Home Forums Lifestyle Let’s hear one of your favorite pot related stories

last updated by Nate 2 years, 2 months ago
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    • #5377
      Points: 6,116

      Mines not that great but I feel like it made a large impact on my life so it always stuck with me.  We were at least 2 years younger than the kids who were throwing a party a few miles down the street.  It was very rural and prob more like 7 miles.  We were the 8th grade stoners and they were the high school ones.  So they tolerated us but weren’t overly friendly.  They sold us pot and let us party on occasion.  Our main goal in walking that far was to score pot.  We were camping in my yard that weekend, so we left the tent around 10pm and went.  I don’t remember a bunch about the party except it was outside and in.  It wasn’t some massive high school party, just some stoners drinking around a fire and inside a barn.  We hung out for 30 min, scored our pot and began the long walk home.  We had our plan together for if a cop drove by.  There’s no way they wouldn’t stop and see what 3 14 year old kids are doing walking down the street at 2am.  And that’s what happened.  My buddy ditched the bowl but I didn’t have the heart to ditch the weed.  The cop got our story that we were walking back from a friend’s house but it was obvious we had just come from the party 3 miles down the street.  He drove us home but before he did he patted us down.  He got down to the front pocket where I had the pot and he’s holding the bag of weed in his hand through my pants and looks me dead in eye and says “you got some change in your pocket? ”  and I said “yes officer”.  And we got in the cop car and he drove us almost all the way home.  He didn’t even tell my parents he found us walking home from a party.  I’ve thought about it a lot over the years and considered how much grief that guy saved me from.  Really I know exactly how much bc the more or less same thing happened a year or so later and it began the years long battle with my parents over my pot smoking.  So I guess he only really saved me from a year of grief, but that was a fucking awesome year.

      Share your story.

    • #5389
      Points: 470

      In high school one night I was smoking a joint on a field between my house and a friend’s house. All of a sudden we see two large men in dark clothing walking around the bush we were behind. My immediate thought was that we were about to get robbed, but then I quickly realized they were cops, so I pitched the joint. Turns out someone in the house next to the field called them saying we were playing with fireworks. So they asked us if we had anything else on us, and we didn’t, so they told us they were going to take us home. As we were about to pat us down before we got in the car, they asked us if we had any sharps, knives, or rocket launchers lol. I was too worried about getting caught to laugh about it at the time, but I still look back on it and laugh years later. In the end they took us home and made us explain to our respective parents that we got caught. I didn’t even get grounded, my parents just made me promise that it wouldn’t happen again. It was probably the most chill my parents have ever been about weed (at least while I was living there in high school).

      • #5392
        Points: 6,116

        That made me laugh.  The part about the neighbors saying you were playing with fireworks was hilarious.  When I was 15 my parents caught me and I had to take drug tests to not be grounded. I complied until they stopped.  Then a while later they caught me again.  I was 16 and was entrenched in that lifestyle.  All my friends at school smoked.  It was my high school identity.  I couldn’t quit even if I wanted to at that point.  We battled for the next year, but eventually I’d just leave the house anyway and they couldn’t do much.  It just makes me sad that my high school years were spent fighting with my parents about such a small thing.  I’ll prob end up letting my kids get away with too much bc of how strict my parents were.  I already do.

      • #5649
        Points: 470

        That’s rough man. My parents weren’t on board with me smoking pot, but they never went so far as to make me take drug tests. It’s funny though because I my brothers and I pretty much just kept smoking weed until they just accepted it. I remember one Christmas after we were all adults, they for some reason rented the Harold and Kumar Christmas special, so when they told us they were going to put that on, my brothers and I looked at each other and without a word we all went outside and smoked a joint lol. Now it’s to the point that we openly talk about growing at family dinners, and my mom even asks how my plants are doing lol.

      • #5729
        Points: 6,116

        We’ve gotten there too, but it didn’t happen while I was still living there, lol.  It’s been the past 10 years or so.  My dad’s not thrilled about it but like you said my mom loves it and asks about them.  I guess they grew a plant when I was a baby, but said they just did it bc they liked the way it looked. She said they never got anything off of it.

      • #5747
        Points: 470

        That’s good to hear that they’ve come around man. Weed shouldn’t be something that splits family up.

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