Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation A never ending thread of “user made” PPFD maps!

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    • #8145
      Points: 961

      Due to circumstances I won’t discuss right now, I made the plunge and spent $2.00 on a PPFD meter, sort of. I was pretty convinced buy Shane’s video promoting this phone app, so I went out on a huge $2 limb and bought it for my phone. By george, after testing my ‘original’ SF2000 in my 2×4 tent, the numbers look very impressive and consistent with Spider Farmers PPFD maps for my light.

      So I would invite any and everyone who would like to make their own PPFD map, to post their results into this thread. Please include as much information as you are comphy with and include the device used (phone model or lux meter and model, PPFD meter)  light model and manufacturer’s specs along with tent size and conditions (open side or closed) and pictures!!!!

      Here is Shane’s video on the PPFD meter app. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgdmAsY0VN0&ab_channel=MIGRO


      Here are my reading and tech info.

      • Meter: One+ 8 phone w/ PPFD meter app
      • Tent: MAXSISUN 60 x 120 cm (2′ x 4′)
      • Front flap open and styrofoam for reflection
      • My PPFD readings taken @ 12″, 18″ and 22″ heights
      • Spider Farmer PPFD reading taken at 12″, 14″ and 18″ heights

      Here are pictures of the SF2000 setup for testing:


      Here are my reading:


      and here are the original PPFD maps from Spider Farmer for my SF2000 (NOT the 2022 model)

      YES, I’m impressed with the apps reading in compairison to Spider Farmers AND with how well this light has held up as a veg light for over 2 years.

    • #8150
      Points: 796

      This is why spider farmer is top shelf equipment to me, because those readings are close to what spider farmer advertise, and to me that shows that you are dealing with tryed and true equipment when you purchase it, I am going to get a meter and will post the results on my next post to this thread thank you @IamN2pot. For this is a cool and very informative post friend!

    • #8153
      Points: 961

      I should have also said to please give the setting you use, in the app. You can set it to several setting, like Source Type. There are dozens of light types, color spectrums and such. The original SF2000 and SF4000 have a 2 to 1 ratio of 3000k to 5000k diodes or a k color of 3500k LED w/ 660nm, so that’s what I chose. Easy peasy.

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      • #8155
        Points: 796

        Thanks for the clarification @iamN2pot that is duely noted and most important advice, for I am not the best at using the internet, I thank you again for the info.

      • #8237
        Points: 6,638

        After reading @NeuroticTurtles comments in his grow journal I don’t really trust the PPFD apps anymore, although either he or @Atom can explain it better so I’ll leave it to them if they care to chime in.  Once I get a proper meter though I’ll gladly post up some PPFD maps, I’m particularly interested in how much they degrade over time and the intensity lose, so it’ll be convenient to have them all in one place.

    • #8299
      Points: 796

      Yes it would be much better if we could have those things all placed in order I’m in great hopes that when the contest is over I believe that they will fix more things in the forum I honestly think it depends on the ppfd meter you buy before I’d say I don’t really believe them,I mean you can buy a 600 dollar 50 inch tv or you can buy 1500 dollar 50 inch so why or better how could you say that you wouldn’t trust the meter after nearotic turtles post as I remember that was my post where I was asking about ppfd but oh I just spam my bad Soma get a good quality meter like companies do there test with on you tube and the meters will be close to the ppfd maps by the company assuming the company is SF,hlg,or Mars hydro to name a few of the Big dogs in led lights

    • #8797
      Points: 961

      A PPFD map you’ve never seen????

      Phillips 54W Equivalent 46 in. High Output Linear T5 Type A InstantFit Daylight LED Tube Light Bulb (5000K),  here.

      Tested with the PPFD Meter app and a UNI-T UT383BT , here.

      FYI! Bulbs are rated at 24w each (x4=96watts) and is why those maps say 96w. I put the fixture on my new watt meter today and it is pulling 115.2 watts.

      I have an old 4 lamp, T5 Floro grow tube grow fixture and since the T5 tubes were old, replacing them with LED’s seemed to me like the thing to do. Below are my meter reading inserted into the PPFD Meter map.

      To begin, I took reading without any reflective walls, in the middle of our garage, to use as a base. I finished with reading taken inside my 2’x4’x5′ tent with the flap closed.   Enjoy the maps!

      NOTE: The first 3 maps are at 24″, 12″(not 24″) and 6″. I forgot to change the hanging height from 24″ to 12″.


      …and now for the reading inside the tent.

      This set of PPFD maps were taken inside the tent at 12″, 9″ and 6″.




      Those 6″ and 9″ reading inside the tent aren’t half bad for 115 watt fixture, IMHO.

      Hope these help,  N2

    • #8801
      Points: 796

      You are the man @Iamn2pot you have just convinced me on these t lights I have really been thinking of adding them to the side of the tent you know,do you have any suggestions for me,thank you for doing this expirament so we could all learn you are most appreciated my friend thanks 👍

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