Home Forums Grow Journal THC Victory

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    • #4051
      Points: 1,670

      Hi all, got some more shots of my in progress THC Victory grow, continued from that other forum but seperate from my GDP x BW thread here.


      Just starting to notice some trichs on these here sugar leaves, but it might only be visible if you zoom.  hmmmmmm.

    • #4052
      Points: 1,670

      Well, can’t see much of anything unless you view in a new tab then zoom in on it, let me crop the snot out of it and try again:


    • #4053
      Points: 1,670

      I suppose an introduction is in order, this this thread is for a pair of Dutch Passions THC Victory plants.  Grown from seed, potted in 5gal buckets in HP Promix and vegged until large, LST’d twice. This one was flipped to flower 23 days ago, with its sister joining it just a few days ago.  Fed lightly a diet consisting of House & Garden Soil A&B as a base, with some technaflora magiCal, GH Hard Water Micro, GH Floralicious Plus, GH Liquid Koolbloom 0-10-10, Green Planet Massive Bloom 1-2-3.


    • #4054
      Points: 1,670

      Currently sitting under a spider farmer SE7000, 7″ hanging height right now.(she jumps every day, I’ll move it again tomorrow).  Also under 2x Solacure Farm & Ranch bulbs, about a 12-18″ from those, as they’re on for the full 12/12.  I had an intermittent cycle timer around here somewhere, but the house nisse must’ve snagged it.


      -uncalibrated lux sensor-

      @Spider Farmer – can you work with these guys and get a dual spectrum w/IR profile sorted out?  Natural Daylight 6500k is the closest option for reading the full gamut.  I’m aware the fixture only cranks out ~1550ish on the par chart at 8″, so I adjust accordingly, but it’d be nice to have that adjustment taken care of automagically.



      • #4057
        Points: 702

        Woah woah hold up. Where is this picture from of the ppfd, is this about app or something? There new lights have a read out like that? 🤯

      • #4061
        Points: 1,670

        its the ‘PPFD Meter – Grow Light Meter’ app, it pairs with the Uni-T UT383BT Lux sensor:




      • #4065
        Points: 6,116

        That is pretty cool.

    • #4063
      Points: 702

      Dang it man that’s sweet. I need this on my life lol

    • #4225
      Points: 796

      I didn’t know that they had apps to match up with the PPF meters , sometimes I forget that this is the 21st century.

      • #4619
        Points: 6,638

        It’s pairing with a lux meter to convert to PPFD, a PAR meter which reads the actual PPFD directly is much more expensive then a lux meter.  Although I imagine the lux meter and app are more accurate then the apps which simply run off your phone although that’s just a guess and it’d be nice to see a comparison.

        It’d also be wonderful to see Spider Farms create an PPFD conversion app specific to their lights and spectrums which would be a wonderful asset for their customers to have more accurate, easily available info to optimize their grows with.

      • #4629
        Points: 1,670

        I’ve put a message in and left one in Q&A about the ppfd meter profile to match Spider Farmer’s spectral output data to a new profile… but we’ll see if they get to it.


        In the meantime if I get brave I can try and calibrate the configuration to the 1550ish PPFD at 8″ below center and take more precise readings.   As is I set it to natural daylight and set manual thresholds for the ‘high/med/low’ display, ignoring all but the relative discrepancy between calculated and expected PPFD.

        is right, on the back end the app is taking the raw LUX reading from the bluetooth meter, and hitting it with a conversion factor based on the spectral power, probably near ’54’ on this chart. https://www.apogeeinstruments.com/conversion-ppfd-to-lux/


        the Photobio PAR meters are about $250 but only do the par region, I can’t even find a price for the new ePAR quantum sensors from Apogee in Canada, but they’re expensive AF so….


        $65 got me my UT383BT and it doesn’t limit out like the ALS on android phones does.

        iPhones use a standardized factory calibrated front camera, compared to the Ambient Light Sensor found on droids.  There’s like…. 30,000 different droid devices now, so they’re not expected to be anywhere near accurate or reliable with Photone.


      • #4639
        Points: 1,670

        Ooooh baby, just got a reply from the PPFD Meter dev, they’re gonna try and help with the SE7000 profile.

        looking forward to some precise measurements!

