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2022年 10月 4日 at pm12:06 #2820
A good discussion I find to have, especially on new forums/subreddits/etc, is what info to post if beginners need help diagnosing a problem. I’ll start by sharing what info I look for in order to provide a more accurate guess about what the underlying cause may be.
First off is the pics, ideally I like to see a pic of the entire plant from the side clearly showing where the problem is, another pic from above looking down and finally a couple close ups of leaves showing the issue. Often people just post close up pics of the leaves but that leaves out essential info like where the problem is expressing itself which narrows down what the issue may be.
Next as much details about the grow as possible; temp/humidity range, age of plants and stage of growth, water/feeding schedule (how often for each, how much water to reach saturation, how much run off there is, what dose of fertilizers or amendments used, pH, EC for mineral salt fertilizers, etc), air flow, pot size, plant size, pesticides used and frequency and anything else you can think to share.
Often people assume the issue is too much or not enough nutrients when often the issue is a cultural problem like letting the soil dry out too much/not enough between watering’s, too much air flow causing the leaves to dry out, Not flushing the medium to prevent nutrient lock out, etc. The more info people have, the more likely they are to catch potential mistakes made and the more accurate the guess. Always keep in mind that anyone offering advice is guessing based on their knowledge and experience.
Which brings us to the last point, arguably the most crucial. Always ask people why they think their opinion is right, what signs they’re basing the suggestions on and balance how informed their answer is to weigh contradiction opinions. Almost inevitably you’ll have people throwing out very different guesses about what the issue is and it’s up to you to discern more from less credible guesses. In the end we’re all just taking shots in the dark, so as the grower who knows best what’s the plants have been exposed to, it’s up to you to to decide the process of elimination from most likely problem to least likely.
What do other people look for when trying to help someone figure out what’s wrong with their plant?
2022年 10月 4日 at pm4:58 #2879
Great advice on taking anyone’s advice
2022年 10月 4日 at pm5:42 #2890
I just pretty much advise more cal mag when I see an issue with someone’s plants. Nah, I’m not really to the advice giving point yet. I have used a few of my mistakes to help some other people though. That’s a really good post and should be in a spot where everyone comes across on their way into the forums. In the threads that explain the forum. Really great stuff that helps me out a lot. Also now I know who to come to if I have an issue.
2022年 10月 4日 at pm8:59 #2908
When I first started working in a hydro shop back in my 20’s my Dad’s comment was “great, now all those mistakes you’ve made in your grows will come in useful!”, there’s nothing quite like being negged by your own parent… lol.
The real key to diagnosing nutrient issues is first to not assume it’s a deficiency because there isn’t enough there but to consider cultural issues like how the hydration of the soil affects nutrient absorption, so if you’re letting your plants dry out too much between waterings that may be the underlying issue. After that you really need to consider where it’s expressing, mobile nutrients like N, P, K, will express at the bottom first as the plant moves them to the active growing point, immobile nutes (most of the micros) will be the inverse as the issue expresses in the new growth when the nutrients aren’t present. CalMag (that’s either calcium or magnesium, not one magical element in case anyone is confused as someone chirped at me that it’s simply call it CalMag and assume people realise calcium and magnesium are different elements), the darling of pot growers evrerywhere, is easy to pick up as it expresses mid plant as the only really semi-mobile nutes. Which is why it’s important to include both a side shot and one from above as that tells people where the issue is showing first which narrows things down.
2022年 10月 11日 at pm12:00 #4717
This is very helpful. I have been meaning to, but haven’t gotten around to it. I wanted to make a “Copy & Paste” template for people to use with all info that should be included, allowing for us forum goers to fill in the blanks with our specific info.
- Indoor or outdoor?
- breeder & strain
- Organic or synthetic + grow method + medium (Hydroponic, soil, coco, other soilless medium, autopots, octopots, DWC, DTW.. etc)
- Grow space size + pot/container size
- Lighting used (Brand name & model + watts pulled from the wall + light schedule + spectrum)
- Growth stage of the plant (Ex: Day 17 veg or day 45 from flip) *If you start counting the start of flower when clusters form please indicate that*
- Daytime & nighttime temps + humidity ranges (Ex: Nighttime 65-60(F/C) / 55-60% RH, Daytime 79-84(F/C) / 50-55%RH)
- Ambient temps + humidity outside of the grow space (If in a tent) as this air is being pull in via vents when extraction fans are running.
- At least 4 pics (whole plant, affected area, under the skirt & above the tops looking down)
- Nutrients/plant food used – please include how much is recommended by the manufacturer, and also the rate you feed if it is different.
- Feeding frequency – (watering days, top dressing, teas, synthetic supplements)
- input PH/EC (Please include what meters you use)
- How much run off & how frequent do you water til run off? PH/ EC checked? (Synthetic only)
- Are the issues on new growth?
