2022年 10月 6日 at am10:49 #3367
Is it dependant on the company?
2022年 10月 7日 at pm4:08 #3796
Correct @keith I worked for republic, running equipment in a landfill.It didn’t matter what job title you held,if you tested positive you were fired period.I hope this helps to answer your questions but @keith deserves the credit for his answer was spot on correct!
2022年 10月 8日 at am1:58 #3835
I think the company had the choice if they want to test or not. Something that needs some advancement is testing. I mean your allowed to drive after a beer or two, there should be a testable limit to see if someone is to high to drive. I think most people know when there to high to drive and make the choice not to. Unlike alcohol where your just like f it I can drive I’m good. As it is now, even if they just smell it they can give you the same sobriety test they would for alcohol, if they find you failed and test your blood there no way to know if your truly driving high or smoked 3 days ago.
2022年 10月 8日 at am4:55 #3841
Dude like 7-8 years ago I got a job at this local grocery store. When they drug tested me they use an oral swab. It tested back 30 days for cocain and opiates and meth but only tested 10 hours back for pot. I had smoked that morning brushed my teeth and didn’t fail. I thought I was going to start seeing them all over but I never saw that kind of test anywhere ever again. Why the fuck wouldn’t they use that. It’s fucking bullshit. My God bc a million years ago some asshole who ran the country thought pot was evil now were still dealing with that stupid mentality almost 100 years later.
2022年 10月 8日 at am5:03 #3847
Ita getting there man. There’s still a generation that thinks it’s similar to hard drugs. I’ve found that many of them are coming around. Alot of older people using it more and more.
2022年 10月 9日 at pm3:41 #4170
It would definitely depend on the company. Even here in Canada you can still get fired for testing positive, and it’s fully legal here. What’s bullshit is the fact that you can test positive for so long after smoking, even if you never smoke at work, you can still test positive.
2022年 10月 9日 at pm4:46 #4185
They need to fix that. You’d think they’d want to. It shouldn’t be detectable for anything over a few hours.
2022年 10月 9日 at pm5:49 #4221
I mean, there’s no real incentive for them to do it right now. Like, they’re weeding out people who smoke weed, so in their mind it’s doing what they want to. What do they care if they’re screwing over responsible smokers. In my experience at least, it seems like it’s a less frequent thing these days. So hopefully things will get better.
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