        …. guess I better subscribe to the app now, lol – just been dodging the ads so far.

      • #4643
        Points: 6,638

        Wonderfully detailed answer, thanks for elaborating and explaining the difference.  Seems like a great investment instead of assuming the PPFD is accurate when there’s clearly too many variables for any real degree of accuracy and they don’t hold much weight.

      • #4813
        Points: 470

        Migro did a comparison between several different phone apps with an Apogee SQ500 quantum sensor. You can find the write up and video here.  Neurotic turtle nailed it with the android apps being veery unreliable, but apparently the iPhone one was consistent, only it was off by 10%.

    • #4377
      Points: 1,670

      And this unkempt,  bushy creature is my other THC Victory, fresh from clone duty and getting topped that one last time.  Photo is ~5 days post topping, but is same age of plant as the first one I put into flower.


      • #4378
        Points: 1,670

        Nestled in this green mass is but 4 mains that split into a ton of side branches, compared to the three nodes I left on the first plant.  She’ll get trained a bit to open her core and then I’ll defoliate a lot of the lowers and some of the middle to open up the light distribution and get rid of a bunch of magnesium deprived leaves.

      • #4620
        Points: 6,638

        Nothing like an untrimmed bush to bring back memories of the 70’s… 😉

      • #4379
        Points: 702

        You have that 7000 at full power that close? I need to get me one, the sf4000 I have in 5×5 don’t quite cover it all. I have the older version with no spaced diodes and there is a significant hot area in the center.  I see why they adjusted it. It’s good to see a company grow and change there products after getting feed back. Cudos Spider Farmer 🤘

      • #4381
        Points: 1,670

        You bet, full power of the sun at the equator, including UVA/B please.  My leaf temperature is fairly low, even with 79F ambient. The Solacure Farm & Ranch bulbs hit that 285nm waveband just heavily enough to stimulate the UVR8 proteins without causing genetic damage from tighter frequencies.   I hear bad things about the internal reflectors in the solacure bulbs, but there’s precious few sources of 285nm in Canada that aren’t DIY.

      • #4621
        Points: 6,638

        I’ve generally been having a lot of stretch if I follow manufacturers recommendations and have been keeping my LED’s closer to get tight nodes.  Although I just started using them so take that with a heavy grain of salt.

      • #6821
        Points: 796

        Just like all other technology products, and Apple 🍎 is to technology and as good as it gets in computer equipment.The same Caterpillar is to construction 🚧 and heavy equipment!

      • #6823
        Points: 1,670

        Apple is just a brand at this point Brad, one with no third party repairs or service possible.  I only even mentioned them elsewhere here because of their standardized brightness sensor, the rest of the phone’s features and hardware are dubious at best, and I invite you to start a thread elsewhere regarding anything but the brightness sensor or relevant brightness apps.

    • #4478
      Points: 605

      Looking great. Really love the lights

      • #6825
        Points: 796

        Unfortunately I don’t have much knowledge on the subject of ppfd and the meters I was just comenting what I thought 💭 of the apple phones being better equipment to try instead of Android I am pretty computer dumb for lack of a better word,but I think apple splified there stuff better for they’re much more easier for me to use than either the android or Windows I understand that all are close to the same I just prefer apple 🍎 sorry for any inconveniences on my behalf

    • #4579
      Points: 1,670

      how it all started, left one is destined for more veg time before flowering, right one for clone momma duty, shown tied down to promote it’s side branches:

      note the magnesium deficiency starting early AF, intense LED fed plants love their magnesium and calcium apparently.

      vs. how it’s going, day 25/26? of flower:


      • #4580
        Points: 1,670

        8 more weeks of flowering if you go by the Dutch Passions website, what have I signed up for?  She’s not a small plant already…

      • #4627
        Points: 702

        The longer flower time strains are supposed to be very terpy, I’m sure it will be worth the wait, and possibly the weight lol. Looking good bro 🤘

      • #4635
        Points: 1,670

        Well the biggest allure with this strain is the THCV content, coming in with a 1:1 ratio to the delta9-THC.  Should make for some remarkably calm flower at 7/7% and some mind altering rosin.  I have a disorder – paralyzing anxiety attacks hit daily, with a large percentage of them where I can’t even feel my hands and then cramps and spasms start in my extremities.  The THCV strains I’ve grown in the past have been life changing in their efficacy in alleviating the anxiety and paranoia that comes from not being able to control your limbs, or breathe normally.  Lost a lotta weight though, the appetite suppression factor is real… down to a trim form now, from a rotund 220.

