Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this Reply To: Bc the 7 people I got to sign up for the forum liked my stuff, I woke up to this

Points: 6,638

You’re a goof, I’ve already arranged to give the light to someone if I end up winning it as I don’t need it.  I said a couple days ago I’m done dealing with your nonsense and paranoid delusions; you had two people call you out for spamming and still don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.  That’s your baggage to deal with, I’m walking away clean and happy as I’ve said all along that my focus is making a good community, not winning gear I don’t need.  If you look back to the conversation at the beginning about points where it wasn’t clear how they worked I said clearly I wasn’t going to spam, I was going to post quality content and if I won great.  I’ve gotten everything I’ve needed from this experience and am done with it.  Rant all you want, it doesn’t have anything to do with me, just your skewed perception based on assumptions instead of communicating.  Peace, I’m going back to ignoring you until there’s a block feature so I don’t have to see your posts or worry about you harassing me…

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