Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this Reply To: Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this

Points: 6,116

I just want them to get back to me and then I’ll be done with this forum.  If anyone deserves to win the light it would be you.  You’ve been more of a help to me than any other single person since I started growing.  It was only bc of the info you and a few others have been providing this month that this could even be considered a place worth anyone’s time to go.  They ought to base the contest of that.  It shouldn’t been a vote at the end of the month as to who’s had the best content.  Instead they gave us rules and called us cheaters for following them exactly as they were written.  Even though I disagree with most everything you said on this post, you’d still get my vote for overall best content, lol.  I just wanted to say thanks.  I’ll prob still see you on riu.  I remember seeing a somatek on there.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Keith.

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