      • #4646
        Points: 6,638

        Thanks for the detailed report of how THCV affects you as I’ve never grown any varieties that are known to have it.  Can you compare how it’s the same or different to CBD?

        As far as weight loss goes there’s more studies showing that one of the homeostatic effects of the endocannabinoid system is regulating our weight to bring it into a healthy range, either gaining or losing weight as needed.  There’s so much unexplored potential into the medical use of pot, which is both exciting that the research is finally being done but also sad prohibition has limited us for so long.

      • #4659
        Points: 1,670

        Well, for my receptor balance, sadly, cbd is only mildly calming and I find the isolate vapor tastes like apples.   If I want to regulate my anxiety with CBD only, I’m looking at some insane intake values I’m not comfortable with.

        THC high+cdb zero is … ok.

        THC high – CBD low is also ok, but I find the nervous effects tend to come on slower.

        THC low – CBD high – might be fine for stopping the shakes and the nerves, but man is it unpleasant.

        I find too much cbd to make me somewhat ill, but that could just be the sources these days.  Okanagan CBD imported a bunch from china apparently and sold it as local/legit cbd a while back, and I think that was what I was getting, so who knows what was in that.. [THC-o is known to cause some gnarly gut pains and related issues in some people.]

        Now on to the good stuff…. THCV!

        This bad boy is so very, very close to our old friend delta9-thc but with two fewer carbons attached to the side chain.  As a result it fits into our receptors differently, approaching different bonding angles and binding affinities.

        There’s a lot of subtle differences, but the biggest thing you need to know is that it potentiates any THC present.

        Some research indicates that THCV isn’t even psychoactive on its own, but I’ve never come close to finding out.  My absolute best second pressing high temp rosin extract could’ve been AT most ~14% THCV by weight (THC boils at 315F, THCV boils at 428F, not sure where the melt points are, off the top of my head.)

        this new THC Victory is supposed to be roughly 1:1 ratio, so should be able to provide an extract approaching 40-45% THCV.

        In my own experience, the onset from cannabis containing THCV is often delayed but intensified as the chemicals jockey for position.

        THC-high CBD-low cannabis tends to be more warm and mellow for me than pure THC chemotypes.  Mixing all three offered nothing out of the ordinary at the sane, cost effective dosages I tried it at – the CBD was as if I didn’t even bother.  The effects came on the same as without, all the way up to 300mg CBD isolate, where I became nauseous again.

        I’ve never considered trying CBD + THCV alone, without THC.

        As far as relative intensity goes, the rosin I made from TGA Subcool’s Lemon Stilton was the strongest THCV stuff I’d ever made, and it was enough to damp down an anxiety attack as-well-as or better than 1/2 to 1.5x of one of my prescription tranquilizers, dose dependent.  I’m not going to get into which drugs or my response to all that, as that would be too subjective.

        One thing to mention is that the high is very stoning, do not attempt to automobile.  Hits you right in the forehead and wraps itself around your cranium, then down the smooth muscles into the extremities.  By the time the THC has kicked in, potentiated by the THCV and terpenes, you might notice decreased ocular pressure and pain as well.  I’m not sure if there’s any more medicinal way to imbibe cannabis than from a THCV cultivar.   [In my unqualified opinion at least, I’m aware that in vivo/vitro tests have shown other cannabinoids to be equally or more effective on various pathogens and cancers]

        as per usual on the internet – your mileage may vary.


        PS. you’ve had likely had some THCV before, in low quantities, likely in an ‘early’ harvested plant or an african sativa like Durban Poison.


      • #4679
        Points: 6,638

        My only assumed experience with THCV was 20 years ago when I bought a bunch of landrace Durban Poison that didn’t look at all like modern bud.  I was testing it with a friend, after 15 mins and probably 7-14g toked we were bitching about how it didn’t have any effect, after another 15 mins and equal amount I realised we were both talking like we had been on a speed bender; spitting out words at a hundred miles a minute.  There was no paranoia or edge like with most highly stimulating, equatorial varieties which is why I always assumed it was THCV.

