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2022年 10月 28日 at am4:49 #8086
I really really really wanna win a spider farmer light!!! I said it before I wanted the spider farmer light but my budget couldnt handle the cost. I am currently using a MarsHydro and I am loving it but wish I had the spider farmer because im feeling it would blow me away. I will get one in the near future.
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2022年 10月 28日 at am6:11 #8099
InactivePoints: 1I wish you all the luck in the world, but you need to start making some moves if you wanna win.
You can do it. I believe in you.
I have a feeling, today we will see many more @Racky forum posts.
Could you talk about the cloning process in next post? I’m need to learn cloning somewhat soon.
2022年 10月 28日 at am8:56 #8117
Spamming the forums with needless posts doesn’t get you ahead, it just annoys people. Posting valid questions if they haven’t been discussed elsewhere and being engaged in the community is how you’re suppose to earn points. If you’re making posts just for points it’s not going to get you ahead as it looks like Spider Farm is moderating the forums, deleting spam content and adjust points as both Brad and Keith have been docked thousands of points and I imagine I’ll be next.
There’s an entire thread about cloning already which will probably answer your questions but if not either ask for answer there to help keep the forums organized or start a thread about your specific questions.
2022年 10月 28日 at pm1:19 #8142
InactivePoints: 1I can see you being next 😂🤣😂🤣😂 lmao I’m just playing.
Man they put the contest up and put the rules clear as day, people losing points for doing what they asked seems a little rough.
They in here hustling doing what the contest asked.
Brad was the first person to like my post he also is doing things that doesn’t get him points that is actually helping the community. He is one of the main reasons I came back and am still here.
Boooooooo @admin Boooooooo if you going to run a contest you should think it through. No one likes Willy Nilly changes like this. In my opinion it makes the site look bad.
Just my opinion, you don’t have to like it, but it’s my honest opinion.
2022年 10月 29日 at am5:54 #8203
“Man they put the contest up and put the rules clear as day, people losing points for doing what they asked seems a little rough.”
Where did they ask people to spam posts? The rules are clearly designed to encourage community engagement without rewarding spamming, which is what’s happened although arguably should have happened earlier so people understood posting just to post wouldn’t get them ahead. Exactly like you were pushing Racky to do as that isn’t an interesting or engaging community when the boards are flooded with people asking the same question repeatedly pushing any original content off the front pages.
2022年 10月 29日 at am6:33 #8217
InactivePoints: 1They put a contest up for decent prizes and said forum activity gains you points, what part of go spam the forums are you missing in that statement?
Like I said before this is what they asked for. Forum activity. are they running bots on the site posting forums for them? If they are then sure roll them back, but if they are doing what was asked of them then, I don’t understand.
2022年 10月 29日 at am8:44 #8250
The part where they also clearly said deleted posts or threads will cost you more points then you earned… What part of don’t spam or it’ll cost you points did you miss in the rules?
2022年 10月 28日 at pm4:34 #8152
I appreciate you taking up for me @pilted but I wish to make it clear to anyone I don’t know this man @pilted before the start of this forum I like every ones post who comes into the forum and I welcome them to the forum still after I don’t get any points for it .I truly wish them the best on their grow as do I wish you all and I just try to be nice to all.Yes I have stayed on this site I’d say 14 hours or better a day,I’ve tried learning about things I don’t have knowledge of while trying to win this awesome light all I can say is I am blessed to be back in the lead and I thank each and every one of you on this forum, for you are all good people and I thank you @ pilted for the post and my concern,but God willing I can keep this little lead I have,I will hopefully be bringing this beautiful se5000 home,cause God and every one on here has saw how much I have put in to be where I am, please believe (EVERYONE) that is the truth thanks to everyone again,I would also like to thank each and every one of my friends I’ve made on here.
2022年 10月 29日 at am5:57 #8204
Please for the love of Jebus don’t start spamming again Brad… I’d hate to see your points knocked back again because you’ve gotten excited about being in the lead and get carried away again. Spider Farms shown that spamming puts you behind and I’d hate to see you get knocked down again this close to the end…
2022年 10月 29日 at am6:08 #8208
Please believe I am just answering replies and a couple of questions I have, I don’t know why they are only allowing me to get 2 points per reply as I’m trying to stay in the lead for your right on my heals but no matter what I’m not going to do anything to loose anymore points,all my points that were took from me were gained through the social network of the forum , I knew I would eventually get called on it but I learned soma I did I’m just trying with everything in me to be were I’m at still in 2 more days and a handful of hours,I’m just trying to stay ahead of you now my friend good luck to us all
2022年 10月 29日 at am7:01 #8230
They adjusted the points scheme awhile ago because of how it was being abused, posts and likes only get 2 points now, not 5.
2022年 10月 29日 at am8:29 #8247
Yeah either way i think its awesome that spider farmer is doing this forum. Its even more awesome they are doing a halloween giveaway!!!
2022年 10月 29日 at am8:47 #8251
Fully agree there, there’s a wonderful opportunity with a new community and Spider Farm deserves a big fat high five for stepping up with both the community and contest. Maybe it could have been run a bit cleaner to avoid people feeling like they were shafted just before the finish line but it’s a learning curve and there will inevitably be kinks to work out.
2022年 10月 29日 at pm12:58 #8264
A truer statement couldn’t have been said there bro.I am most thankful for the contest and can’t thank spider farmer enough for this contest.
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