Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this

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    • #8126
      Points: 6,116

    • #8127
      Points: 6,116

      Mind you they were liking other people’s stuff as well.  The rules stated 200 points a day for likes. I got my 200 but am now being called a cheater.

    • #8147
      Points: 140

      I was one of those friends.  I joined the forum bc he invited me and I liked his stuff as well as other peoles stuff.  Im not sure how that is considered cheating.

    • #8148
      Reginald Hargreaves
      Points: 148

      I was Keith’s friend who joined the forum bc he asked me to.  I liked his stuff, is that cheating?  I liked a bunch of other people posts too.  Did they cheat as well?  Bro I told you this forum was going to be a waste of time, lol.

      • #8151
        Points: 6,116

        Thanks bro that should help

    • #8173
      Points: 707

      So your upset because they took your points because you had people come in for the sole purpose of liking posts? And you thought it would be fine because they “like other stuff too”? You exploited the system and got caugh, the ones who should be upset are the ones who are actually trying to create meaningful content, and getting beat out by a gang of people simply liking for points. You told them to like your posts to win, did you tell them to like others posts so it’s not as obvious? Mabie if you had them actually post something, anything… it wouldn’t of been so obvious. You got caught, take it like a man and move on. There’s still time to win, remember points will be added for more meaningful and helpful posts and showing off spider gear. If you would of concentrated on that from the beginning you probably would of lost nothing

    • #8174
      Points: 6,116

      The point is I worked within a system of rules.  I didn’t cheat.  They’ve since changed their rules, so obviously they feel their rules were wrong in the first place.  They took way more points from me than I got from likes.  There’s no way 2 friends liked 3-4 thousand points worth of likes, its 2 points a like.  There’s no fucking way

      • #8234
        Points: 6,638

        The admins can see all the forum activity and it’s easy to pick out patterns that suggest rigging the system.  If they decided your friends were liking your content disproportionately that definitely seems like cheating as it’s not about the content of the posts or what they contribute to the community, it’s about winning the contest.

        I was clear from the get go that the point of this contest is to build community and create engaging content that helps people become better growers.  It’s not a popularity contest or about posting content just to post things; that’s counter productive.

        You didn’t lose 3-4 thousand points, you lost around 2k.  The only reason you were ahead is because they had already docked Brad’s points, otherwise he’d be the winner.  Cry foul all you want but it just reflects poorly on you as you don’t see Brad complaining; he’s accepted things and moved on.

      • #8271
        Points: 6,116

        I don’t know what Brad was doing, I just know what was happening for me was within the rules.  They have since changed the rules so why am I being punished for an oversight on their part.  This is a contest bro, people compete.  They have us a daily limit of likes.  My friends joined the forum and liked my posts.  As well as others.  Where’s the wrong?   That’s a lot of supposing saying that there was a disproportionate amount.  That’s what I’m saying is its not.  I get it that you side with them.  But I would like to see some honest numbers here.  My friends are telling me different.  I’m going to believe them.  The truth is I’ve been treated unfairly, and I’m not the type to keep quiet about it.  If you’re telling me I cheated you should have to provide proof. There’s nothing wrong with that.  I’m sorry if you feel different.

      • #8284
        Points: 6,638

        I’m only siding with Spider Farm as I’ve had people asking me how you and Brad got so far ahead so quickly and were making accusations of cheating.  You say everything was above board, Spider Farm docked you points for whatever reasons they decided which I assume was looking at the data and not just random.  Outside of that I have no opinion, if you were posting because you wanted to win it doesn’t surprise me you’re feeling burned by the unclear rules and late moderation then it makes sense if you bail and I would too in that situation.

        Which is also why I’m clear I don’t care about the contest as building a community is more important.

    • #8178
      Points: 1

      Yeah them rolling your points back makes the contest seemed rigged. I agree even if you added alt accounts and liked your own posts, I didn’t see anything saying you couldn’t do this when I started.

      If you actually invited friends and are getting punished for it then that’s just not right at all, that is what they wanted.

      One things for sure though. Admin on here can see ip addresses of accounts. So if all alts on same IP address it’s kinda obvious they all you.

      Idk what happened, or what you did. But it all seems like some shananagans to me.

