Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Breeder/strain reviews (Seeds/clones)

last updated by Nate 2 years, 3 months ago
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    • #2167
      Points: 4,166

      Hello community.
      Please lend a hand & leave your real world experiences with breeders/seeds/clones.
      Who’s got the fire? Who’s passing out boof?
      Shipping fast? Shipped 6 months later?
      Victory or Rant!! Don’t hold out on us :mrgreen:
      Help us all get directed to the best!

    • #2312
      Points: 796

      I’ve had good results with seedsman and ilgm both are good in my opinion!

      I’m one who also does a lot of cloning, right now I have white widows, purple queen, purple ghost candy, peyote gorilla and blue berry with skunk#1 and wedding cake otw! Woo hoo

      • #2378
        Points: 4,166

        Nice! Hellova heard you have there. Currently have Thug pug collab#5, lit farms ice cream sundae, MassGrowers Connection – Dream wedding, cult classics cement shoes, Banana kush, a sativa bag seed (Strain unknow, but sativa af) & a chunky little auto in a 3gal pot.  I’ve flowered the Thug pug & dream wedding multiple times. Awesome pair.

        I let go of my ILGM wedding cake, tho she was pretty & a nice producer.

    • #2392
      Points: 138

      I’ve grown seedsman mostly, just finished there peyote wifi and she was a heavy producer and heavy high. Grew a GG4 from 00 seeds and it was a decent grow just not as potent as I like but awesome flavor. I have 2 juicy fruits autos from photon pharms that just popped soil 2 days ago with 1 blue dream from seedsman and another peyote wifi  cuz I really like that strain.

    • #2411
      Points: 4,166

      Thug pug & tiki madman have taken the cake for me. By far the most enjoyable buds.
      Taste, bag appeal off the scale. An absolute joy to watch in flower.

      my top list in order from best to worst that I’ve grown: (some regs were males *unable to position them appropriately*) they will have no number in the list (yet)


      1. Thug pug – SSSC collab #5

      2. Tiki madman – Dante’s inferno

      3. Massgrowers Connection – Dream wedding

      4. Lit Farms- Ice cream cake

      5. ILGM- wedding cake

      6. AMS seeds (Amsterdam marijuana  seeds)

      *overseas (Not in the US, but ships to the US)

      Nice Autos.. haven’t tried their photos yet. iHave a NL Xtrm I’m waiting to pop.

      7. Maple Crafts – Running one of his autos.

      well worked strains!!!


      8. Jordan of the islands – Sensi star is awesome

      Haven’t popped any females from:

      Thumbprint genetics /Miztergreenthumb

      Sticky Mitten Genetics

      copycat (found a male in an s1 pack)



    • #2453
      Points: 146

      Ive had nice results with Mephisto Genetics for the past year. They are all autos. They are based in California but they have a warehouse in Canada so shipping wasn’t a worry. The big issue with Mephisto is the limited supply and they sell out fast.

      Forum Stomper, Sour Stomper and Samsquanch OG are solid strains and easy to grow.

      Worth a try if you want to grow reliable autos.

      • #3934
        Points: 470

        That’s good to know that they have a Canadian warehouse. I’ve thought about ordering from them, but I didn’t want my seeds to get nabbed crossing the border lol.

      • #4046
        Points: 4,166

        I know a couple of solid seed sources in Canada. When you need the info hmu, I’ll go round up some links for you. I’m about to hit the bed, or I’d do it now.

      • #4119
        Points: 470

        Right on, I’ll keep that in mind. I probably won’t be on the hunt for seeds until the spring, but I’ll try to remember to ask when I’m in the market.

    • #2468
      Points: 1,422

      I just bought Sweet Seeds – Blueberry cream and the germination was 100%. Reviews of this strain is awesome and hope I have the same experience. Ethos Grapes also a great strain to try.

      • #2639
        Points: 796

        I would definitely like to try some autos especially easy ones to grow at first @spaceman79

    • #3831
      Points: 1,670

      so far I’ve only grown two strains worth writing home about… but a little context goes a long way… I’ve got an anxiety disorder so I base everything around medicating for that.  Anyone can buy distillate and some terpsauce and mix up some generic and powerful mids, but finding either alt cannabinoids or a full spectrum terp profile that even touches the anxiety is tricky.  Standard delta8 cultivars are enjoyable still, but my burn rate is about 6:1 when there’s no thcv present.

      1) TGA Subcool’s the dank – Lemon Stilton

      this one might be a bit tricky to source in the future, as subcool passed away a while back, and any remaining beans might be stale.  I heard rumor Mz. Jill was going to keep some of subcool’s strains running but idk where that all ended up, I see she’s bringing back Vortex but no mention of the lemon stilton.

      2) oldschoolba/reeferman genetics – Black Willie

      currently growing a GDP x Black Willie cross, and have previously grown their trainwreck x bw, plus a couple other black willie f1’s with the original being the best of the black willie varietals in most categories except for yield.

      Also in the flowering room is some thc victory from dp, we’ll see about that one in several weeks here — DP site says 11 weeks flower, she’s only finished 3 and a bit.

      couple months and I might try and bring in some Royal THCV from RQS and some Palmera THCV from kwikseeds/therealseedcompany.  Not the thai thcv yet, as their site describes it as tending to herm.




    • #3834
      Points: 702

      Mass Medical Strains. Putang and grape pupil are both soild strains that grow just as the describe. Both in color and flavors

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