        Are you getting these varieties tested for actual cannabinoid ratio’s or going off the breeders listed ones?  Our experiences are so different I’m curious about the variables as my assumption that it had high THCV could easily be wrong, like I said to the best of my knowledge most of what I’ve consumed is the typical Type 1 chemotype (high THC/no CBD) and THCV seems to be a pretty rare expression.

        Can you also clarify what you mean about it being present in early harvested crops?  My understanding is that is was produced by a different biosynthetic pathway from THC, which from my understanding is based on genes determining whether CBG becomes THC or CBD, with THC degrading to CBN.  It’s been years since I looked at that though and wouldn’t be surprised at all if my info is out of date.

      • #4695
        Points: 1,670

        unfortunately, can’t afford my own testing, so I have to rely on repeated comparing my own pheno hunts and any breeder reports or actual testing they have done with 3rd party lab reports and BCCS batch testing.  Which makes actually finding THCV cultivars a little trickier, and the math for max potency even worse.   There’s a fast flowering Early Purple Kush with THCV, if I recall some of the original Power Plant tests for it, Durban Poison has been tested at 1.5-2%, Black Willie(Vietnamese Black x Willie Nelson) tests for it regularly, as does Lemon Stilton(exodus Cheese cut x Jack the Ripper).  In some cases I’ve gone out of my way to purchase batches that have tests for thcv on the test report, but finding those and enjoying them at a reasonable price is out of reach, and batch size might be misleading.   New to the market is RQS Royal THCV, therealseedco’s Palmera THCV / Thai THCV, and the THC Victory from DP for reliable sources.   Best flower I’ve found on the open market with a test was a 3% batch of lemon stilton that hit almost as hard as the batch I later grew.  Second was a batch of Jack’s Qleaner at 2.6%.

        Any yield ratios I have for my own extracts are based on measured weights of rosin after an extremely high temp squish.  So I’m close on total %, but have to estimate the (maximum) THCV content.  This is made far easier by splitting the fraction into two runs, one low and one high temp, then titrating the high temp fraction with pure distillate until roughly equal potency to the low temp squish.   Barbaric, I know, as all the monoterpenes are all likely in the low temp squish, but I have a bottle of Blue Cheese full spectrum terpene profile for balance.  Not 1:1 comparison, and this is getting to be worse and worse science… but we’re only ruling out the potentiators with this step.


        You’re right in that the -varin pathway is different, it starts with a different acid base, but very similar enzymes and metabolic steps.  She’s only 2 carbons different, and can occur simultaneously with THC chemistry, in lesser quantity.



      • #4735
        Points: 6,638

        Again I deeply appreciate the depth of your answer and clarity of explanation on how you reached your opinion.  It’s much easier to take at word knowing you’ve considered the nuances and are aware of the factors affecting accuracy and relating your anecdotal experience to tested product.  It reinforces my suspicion if it was actually THCV in the durban poison I sampled all those years ago or another factor like being harvested early that influenced the effects.  You clearly have more experience and understanding of THCV so your opinion obviously carries more weight, again thanks for sharing such useful info about a little known cannabinoid, especially as it sounds like it has a lot of potential for medical users.  Great post!

        Now to go try and find some literature about THCV biosynthetic pathways, it’s always wonderful learning you have knowledge gaps to fill, thatnk for helping me learn.  If you have any links to share by all means but no worries as I’m sure I can find some papers on google that will edumacate me goodlies.

      • #4741
        Points: 1,670

        This lab blog has a lot of inline links to research articles that are fairly relevant:


      • #4748
        Points: 6,638

        Cheers, you’re a true scholar and gentleman/women.

      • #4644
        Points: 6,638

        I find longer flowering varieties tend more towards the citrus, cedar/pine, spicy/peppery or astringent cat piss aromas but don’t necessarily have more terps.  Definitely different as the acrid/gassy/diesel terps don’t dominate so the plants often smell very different.

    • #4622
      Points: 6,638

      Great journal, love seeing those sexy thin leaves which always look so elegant and dainty.  I usually find there isn’t as much visible trichs on them compared to the more prominent wide or intermediate leaf varieties but their just as potent regardless.  Can’t wait to see what the end cola’s look like, with another 8 weeks I could easily some some nice long buds forming.

