Home Forums Q&A Leave plants in the dark 24 hours when flipping 12-12 Reply To: Leave plants in the dark 24 hours when flipping 12-12

Points: 546

ooof. This is one of those myths in the cannabis community a lot of people keep beliving even tho it has no real scientific background. Leaving plants in the dark for so long probably wont hurt your plants, but it can be a source of stress, which combined with some other mishaps can cause real problems. The only real benefit would maybe be triggering flowering a bit sooner, but even that is questionable and kind of irrelevant since youll only be starting flower a few hours early if at all. I think those few hours arent as important as 1. keeping your plants stress free and 2. getting that 12 h of light u could be getting if u didnt leave the plants in darkness.


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