      • #8179
        Points: 707

        Well first if all, the post originally states he got 7 people to join and like his stuff *and others can’t forget that part* and now he’s stating its only 2. So which I’d it 7 or 2? And secondly the content isn’t even over yet. He still has time to post, and others may get points deducted. If he genuinely thought there is a problem he should take it up with spider farmer. But he didn’t, he came out publicly, had the friends who did his liking defend him. 🤔

      • #8186
        Points: 6,116

        Only 2, and I found out it was actually 3 people out of the 7 I signed up had liked some stuff.   And to be completely honest man if I thought I was doing something wrong I would not have done it. If I thought it was going to bother people I would not have done it. I apologize for doing it. I truly thought about it as bringing more people to the forum, more things were happening, more traffic was coming through. I specifically told them don’t just like my stuff only. I was not in any way trying to be unfair, and after having talked with the friends there’s no way I gained that many points due to just their likes.  Take the points by all means of I was doing something wrong.  But take all of them.  Why am I being punished with extra points being taken for something that or was not stated couldn’t or shouldn’t happen.  Again I do think the fact that they liked other people’s stuff makes a difference.  With that all you have is 3 people who wouldn’t have been logged in previously who are now logged on and liking a bunch of people’s stuff.  I still don’t really see how it’s wrong, but if people are pissed then I am truly sorry.

      • #8187
        Points: 6,116

        And bro I’ve been trying to communicate with SF since they sent the message.  I’ve sent them 4 or 5 messages and they won’t respond.  That’s why I took it public.  Also this is a community and I genuinely wanted to see what you guys thought.  If I’m wrong or have done something wrong I don’t have a problem admitting it.

      • #8188
        Points: 6,116

        Yeah, that’s im saying.  Check the ip address.  I never thought I was doing anything wrong.  Also I’ve talked to my friends and wife and there’s no way they had accumulated some 3-4 thousand points in likes at 2 points a like.  And why didn’t they take all the points from likes they gave everyone else too?  And then you’re telling us that our friends cannot like our stuff for points.  The truth is I brought traffic into the forum, did what they asked, a bunch of people got points for it and now I’m being punished.  Thank you for your reply bro.

      • #8236
        Points: 6,638

        Why are you saying they docked you 3-4K points for likes when you only dropped 2K?  It seems like a lot of hyperbole and exageration.

      • #8259
        Points: 6,116

        It is.  I don’t know exactly how much they docked me.  I don’t know exactly what I was at.  But it seems like much more than I got from likes.  They won’t respond to me.  That’s all I want to know.  And did they subtract all the other people’s likes my friends gave.  There’s a few things I’d like to ask them about if they would respond.

      • #8269
        Points: 6,638

        I think you lost between 1800-2000 points as I remember you being around 7500 before they knocked you back.  It’s the weekend, I doubt anyone is working to answer your questions but I hope you get answers sooner then later.  I can only imagine how frustrating it must be thinking you were good only to be knocked down just before the finish line.  It’s sounds like they thought your friends were fake accounts which is why they deleted the points awarded from their likes but that’s just guessing based off what you’ve said.

      • #8280
        Points: 6,116

        I thought I hit 8k but I honestly don’t remember.  I prob didn’t, I don’t know, but they do.  There’s no way I got that many points from likes.  You get 2 points for a line.  That would be 1000 likes.  How long would it take to get 1000 likes?  I guarantee you my friends didn’t go through and like 1000 of my posts.  I don’t even have that many.  It’s insane to think 2000 of my points came through likes.  Also to be called a cheater for working within a rule system they designed and have since changed.  Then to be ignored.  Yeah I am frustrated.  I was so happy to be apart of this forum.  I was on reddit telling people about it.  I got all my friends to join.  I haven’t even barely updated grow journals on the other forums.  This was going to be my forum.  Then on top of that I needed a light.  So I finally competed in something, worked within a system of rules then got called a cheater for it.  And then you’re telling me I should just keep quiet about it like Brad did.  I don’t know Brad’s situation.

      • #8283
        Points: 6,638

        Likes were originally more points weren’t they?

        My comment about the hyperbole was because of the exagerated numbers, even if you were at 8k that’s only 2.4k that was docked which isn’t close to 3-4k you claimed they docked.  I can understand if you were upset and not thinking clearly but when someone makes exaggerated claims that are not true (I know you were under 8K) then it’s hard to take their other points seriously.

        I personally wouldn’t have posted a thread like this, I would have reached out to spider farm and make a personal decision if I was going to keep investing time in the hopes of winning or if it wasn’t worth it because I couldn’t trust the company.

        This is why I said from the start and have been clear I don’t care about the prizes, for the amount of time spend posting on this forum I could have simply worked and bought one.  I assume my points will be corrected as well before the contest ends and I don’t care.  Unless of course Brad keeps annoying me and I decide to win just so he doesn’t that is lol….