    • #4744
      Points: 1,670

      Here’s a little canopy shot from above the light, I have… some…. room for training on the big one, I guess?

    • #4856
      Points: 1,670

      update: just got an email from the Dev that works on the PPFD Meter app I use…

      because the SE7000 uses two different color LED’s at roughly 2:1 ratio (if I’m way off on my count, feel free to correct me, there @Spider Farmer ) we need to adjust the app’s profile from 4000k + 10% 660nm over to the actual color temperature of approximately 3666k + 10% 660nm.   Per the dev’s recommendation I started with the 4000k +10% 660nm profile and ran through the calibration steps to bring it in line with the par chart.

      it took a calibration factor of a full 25% to adjust the 4000k profile to where the PPFD readout would display roughly equivalent to the par chart.



      Once calibrated I adjusted the canopy height in my tent to 8″, 1541 umol/s, 66.6 DLI , and with that I’m off to take some readings and try and dial in the other couple plants, or at least record their environmental conditions on the calendar.

      • #5014
        Points: 1,670

        update on the par reading, I might have a wildly uncalibrated uni-t ut383bt, or a low reading meter AND a low outputting fixture (within tolerance I imagine, but not 25% out from the 4000k profile).  As the dev responded – he told me to use the 3500k + 10% 660nm profile with a lower calibration tune,  currently sitting at like 12% calibration factor on the 3500k + 10% 660nm red profile.  Could be the way I did the measurement too, with 1 side of the tent wide open…  I’ll find a way to elevate the meter under the light for the next tests, and zip the fourth wall on.  As it stands I’m a little worried, as I couldn’t get anywhere near the 1575 PPFD claimed on the mfr par chart for the 4×4 tent (with 4 walls on).


        update2: zipped the fourth wall on, that brought the reading way up, I was worried I had a bunk sensor or worse, an underperforming light. Currently reading approx 8″ below the light with a milder 5% calibration tune.

        tl:dr; zip your fourth wall up for doing brightness tests, and the calibration issues go away.

      • #6332
        Points: 6,638

        This will be useful in helping me dial in my PPFD as I’m realizing I need to be more aware of them vs using HID’s which aren’t nearly as variable it seems.  Of course it also feeds my gear addiction and endlessly buying more equipment to play with.

    • #5022
      Points: 1,670

      Day 30 of flowering, starting to see some marginal weight on the mains dragging them back down from the light. I’ll find a yoyo and some twine and start supporting the 6 mains soon, now that she’s starting to slow down on the stretching and the secondary/tertiary growth is filling out the middle.



    • #5030
      Points: 1,670

      day 30F macro shot

    • #5201
      Points: 1,670

      here’s a side view of the flowering THC Victory

      • #5203
        Points: 702

        Looks amazing. That’s a really nice shot showing off that light too. Nice work turtle

    • #5230
      Points: 796

      Kuddos @neurotic turtle 🐢 your thumb is as green as the emoji turtle I put on here Great job 💯 💯💯💯💯💯

    • #5244
      Points: 1,670

      One of the lowers, a center/tertiary branch… the smallest of the canopy but right under the hotspot on the light.

      current conditions: 79F / 48% RH, brightness near max with hanging height at 9″ for the mains. Day 31 of flower.


    • #6086
      Points: 1,670

      Pulled a branch that was getting rubbed to death, discovered solo nanner on it, lower down, harvested this bud to test potency.  If it ends up generating more male flower parts in there, I’ll be watching for it.  Lucky I had to check that branch in the first place I guess.  If it ends up going all sorts of hermie it’ll make for some badass hash or rosin as the first bud was pretty stronk, if relatively green tasting.


      • #6087
        Points: 1,670

        cropped vid of the branch in motion directly in the path of the fan.

    • #6089
      Points: 1,670

      Defoliated the unkempt clone momma a bit, removed some lowers that were never seeing the light, and left some others that might develop.  I’m thinking I’ll defoliate a bit higher next round and take more from the central core, as this plant isn’t going to see the training that the first one did.

    • #6333
      Points: 6,638

      Always a pain finding a nanner but inevitable if you grow a lot of seeds.  Looking good otherwise, only what, another 90 days to go?

