Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Was thinking of growing autos, wanted to ask some general questions.

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    • #8743
      Points: 6,116

      I grew auto freebies that turned out pretty decent.  Considering the mistakes.  But I thought of continuing to keep a closet going where I can start the next round of photos next to some autos.  Maybe just 1.  I’ll have to order some more seeds though.  I thought of going with night owl or Mephisto.  I didn’t do much research into growing autos before I started with these but when I did I found a lot of different info.  Some people said to plant them in their final containers and others did they keep potting up.  Are there different watering techniques for autos in soil?  Do they still like the complete wet to dry cycle?  I’ll continue to look stuff up but I wanted to see what you guys thought and see if anyone had any advice to offer.

    • #8755
      Points: 4,166

      You can go either way with autos. I do think that some are on the sensitive side & may think it needs to flower sooner if left in a small container too long, which in turn would keep the plants pretty compact.
      If I were to take a guess at why, I’d think once the tap root hits the bottom of the pot, most may be soon to trigger into flower. That’s just stoner theory though lol.

      I just grew an auto from a breeder out of Canada @maple_crafts_ is his handle on IG. If you hit him up, he can probably hook you up with some plants good for your space.
      This one was advertised on the label as small – medium in size. Started in a cup & went to 3gal on day 26 from sprout. She popped out a nice 112g dry. She was super fat.

      • #8764
        Points: 6,116

        That’s about the size that mine got.  I actually found 2 more auto seeds in my collection.  Ones from multiverse, it’s an LSD and the other is just another muchacha from twenty20.  You know for this whole grow I thought the strain was twenty20, but it’s the breeder.  I just gotta figure out who to get auto seeds from.  I guess I’ll prob go with mephisto.  They have a drop every Monday.  Which I don’t understand.  Why not just put the seeds out and let people buy when they want.

    • #8756
      Points: 4,166

      They also don’t require massive amounts of nutrients in flower. This girl stayed green the whole way through using 1tsp of maxi bloom every other watering & calmag here & there.
      Pretty easy to grow imho.

    • #8773
      Points: 1,073

      Autos were my least successful endeavor so far.

      A week 4 flower phase was tough for me because I was still sorting through deficiencies.

      The plants all ended up short even with stretch and produced small.

      I would love to try again when I can dial the environment and nutes in

      possibly even maximize with CO2 one day

      I would go photo for better control but thats my 2 cents.

      Side note did anyone else realize with the 100pts/1USD and 2 pts/post, that this is literally my 2 cents? lol

    • #8774
      Points: 6,116

      I hope they planned that.

    • #8861
      Points: 2,471
      • Im running Biscotti 33 autos next in bout a month or so. Any advice?
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    • #9346
      Points: 2,471

      I put seeds in a cup of distilled water over night. Not even 24 hours later and they both had tap roots. I planted them in 4 gallons of FFOF and added perlite.

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