      • #8293
        Points: 796

        Here’s proof in point yet again.

    • #8189
      Points: 796

      Bro I hate it that it’s happening to us all I had a comfortable lead and now I am still scraping to get a win, although my points were took some couple of thousands of points at that, and I didn’t cheat either all I done was like everything on the social page and welcome everyone who signed up and now I am also only getting 2 points for my comments such as this one but hey i really never even figured I’d be in it @keith people been haten on me since the beginning and there was no mention in the rules about anything on the social part of it,but all in all man they are not going to give our points back that’s a fact I hate that this happened.Im just going to keep on keeping on bro

    • #8212
      Points: 1

      Let me go a head and put some likes on this topic and comments.


      God I hope they don’t think you forced me to like your posts. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Or maybe they will think I’m one of you 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

      For the record I joined from a post I seen on Facebook, I don’t know anyone here personally.

      I do know Brad and Keith both have encouraged me, they have tried to help me with my questions, and I have gained knowledge from there topics.

      @Spider Farmer you put this forum together so I assume you know what you are doing. So I will assume you looked at IP addresses and verified these claims as cheating.  You got big prizes on the line, people do crazy things for big prizes, people cheat, people lie about other people cheating, I have no idea what happened but I hope you verified this personally.


      • #8268
        Points: 6,116

        Hahaha, they will def think you’re part of it.  Man I honestly didn’t feel like I cheated.  I read the rules countless times.  I talked to my friends about it.  Everyone thought it was within the limits of the contest.  I just wanted some clarification on things.  Did they take the points from me or from everyone else too?  Who’s likes count for points now?  Is it just people who you didn’t get to join the new forum?  I just wish they’d get back to me.  I feel cheated.  I don’t feel like I cheated.

      • #8279
        Points: 6,638

        The paranoia is blooming as the contest comes to an end lol.  The rules were definitely unclear as I had no clue you could get points from posting on other social media like Brad was doing to get his lead.   If the points had only be given out as stated in the rules and there was moderation to control the spamming early on I think this would have worked a lot better instead of people feeling burned at the end.

      • #8281
        Points: 6,116

        I just want them to get back to me and then I’ll be done with this forum.  If anyone deserves to win the light it would be you.  You’ve been more of a help to me than any other single person since I started growing.  It was only bc of the info you and a few others have been providing this month that this could even be considered a place worth anyone’s time to go.  They ought to base the contest of that.  It shouldn’t been a vote at the end of the month as to who’s had the best content.  Instead they gave us rules and called us cheaters for following them exactly as they were written.  Even though I disagree with most everything you said on this post, you’d still get my vote for overall best content, lol.  I just wanted to say thanks.  I’ll prob still see you on riu.  I remember seeing a somatek on there.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Keith.
      • #8292
        Points: 796

        I don’t think it’s paranoid I think it’s just everyone voicing there opinions,

      • #8291
        Points: 796

        I’m not sure who this is but I do thank you, from everything in me dude I don’t know anyone on this forum or any other nor have I ever won anything,never once have I claimed to know it all what gave me all of my 80,000 points were I liked everybody who joined the forum welcome them and discussed with them to the best of my knowledge although I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer some people think my Post question were spam hey it’s there opinion I thank you for liking my post and I thank you for speaking for me I just wanted you to know that I appreciate and I’m still trying until Monday night at midnight I also wish to thank spider farmer for the contest and I also appreciate them.           Thanks again bro.

    • #8288
      Points: 796

      Dude I lost first points to be lost for welcome everyone into the forum that’s it I didn’t get a message nothing I was at 80,000 anyway I hope we all get through this still being the friends we’ve been for the last 29 days, and we need to thank spider farmer for anything we win I know I will be appreciative that is for sure.if I’m lucky enough to pull through

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Brad104.
    • #8301
      Points: 1,073

      Easy fellas, we all know I am gonna win this baby! Ive got the most Spider Farmer Brand Name stuff out of all you!!!lol

      I bet I am the only one on the planet with the infamous Spider Farmer Light Controller!

      P.S. If you mods are reading this… I have room for a 4th SE5000 in my tent. Just sayin.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Loves2Trim.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Loves2Trim.
      • #8352
        Points: 6,638

        That settles it, we have the winner right here as anyone who’s got the spider farm light controller deserves the insta win…  How do I transfer my point to you? lol

      • #8376
        Points: 6,116

        Dang you must love to trim if you’ve got that much growing space.  That’s super cool, hope to be there someday.