      • #6393
        Points: 1,670

        7 weeks or so, for the first one, near 10 weeks more for the second plant, it just finished acclimatizing to the 12/12 regimen and is throwing its first decent set of real pistils everywhere.   If I turn the UV bulbs on and stunt it some more I’m sure I could push for 90, it looks like it has a 14-weeker in its heritage somewhere.

        Day 37/38 of flowering below, looking like it stopped stretching quite so much and is settling in to making weight.




    • #6404
      Points: 6,638

      UVB bulbs?  Do you have much experience with them as I’ve been curious about them myself.  I’ve used 10K mH bulbs to finish crops before and it definitely seemed to have an effect on resin production.  Which is why I’m seriously considering selling a kidney to buy a couple cmH to replace the 600w HPS.  I’d love to hear your opinions on using UV with pot and how it affects the phenotype of plants grown under them.

      • #6421
        Points: 1,670

        So far I’ve used my Solacure Farm & Ranch bulbs for maybe a half dozen grows, with varying degrees of impact.  Some research has uv as a stunting effect on overall flower size… so I’ve turned off my full time UV treatment and am now only giving them about an hour or two a day.  At an hour or two I’ve noticed even young plants putting on their waxy leaf surface earlier, growing thicker leaf, and growing trichomes freakishly early sometimes like this maui mac burger here:

      • #6425
        Points: 6,638

        UV intensity and saturation seem to be the key, although I’d be interested to see some solid studies around THC production and spectrum.  The TA for the pot production course I took at the UoG was doing her masters thesis on that specifically and I’m looking forward to reading it when published.  Which is also where I got the idea of running UVC lights during the dark period for pathogen control without significant risk, although there was no definitive answer to how that’d affect phytochrome development and flowering.  So it’s just another idea rattling around in my head waiting for time to be tested…

    • #6818
      Points: 1,670

      Canopy shot of the day.

      I bumped feed rates last week, now feeding

      • 20mL part A&B per 3.06L water,
      • 5mL Liquid Koolbloom
      • 5mL GP Massive Bloom
      • 2.5mL GH Hard Water Micros
      • 5mL Technaflora magiCal
      • 2 mL GH Floralicious Plus

      Manually switching the uv bulbs near the end of the day sucks, I need to find a cycle timer asap. (down to 1.5hrs/day UV)

      and a bud shot because.. why not?

    • #7294
      Points: 1,670

      bud shot of the day, backlit by what appears to be a flatbed scanner or the like.

      canopy startin to get a couple of those lovely lady lumps going on.  This is what the song was talking about, right?

      aaanyways…. day 40 of flower below, with an awe inspiring 37 days remaining on the clock.

      • #7337
        Points: 6,638

        I just had a flashback to a very awkward subway ride when I lived in TO where a little 10-12 year old girl was belting that song out as everyone starred wondering if she knew what she was singing about lol…

        Those are some nice cola’s forming, should yield well if there’s any density to them.  Is that twine across the front for support?

      • #7340
        Points: 1,670

        yeah, and I hope to replace it without leaving any fibers behind, but its what had on hand… thanks for reminding me to find something sanitary today.

      • #7348
        Points: 6,638

        A consideration often forgotten, which reminds me I really need to get some primer/paint and seal all the wood in the flower room before the weather gets too cold.

    • #7353
      Points: 145

      Looks fantastic awesome journal!

    • #7367
      Points: 796

      The journal keeps getting better and better every day.I love watching the flowers fatten,that’s a gorgeous strain,thank you @neuroticturtle

    • #7738
      Points: 1,670

      #THC Victory, Day 42F, canopy is approx 8-12″ from SE7000, feeding regimen adjusted down to 16mL H&G Soil A&B and 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per 3.06L water instead of the 6mL Technaflora magiCal I was using before.  Same additives and boosters.


    • #7892
      Points: 6,638

      Looks like it’s filling out nicely and the cola’s are starting to fill in.  Any particular reason you switched to epsom salts instead of calmag or just taking advantage of the already high calcium in your water to see if you can cut costs without affecting yields?

