Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation LED Lights!!! Reply To: LED Lights!!!

Points: 795

I appreciate you taking up for me @pilted but I wish to make it clear to anyone I don’t know this man @pilted before the start of this forum I like every ones post who comes into the forum and I welcome them to the forum still after I don’t get any points for it .I truly wish them the best on their grow as do I wish you all  and I just try to be nice to all.Yes I have stayed on this site I’d say 14 hours or better a day,I’ve tried learning about things I don’t have knowledge of while trying to win this awesome light all I can say is I am blessed to be back in the lead and I thank each and every one of you on this forum, for you are all good people and I thank you @ pilted for the post and my concern,but God willing I can keep this little lead I have,I will hopefully be bringing this beautiful se5000 home,cause God and every one on here has saw how much I have put in to be where I am, please believe (EVERYONE) that is the truth thanks to everyone again,I would also like to thank each and every one of my friends I’ve made on here.

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