Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this Reply To: Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this

Points: 796

Bro I hate it that it’s happening to us all I had a comfortable lead and now I am still scraping to get a win, although my points were took some couple of thousands of points at that, and I didn’t cheat either all I done was like everything on the social page and welcome everyone who signed up and now I am also only getting 2 points for my comments such as this one but hey i really never even figured I’d be in it @keith people been haten on me since the beginning and there was no mention in the rules about anything on the social part of it,but all in all man they are not going to give our points back that’s a fact I hate that this happened.Im just going to keep on keeping on bro

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