      • #7999
        Points: 1,670

        Mostly to keep overall ppm down, there’s already 300ppm of just calcium in the water here, plus whats in the H&G soil nutes…. I felt I could take a risk and switch to pure magnesium.  If they show signs of needing more calcium somehow I’ll go back to calmag.

        apologies for late reply, had a couple power outages here that lasted nearly an entire day.


        after the first power outage and way too much dark time with no water:

        another update later when I can reset the timers…

      • #8014
        Points: 6,638

        I kinda figured that as you’ve mentioned the water was really hard with high calcium.  It makes perfect sense to me, looking forward to seeing how it works out.

        No worries and definitely no need to apologize, sounds like you’ve had a day.  Plus I’ve been busy hanging drywall all day and threading the needle of pain management while being sober for work.  A grabbed a cart of Bonne Nuit from Madge & Mercer, at 20% THC, 50%CBD & 10% CBN it was a good blend for keeping my left hand functional without too much pain.  There a bit heavy of the added terps, it’s a pungent mix of pine and lemon that’d be nice if it wasn’t so strong.

    • #8137
      Points: 796

      @nearotic turtle 🐢 I’m sorry that you went through the power outage as that’s horrible to go through I live up on a mountain and when it snows bad,we always have power outages during winter, so I hope it doesn’t happen to you again and I pray it doesn’t happen to me this year either! I’d also like to say that your grow looks good especially under that se 7000 it’s a great looking light source for your ladies,best of luck finishing up, and I am excited to see them on your next post.

    • #8435
      Points: 1,670

      Nanners on branch #3 now, thats enough.

      This has been an adventure, but its not over yet.  I still have the other THC Victory to go, it was 3.5 weeks behind on the flower cycle, and may not have been stressed the same way or be as susceptible.


      still, rest in peacepipes there THC Victory #1, ye showed great promise, may your sister have an easier time of things.

      • #8534
        Points: 6,638

        Any idea what the cross is behind this variety?  That’s unfortunate but I’m sure you’ll give it a fitting send off in a cloud to join the clouds…

        Good luck with the sister and hope she’s more stable and not susceptible to growing dingleberries.

      • #8547
        Points: 1,670

        No clue, Dutch Passions hasn’t said what the parents are as far as I know, but the others in the same space are all african or thai sativa landrace selections.  I have high hopes for the GDP x Black Willie to follow, and if the THC Victory pollenated my GDP x BW I might even try running some of those seeds, if viable.  The black willie was a thai crossed to a nepalese strain, but was still a stable 9 weeker.

      • #8556
        Points: 796

        Is this the first time running the 16 week flower strain and why would you choose it say to the 9 week flower strain is the 16 week gal supposed to be that much better, just curious 🧐 on your decision to grow such a long flower strain.

      • #8565
        Points: 1,670

        I’m not sure which strain you’re talking about, the only 16-18 week strain I can think of is Mekong Haze.

        THC Victory is only an 11 week flower, nominally…. but ofc when I initially ordered I missed that entirely.

        I mean… I did veg the wee beasties for quite some time… so that could explain some of the discrepancy, but I’m still not 100% sure what you’re talking about.

        Flowering times aside, the goal was to provide 7% thcv, 7-8% thc, and a couple percent terps for a modest 15-19% total cannabinoid profile targeted to my anxiety disorder.   Honestly the backup plan was to make rosin containing roughly 40%/40% THCV/THC + %terps.  This just got accelerated a lil bit, and the terp profile is going to be off.  Possibly hints of ocimene (hay) and a metric tonne of phytol…. but it should be okay.


    • #8436
      Points: 796

      I’m sorry that you are having this happen with your plants having a nanners.Id never heard of them before this forum,but I hope that the rest of your girls make up for the one that is no doubt going to be smoked,so enjoy her as best as possible and best of luck to you with the rest

      • #8438
        Points: 1,670

        That’s just one of the risks to running exotic sativas with long flower times….  I can always try one of the others on market with a shorter window next, I think palmera THCV runs 9 weeks.

      • #8439
        Points: 796

        I can appreciate and understand that. I hope that the palmera THC victory is as potent as the ones you are doing now.I wish you the very best while finishing up the rest of your grow! @nearoticturtle

      • #8567
        Points: 796

        That was my fault I didn’t word it correctly,but you answered my question so thank you., Have a blessed day!

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