
Home Forums Q&A What is the best thing to do for overwatering?

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    • #8083
      Points: 796

      I’ve seen several post or discussion about how much water to give,so I wish to know what is it I can do to help an overwatered plant? I appreciate your feedback

    • #8096
      Points: 702

      There’s things you can use to help it recover, recharge will definitely help. Silica can help make the plant stronger and get less stressed. Kelp is also good for the roots.

      Basically what happens is your roots get lazy and don’t search for water because it’s always avaliable. If its severely over waterd you could be starving it of oxygen. If you grow in hydro (dwc atleast not sure about all forms)you have to constantly pump air into the system or your plants will die very fast, sometimes within 20 min. When your in soil there’s air pockets in the soil and threw either drain holes, or if you use fabric the whole pot provides oxygen. That’s part of the reason they do better than plastic. But I’d you over water you clog up the access to oxygen, but it still will grow some because there’s oxygen in water. And also over water is the same as over nutes. Water is only a vehicle for nutrients to get access to the plant. It takes the nutrients and releases the water threw the leaves. So when your over watering, whether you add nutes or not there’s always some in the soil and it picks them up.

      The best thing to do is let it dry up good, almost to the point of droopy. Then you should be able to establish a schedule. It might take a bit for it to want regular waters. Just go by the weight until you figure out how many days it takes to almost get droopy. Plants grow the best just before they need water.


      • #8221
        Points: 6,638

        This seems a bit misleading as “roots being lazy and not looking for water” is exactly why high tech hydroponics has a higher potential growth rate over low tech soilless hydroponics.  The issue is limited oxygen availability from over watering as it’s when soil dries that oxygen is drawn back into the soil as the spaces fill with air as the water is sucked out.  Root need to breath oxygen as much as they need to be saturated, if they are over watered then they don’t have the oxygen necessary for healthy growth, they grow slowly and have a limited ability to supply what the plants need and anaerobic microbes which are more likely to be pathogens are much higher.

        Otherwise it’s dead on, the only solution for over watering is to not over water it, establish a good wet/dry cycle and use silica, kelp, etc to help it recover.

    • #8130
      Points: 796

      Thanks @atom I thought that this was a good post to discuss, I have the one plant that is clawing some,so I believe that it’s overwatered.I appreciate the information my friend.I will get her straitened out though I am in the ac infinity grow bags so hopefully it dries her out a bit quicker.

    • #8138
      Points: 961

      Aerate it!


      Aerate it! @Brad104

      Take a long Phillips head and put on your Woody Woodpecker halloween costume on!  😆

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by IamN2pot.
      • #8218
        Points: 6,638

        Aerating an overwatered pot with anaerobic conditions that encourage pathogen growth seems like it’ll significantly increase the risk of infecting your plants by damaging the roots by stabbing them.

    • #8141
      Points: 796

      I heard that bro,thank you for your reply @iamn2pot I do thank you for your reply.Its been most helpful just from the 2 comments I’ve received thanks b to both of you.@atom and @Iamn2pot

      • #8225
        Points: 796

        How is this any difference soma from me comenting on a post that I didn’t create and you didn’t create this post and you are giving an idea that is why I say you are the pot calling the kettle black bro I inject into a conversation and it’s rude and frustrating I believe that is what you said I know frustrating for certain but yet when you do it what it’s ok bro let’s just get back to try and keep helping each other instead of trying to be a supreme court judge.

      • #8242
        Points: 6,638

        If your posts aren’t relevant to the discussion that’s one thing, Neurotic Turtle called you out directly for it.  Both of my replies are directly related to what the OP has said, I was commenting on Atoms post as I found it misleading to people who don’t have much understanding and I was offering my opinion about why I wouldn’t aerate the soil by stabbing it to solve over watering as that seems like a liability.  Do you understand how those are relevant to the topic at hand and not just saying things to say things?

    • #8260
      Points: 796

      Yeah I understand that bro but do you understand that you didn’t get to your point standing by everything you posted was on the level.weve gotten along for 29 days until Ive finally at an end with your self ritiousness dude best of luck to you as well

      • #8273
        Points: 6,638

        Wait a sec, you were praising me this morning until I called you out for starting to spam again but now you’re saying you’ve put up with my “self righteousness” for 29 days and have had enough?  So which is it, have you found my posts useful and helpful which is why you’ve made endless compliments or was that just saying things to say things like I suspected?

    • #8275
      Points: 796

      Yes because you say you are trying to start a forum and not worry about a prize first when did SF contact you and tell you to start anything? That’s what I want to know and I’ll give anyone the same respect I get it’s that simple

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