    • #8379
      Points: 796

      I hope to just have the 1 SE 5000 @loves2trim I was thinking about you earlier you running 3 in a 7×5 or something that would be awesome.This mess will be over in around 50and 1/2 hours I’m figuring. Best of luck with your grow

    • #8382
      Points: 1,073

      12×5 lol Its sad i just did a large size upgrade and botched 12 autos. Cue the WAH Wah wahhhhh music.

      on the light controller… im pretty sure they had to hand craft the dang thing. cause its never in stock and took forever to get. now im on my first issue with it i think they are building the Mark III prototype to send to me lol.

      You should enjoy the SE5000 Brad the detatchable driver makes for some good tuning when playing between winter and summer conditions. I hope its the SE5000 upgraded they have an extra IR and UV led on each bar your yields will greatly improve.

      Kieth i also envy your tent you are about to have  im sick of buying seeds. Id love to start a mother plant for clones or even feminize my own seeds with silve. a second tent would be titties because i have a spare everything because i suck and buy new instead of research.

      I fell far out of the race boys. I just didnt have the beautiful words and knowledge you boys had to keep grinding away post after post… BUT! you guys have already helped me 10 fold which is the point of this forum not the prizes. NOT! I have a bunch of new ideas, mostly involving my water. I will be starting a new grow here about Tuesday, when my… wait for it…. Spider Farmer Seed mat shows up…

      for anyone interested in the strains… that frigging snowman was in my head the other day. I went with Super Silver Haze and Gold Leaf. Tis the season Boys!  I will keep ya all updated!





      • #8390
        Points: 6,638

        I more impressed you have a space that big and decided to fill it with auto’s, that’s dedication…

        Sweet jebus I hope they don’t run another contest on the forums after this, not unless they’ve learned a lot of lessons from this one as I bore through the spamming for a month but won’t be again.  Next contest I’ll take a break until it’s over as it’s the worst part of the site so far.  Glad to hear you’ve learned from it all though as that’s more valuable then the light and will make a much bigger difference in your grows.  At least until you’re hand crafted mark III prototype arrives at which point I assume it’ll do everything while making you a cup of coffee…

      • #8406
        Points: 6,116

        Lmfao,Bro I had to stop when I read the word jebus.   Is that from a movie or something?  Bc I’ve been saying that for like 15 years.  I thought I made it up but it could very well be from something and I’ve just forgotten.  I was in this super fucking Christian rehab.  It was kinda like a Bible boot camp out something, with the thought that you could more or less pray away your addiction.  I’d ask people all the time who this “jebus” guy everyone keeps talking about was, and they eventually kicked me out.

      • #8407
        Points: 6,638

        Lol, it’s from the Simpsons episode where they go to the South Pacific Islands to hide (can’t remember from what) and Homer ends up licking psychedelic frogs.  There’s a scene where Homer yells “Save me Jebus!”, I’ve used it ever since lol.

      • #8405
        Points: 6,116

        I beg to differ on not having the beautiful words bro, this was well written and hilarious.  When you cued the wah wah wah I actually laughed out loud a bit and my damn dogs heard me so not I gotta go let them out.  So much for laying in bed an extra few minutes on my day off.  I may just say fuck it and let them wait.

      • #8416
        Points: 796

        That’s good looking out @loves2trim I thank you for your kind words, I will definitely be checking out your upcoming run on Tuesday so I will be here to continue to observe the new ideas and the knowledge I do not already posses.I wish you nothing but the best with your new grow and thank you again @loves2trim.

    • #8421
      Points: 1,073

      Also Soma congrats on the SF2000. My first and best grow was in a 4×8 Vivo tent with two SFs. My profile pic with the towers is proof its a bad ass light.

      • #8482
        Points: 6,638

        Cheers, although I don’t think I have the amps to run anymore lights other then hopefully squeezing another 100w QB in for the lower veg area but I don’t know if the circuit can handle it as there’s already my computer/monitor and rosin press on it with the rosin press coming in at something like 10amps.

    • #8517
      Points: 796

      Congratulations soma, you deserve the win.

    • #8536
      Points: 1,073

      OHHH snap I wont count the chickens till they hatch. Ill congratulate yall tomorrow after work and chores of course.

