Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Foxtail Buds

last updated by Atom 2 years, 3 months ago
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    • #2984
      Points: 1,422

      I think one of my plants might have had foxtail buds – well hard to say. Is it genetics or stress that causes it?

    • #2988
      Points: 702

      If it’s just one plant definitely stress but can be genetic. My last run I actually had a hot spot and got some fox tail. I moved my fan and seems to have stopped it.

    • #2991
      Points: 6,638

      Could be either, some plants like a lot of tropical, long flowering varieties naturally grow fox tailed buds, like a true haze.  Others will grow them if flowered too long or stressed by excess heat or a hormone imbalance.  Is the variety you’re growing known to grow foxtails?

    • #3045
      Points: 796

      I have had a few this time but I think it’s from the stress of the heat of summer I think 🤔 if not 🚫 I would like to get the reason why I’m trying to post pics of them now 

      • #3170
        Points: 1,422

        Nope – the genetic reviews does not indicate that it is part of the genetics thus I think too long flower or stress. Chopped it but sad that it was a poor season in general for me.


    • #3049
      Points: 6,116

      My first crop had some heat stress and foxtailed.  This one had been spitting out new white stigmas but doesn’t look like foxtailing.  I was talking to someone a few days ago and they said that’s normal.  Both my grows ended up throwing out new stigmas towards the end though.

    • #3082
      Points: 796

      That’s what I 💬 think this guy’s doing cause if you can blow up the pic you will see that it’s filling in every where it’s sprouted out and looked like it was foxtailing but I just don’t know.What I do know is I had two exhaust fans going and two fans circulating the air and it was still over 90 some degree over 12 days out of 70 if that helps I’m 4 days from 10 weeks and I desperately need space for my new plants ,but I’m going to make it till tricomes are amber.But anyway if any of this information helps you diagnose something else please let me know.Im the type of guy once I know something is going wrong I just 🛑 it and do it properly from them on.What I’m getting at is I’m smart enough to learn from my mistakes and take good advice no matter anyone’s race, religion or age of you know something I don’t about growing,then I wish to learn it if said person doesn’t mind sharing there gardening secrets.I understand some things have to be like bush baked bean and only that information is told to my doberman pinscher and pitbull.


      • #3185
        Points: 702

        I ran into same problems brother. We also had some bad storms took power out 3 or 4 times. Once it was out for over 24 hours. I do have a generator but my light are on at night to try and run air less. My neighbors would not be happy if I ran it all night lol

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