Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Anyone have experience with bad cheap white led lights

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    • #6059
      Points: 244

      The setup I have now. 2 55w, 4 50w lights each are 5000k led lights not sure how efficient they are. My question is does anyone have experience with something like this and any tips. I used a app called Photone but don’t have the led option so I chose what I thought worked. I tested and about 2” from light it’s 300-350 ppfd and up to the light it’s 400-430. Should I try to just keep them as close as I can to light without light burn/ heat stress, would that increase yield?

    • #6109
      Points: 6,116

      I use the photone app too, but I thought it had an led option.  I got through my first grow with 2 cheap Amazon led.  They seemed to work fine.  I wouldn’t get the lights too close.  The manufacturer usually has recommendations about how far away to keep it during which stages.  Someone more knowledgeable will get back to you, but I usually don’t go to much closer than what they recommend.  I got to close first grow and got some foxtailing.  Good luck.

    • #6919
      Points: 796

      I’m not quite sure which way to direct you on this but I will tell you to message say @atom,@cannabliss or @somatek one of these dudes can better assist you ok

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