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It’s not bad at all really. There’s a small investment of probably 60 bucks give or take. Depending on the quality of mesh bags you want, some are hundreds but last along time. Honestly I’ve always gotten pretty cheap bags, but I have gone threw about 10 sets. I’ve learned how to take better care over the years, I can explain that another time.

So you need your bag set. 2 5 gallon buckets, a dry wall mud paddle or something to mix with, store bought ice and water. It’s very important to use as pure of water as possible. If you have RO system that is perfect. I don’t and always buy it. It’s you’ll need between 2 and 3 gallon of water and a half a big bag of ice (10 lb). You want it to be as cold as possible or things start to get sticky and can make for greener hash.


You put your bags in one bucket, ice, water and materials in other. You then wait 15-20 mins, until materials feel soft. You want only the thc to break off for the best quality. You stir fairly easily, you don’t Wana beat it to much. Stir for 15 min. Then dump threw bags. Wait 5-15 min to settle depending on amount your running. Then sift it out into separate piles to dry.

I repeat once and sometimes twice if it’s really quality trim or bud. Always add more ice if it melts to much. This is a pretty basic explanation and I will explain more when I do some runs. If there’s any questions ill gladly answer.

I have never done fresh frozen so yall get to share my experience. I’m doing 9 fairly large plants so hopefully it turns out. 😅

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