- Have you previously tried resolving this issue before asking here? If so, what was done as an attempt to remedy the issue? This can make or break the ability for an accurate diagnosis.
- Ventilation?
- c02?
- AC, dehumidifier, humidifier?
@somatek if you have anything to add I will edit. If you have a better order it should be in, please say so. We can take the final draft & only use that. Whomever needs assistance can copy & past this in a reply & answer the questions + post their pics accordingly.We can all come up with something as a collective & sit around the table later & sign it into law like the Declaration of Independence lol
- This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Cannabliss.
2022年 10月 11日 at pm12:20 #4719
1. Indoor or outdoor?
2. breeder & strain
3. Organic or synthetic + grow method + medium (Hydroponic, soil, coco, other soilless medium, autopots, octopots, DWC, DTW.. etc)
4. Grow space size + pot/container size
5. Lighting used (Brand name & model + watts pulled from the wall + light schedule + spectrum) 6. Dimmer setting (If applicable)
7. Ventilation? size + CFM rating Carbon filter? (Include pic of set up please) 8. co2 used?
9. AC, dehumidifier, humidifier? Monitors used?
10. Growth stage of the plant (Ex: Day 17 veg or day 45 from flip) *If you start counting the start of flower when clusters form please indicate that*
11. Daytime & nighttime temps + humidity ranges (Ex: Nighttime 65-60(F/C) / 55-60% RH, Daytime 79-84(F/C) / 50-55%RH)
12. Ambient temps + humidity outside of the grow space (If in a tent) as this air is being pull in via vents when extraction fans are running.
13. At least 4 pics (whole plant, affected area, under the skirt & above the tops looking down)
14. Nutrients/plant food used – please include how much is recommended by the manufacturer, and also the rate you feed if it is different.
15. Feeding frequency – (watering days, top dressing, teas, synthetic supplements)
input PH/EC (Please include what meters you use)16. How much run off & how frequent do you water til run off? PH/ EC checked? (Synthetic only)
17. Are the issues on new growth?
18. Have you previously tried resolving this issue before asking here? If so, what was done as an attempt to remedy the issue? This can make or break the ability for an accurate diagnosis.
Fixed it a little.. couldn’t edit the original anymore.
2022年 10月 11日 at pm12:42 #4723
I just copied and pasted the text into word, edited the list and then copied it back and re-numbered it. Great idea and contribution to make helping people easier, this is exactly the kind of info that if reinforced will make helping people a lot easier, a lot more accurate and will bring in all the beginners looking for accurate info to help them learn.
2022年 10月 11日 at pm12:37 #4722
I’ve re-ordered it how I’d ask questions, to describe the grow room from major factors to minor and added a couple things here and there for your consideration, I put them in bold so it’s easy to see what I added. Some of them may be redundant so by all means edit away as I won’t be offended if you ignore some of my suggestions. I know I’m a verbose mofo, so I always appreciate when people make things more readable.
- breeder & strain
- Indoor or outdoor?
- Grow space size + pot/container size, Sun exposure if outdoors (hours of direct sunlight)
- Lighting used (Brand name & model + watts pulled from the wall + light schedule + spectrum)
- Organic or synthetic + grow method + medium (Hydroponic, soil, coco, other soilless medium, autopots, octopots, DWC, DTW.. etc)
- Describe ventilation system
- c02?
- AC, dehumidifier, humidifier?
- Daytime & nighttime temps + humidity ranges, VPD (Ex: Nighttime 65-60(F/C) / 55-60% RH, Daytime 79-84(F/C) / 50-55%RH)
- Ambient temps + humidity outside of the grow space (If in a tent) as this air is being pull in via vents when extraction fans are running.
- Temperature of the soil/root zone if using a heating mat or other external heating.
- Nutrients/plant food used – please include how much is recommended by the manufacturer, and also the rate you feed if it is different. Any amendments/bacterial innoculant/myco/etc used?
- input PH/EC (Please include what meters you use)
- Feeding frequency – (watering days, top dressing, teas, synthetic supplements)
- How much does the container dry out between waterings?
- How much run off & how frequent do you water til run off? PH/ EC checked? (Synthetic only)
- How are you rehydrating peat based soil mixes if they dry out too much?
- Growth stage of the plant (Ex: Day 17 veg or day 45 from flip) *If you start counting the start of flower when clusters form please indicate that*
- Are the issues on new growth?
- At least 4 pics (whole plant, affected area, under the skirt & above the tops looking down)
- Have you seen this issue on previous crops, if so are their any similarities? (i.e. both crops in early flower, expresses after transplanting, etc)
- Have you previously tried resolving this issue before asking here? If so, what was done as an attempt to remedy the issue? This can make or break the ability for an accurate diagnosis.
- Have you had issues with bugs, PM or other pathogens? Any other stress on the plant?
2022年 10月 12日 at am2:40 #4854
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