes their ableist viewpoint on a neurodivergent person to fit their needs.  Entitled much?

        To be clear I’m not here to teach you, I answer posts of people who seem enthusiastic and passionate but need help.  I have no interest in interacting with you as I don’t see you adding any value to the community so far, just throwing out irrelevant opinions and criticising others like the site admins based on your values.

      • #8261
        Points: 796

        He got awful lot opinions of some one else bro ,for someone who states repeatedly he didn’t want or need anything well if that is so true see you on the first and let me have it you still going to get the 2000 or me you just won the light from RIU dude at least I was man enough from the beginning to let everyone know I was going for it because I have never won nothing but that doesn’t even matter just don’t be sneaky. and guess what I am not spamming to get my points every time I post back it’s cause you got something slick to say bro and I had respect for you dude but it is what it is

      • #8270
        Points: 6,638

        Paranoid much?  The same questions apply; if I’m trying to win the light why did I stop posting threads after talking about how cluttered the forums were getting by spam?

        Why do I type long, detailed replies instead of quick ones that may or may not  be relevant?

        Why haven’t I been posting much over the last week?

        You’re projections are your baggage which is your issue to deal with. Although I’m tempted to win the big light at this point just to give it away to someone like Atom or Neurotic Turtle who really deserve it for posting quality content…

        I haven’t sent referral links to anyone really, it’d be pretty easy to get 4 friends a day to join up if I want to win….

    • #8149
      Points: 796

      I always thought after it’s got the first node was what older farmers explanation has been to me, although I am not saying that this is true,but I’ve went by it and that’s the time I start giving them nutes and I have not lost many by going that route but to each is there own my friend so take it as you like it’s just a offered opinion,I wish you the best @pilted I can’t wait to see the buds on theese guys for the last post of your crop looks great 😃

      • #8232
        Points: 6,638

        The first node is when the first true leaves grow in, but only with a single leaflet.  At that point the plant is actively growing roots more then shoots, it could be as little as a week or two to establish healthy roots or 3-4 if the seedlings get stressed like the CBD Rene I have growing.  There is no definitive answer as it depends on too many variables, so like everything it comes down to having the knowledge and experience to be able to read the plants growth to figure out where it’s at.  Although there’s no visible signs like the shift from opposite to alternate phyllotaxy when a plant is ready to flower, it really comes down to experience.

      • #8240
        Points: 1

        Have a nice day good sir.

    • #8274
      Points: 796

      Am I supposed to not thank you now for this thread we’re you chimed in but I’m not supposed to yours isn’t spam.my replies aren’t that’s what I have done reply reply reply to not nothing else

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