
Home Forums Q&A How close should a light be to seedlings.

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    • #1954
      Points: 2,471

      I have a TSl 2000,  how close should that be to seedlings approaching veg stage?

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Racky.
    • #1961
      Sean Moore
      Points: 264

      How tall are seedlings I try to stay between 18 and 24

      • #2126
        Points: 796

        I think 💬 this is a tricky question, depending on size of seedlings and if your light has a dimmer,so I don’t want to venture a guess. Good luck though I would definitely at the minimum keep it 30 inches that’s just me though.sorry can’t be much more help

    • #1963
      Points: 4,166

      Not much light is needed. You can get away with 25% at 2ft, and either move it closer or turn the dimmer up as they grow.

      In veg I would only go up to 50% max at 18 inches once they are established & transplanted into bigger pots.

      The rest of the power is saved for flower while maintaining 18-20″ from the top of the plant.


      How long have you been growing? (If you don’t mind me asking)

      I’m entering my 3rd year.

    • #1966
      Points: 2,471

      They are about 12 inches tall now or ver close. One has three nodes and one only has two nodes now. They started yellowing cuz the soil was to hot for seeds so i transplanted in 5 gallon pots. Now they are going green again. I currently have light at 20 inches above canopy and 40% intensity

    • #1987
      Points: 2,471

      This is my first controlled grow indoors. I tinkered with it 10 years ago outdoors but was more of a drop in spring and pick up in fall. This past summer i grew all gas og which i had to harvest and still got a bruce banner going strong

      • #2127
        Points: 796

        I would keep it around 2 feet away bro.Looks like you know what you are doing from the looks of your outside ladies so you will do good inside bro.

      • #2892
        Points: 6,116

        I did that once too, but mine was close to 20 years ago.  We planned then by the creek in the woods behind my house.  We let it go until we thought it was done.  Now that I know a bit I bet up pulled it up around week 4 or 5 flower.  We couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t get us stoned.  Also we def dried in the microwave.

    • #2038
      Points: 860

      Ive always used HID’s so when it comes to LED’s I’m still new, but we always just use to go by the “heat feel”,  hold our hands above the plants and if its not hot, then its good to go lol..

      Not the most scientific approach, but it’s worked over the years.

      • #2743
        Points: 2,471

        Thank You!! Im hoping to have a greener thumb with my control of their environment.

    • #2130
      Points: 1,670

      According to your mfr and model’s par chart,  looks like 12″ @ 25% dim would yield you 325-350 PPFD, which is about as hard as I’d run them.    Do you have a dome, ventilated dome, or are you raw doggin’ the ambient RH%?

      • #2171
        Points: 546

        Yup, its all about the PPFD, so take your time with the par chart to determine what distance is good. As @necroticturtle said, seedlings need their PPFD below 400, above 200. But thats just for the first 2 weeks (if growing from seed).

    • #2734
      Points: 6,116

      I keep my lights pretty far from them.  About 2ft and 50% strength.

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