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Next step is to get everything mixed in the pan under low heat. You never want it to boil or it will ruin it. I set my stove in 3 and it takes exactly 5 mins. It’s very likely going to vary for you if your making them so just be mindful to not let it boil.

You want to stir the entire time to keep things moving and mixing. After 5 mins remove from heat. You should see a little steam rising off and you’ll know it’s ready to pour into molds. I use a 2 cup oxo silicone measuring cup works pretty good but easy to over pour if your not careful. If some has a better to get into molds please share.

Be very careful when pouring, this stuff is like lava and will stick and burn the hell out your hands.

If you have any questions feel free to ask or if it seems like I left something out. Was quite a process just figuring out how to present this, hopefully someone can find it useful and I explained it well.

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