      • #8541
        Points: 796

        I will thank you in advance I guess I will win the sf2000 I got docked 200 more points last night I guess where Soma and I were arguing but I am over it , just sucks that @spiderfarmer decided to punish @keith and I got thousands of points but only us and the irony of it is I’m loosing the contest now by a post about dinner with a picture of soup that 25 points got collected and still no deduction on him but it’s all good,I didn’t get a letter from @spiderfarmer for cheating I just gained the points I lost through welcoming everyone into the forum and speaking with them but I am not going to belyache and cry.I just wanted everyone to know I didn’t cheat not 1 time,,but I lost more than anyone in points but hey give it to someone who said they didn’t want or need it.Theyre points just keep climbing and @spiderfarmer refuses to call him on his spam sandwich 🥪 posts about dinner or our arguing I got docked but hey it is what it is and at least I didn’t lie about trying to win the top prize, Everyone knew I was going after it but hey I hope to win anything I guess I will have to wait and see midnight is only 2 hours away oh yeah I didn’t gain 1 single point from referral of anyone I received my points by trying to participate but like I said they only docked myself 2,500 points @keith 2000 and the other guy 6455 docked 0

        Well played,you played the game like you were the star and winner for big brother that’s awesome 👍

      • #8545
        Points: 6,116

        I feel for you bro I really do.  You were extremely dedicated to this forum since it started. By the time I got in you already had 1000 points.  You were welcoming and super cool to everyone.  But in reality soma kept this thing from just being a group of guys talking about their grows to more of a place to go to get some answers.  Just speaking for myself but he’s been one of the single greatest sources of information, and maybe some advice, I’ve had since I started growing earlier this year.  He’s been all the hell over it with everyone too.  I’m not saying he should win bc he somehow knows every fucking thing there is to know about growing, but he did spend an awful lot of time this month sharing all that stuff he knows.  If anyone “deserves” the light it would have to be him.  I know you had some really awesome projects planned, and I’ll be bummed for you if you don’t win the big light, especially since you tried so hard.  It really does suck they made a set of rules and I def don’t feel like I cheated, I don’t know what you did, but it does suck they took the points like that.  I would’ve made the points elsewhere if I didn’t think I had them already.  Then to get called a cheater.  That shit sucks.

    • #8548
      Points: 796

      Bro my points all came from welcome everyone into the forum and for reply and post I have not gained 1point by referals or any way besides reply and post I lost 200ore last night I guess where Soma and I were arguing I just say what is good for the goose 🦆 is good for the gander he argued with me and they have not deducted a point from him and yes he’s been helpful but I lost all respect for the guy for he’s been after the light the whole time his points keep rising and they keep subtract mine ha but he’ll man all  I am saying is everyone knew I was after it he’s played the snake oh let Brad and Keith get the light and even gained more today by posting the quantum board he just one.Dude where I’m from real recognize real and that dude is fake as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I’m done with the rant it just sucks when we got docked but his post are the gospel truth! If you don’t know what the gospel truth is then please look it up right quick it tells it all he could loose a few hundred points from replys and that’s just how I feel,but hey I know better than to ever try something like this again I just can’t stand getting beat by a pencil ✏️ and that’s how it is

      • #8560
        Points: 6,638

        You’re a goof, I’ve already arranged to give the light to someone if I end up winning it as I don’t need it.  I said a couple days ago I’m done dealing with your nonsense and paranoid delusions; you had two people call you out for spamming and still don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.  That’s your baggage to deal with, I’m walking away clean and happy as I’ve said all along that my focus is making a good community, not winning gear I don’t need.  If you look back to the conversation at the beginning about points where it wasn’t clear how they worked I said clearly I wasn’t going to spam, I was going to post quality content and if I won great.  I’ve gotten everything I’ve needed from this experience and am done with it.  Rant all you want, it doesn’t have anything to do with me, just your skewed perception based on assumptions instead of communicating.  Peace, I’m going back to ignoring you until there’s a block feature so I don’t have to see your posts or worry about you harassing me…

    • #8561
      Points: 796

      Same hear you clown , I wished I would never have met your lying ass.ok you don’t spam.Whats for supper,my dumb ass cut my hand , what does any of that have to do with building a community.You are a liar and I need nothing from you good riddance!


      • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Brad104.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Brad104.
      • #8564
        Points: 6,638

        The same thing that “what are you listening to” or “my trip back home” do; it’s people sharing info about themselves to get to know each other…

        You really don’t sound like you’re over it, you sound angry as you’re lashing out endlessly, days after it happened and still aren’t listening…

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