Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this Reply To: Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this

Points: 6,116

I thought I hit 8k but I honestly don’t remember.  I prob didn’t, I don’t know, but they do.  There’s no way I got that many points from likes.  You get 2 points for a line.  That would be 1000 likes.  How long would it take to get 1000 likes?  I guarantee you my friends didn’t go through and like 1000 of my posts.  I don’t even have that many.  It’s insane to think 2000 of my points came through likes.  Also to be called a cheater for working within a rule system they designed and have since changed.  Then to be ignored.  Yeah I am frustrated.  I was so happy to be apart of this forum.  I was on reddit telling people about it.  I got all my friends to join.  I haven’t even barely updated grow journals on the other forums.  This was going to be my forum.  Then on top of that I needed a light.  So I finally competed in something, worked within a system of rules then got called a cheater for it.  And then you’re telling me I should just keep quiet about it like Brad did.  I don’t know Brad’s situation.

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