Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Best Option for Humidifier for a 3×3

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    • #4519
      Points: 470

      So I recently up potted to my Autopot pots, and I don’t have room for my humidifier in my tent any more. Is there any way to set up my humidifier without having to raise the humidity of my entire basement? I’m only looking to raise my RH% from 50% to 60%, but I’ll likely have to raise it a bit more as we go into winter. Should I just set it near the intake vents for my tent and hope for the best? Would having it blow directly into some ducting work? I’d probably need to push it into the ducting with a fan if I did that right? Let me know if you guys have any good solutions for this.

    • #4589
      Points: 697

      The way I set mine up is put it outside tents, in middle of room. Then I have a 6″ ac infinity booster fan pulling air into tents. I too need a bettehumidifiers, mine has a hard time keeping up. If I forget to fill it in the winter, it’s hard to get the 5 or 10% back I got. There’s a few different models I’ve been looking at. Anything you been eyeing?

    • #4590
      Points: 697


      I like this modle.

    • #4592
      Points: 470

      Damn, that a pretty intense humidifier. It’s a little out of my price range at the moment though.

      This one is is my Amazon wishlist. I think I put it there because I saw it had a RH% setting, and it’s controllable from an app. I haven’t really looked into it past that though. The one I have now can’t be set to a percentage, and it can’t be controlled by a humidistat because it doesn’t come back on if the power is cut.

      My main issue is that at least for now, I only have a passive intake, so I think I would end up making the rest of my basement super moist.

      • #4594
        Points: 697

        I can certainly understand the power outage thing. We lost power probably 5 times a year on average. One year was really bad storm in March. Was out for 6 days. It did come on for about 8 hours then out again. After that I bought a generator. We use a gas stove so we could heat some, but still sucked. Shit even my last run got a bit fd up because of power issues. Someday I’ll have a generac.

        You should consider a booster fan intake. I use the ac infinity ones there great. About 35$ for a 6″, has 3 speed controller. For just a duct fan basically its quite powerful. It will Ballon up your tent no problem.

      • #4596
        Points: 470

        I didn’t realize that they could be that cheap. Is that the raxial s6 you have?

        As far as the power outage thing, I definitely feel you there. We lost power for two days from hurricane Fiona literally the week I popped my seeds. So I ended up stressing them out pretty good.

        In the context of the humidifier though, I was more talking about the fact that I can’t have a separate controller like this one. When it restores power to the unit when the humidity drops below the set range, the one I have powers back up, but doesn’t resume running. I don’t have that controller currently, but I had tried to have my humidifier on a timer, and even that didn’t work.

      • #4609
        Points: 697

        Yep that’s the one i use. I have one in each veg and bloom. And an s4 in 2×4. Each has a corresponding cloudline 6 and 4. I like them alot, easy to take apart and clean, and pretty quiet.

        I get you on the humidity thing, I personally don’t have anything like that and my humidity swings sometimes but within an acceptable range. I’ve yet to have mold issues with power outages but in the summer it’s much easier for them to get power back up so it’s not normal off more than a day. Winter it isn’t as much of problem because humidity is naturally low

      • #4649
        Points: 470

        Right on, that’s definitely more affordable than getting an extraction fan as an intake fan, which is what I was assuming people meant when taking about fans for the intake. I’ll have to add that to the list of things I need to upgrade lol. As far as controlling humidity, I lucked out this spring finding a great deal on Kijiji for a dehumidifier. I went to buy a smaller (probably around 10 or 15 pint) dehu from an older fellow on Kijiji, and when I got there it turned out he had that one as well as a 30 pint Frigidaire one. He had the small one listed for $30, and he offered to sell them both to me for $25. So I got a pretty decent sized dehumidifier (I was able to run it in the summer to bring the RH% of my entire basement down from 70%-80% to about 40%-50%). I also have it set up to run through a garden hose into a floor drain so I don’t have to worry about it shutting off because it’s full. I definitely recommend doing that if you’re able to.

      • #4798
        Points: 6,116

        Man they were redoing the poles in my town this summer.  My powers been out like 7 or 8 times.  Usually for a few hours.  Once it was all day.  I’m freaking out at work unable to do anything, just trying not to think about it.  Watching my phone for the text saying it’s been turned back on.  It was horrible.

        Why do want the tent to balloon? I have heard people talk about adding an intake fan that runs with the main exhaust.  But I thought they were trying to create reverse pressure and it was bc it’s let’s less smell escape.  I never could find any solid info as to the benefits of ballooning it up or sucking it in.  I’d appreciate any info.

      • #4802
        Points: 470

        I forget which thread it was, but @somatek was explaining the benefits of positive pressure somewhere else on here. If I’m remembering correctly, it was something along the lines of it being better to expel mold spores before they can innoculate your plants. I’ll see if I can find the thread.

      • #4806
        Points: 470

        Here’s the one. Hopefully the link will work properly and take you to the actual comment, and not just the top of the thread.

    • #4696
      Points: 6,116

      I only read the first post so far but if I was in this situation and I really needed the extra humidity, like I couldn’t go without it and couldn’t fit a humidifier in a tent I would prob first dump water into my run off tray and see how much higher that gets the rh.  I’ve been able to raise my tent 5-10% just by filling up the run off tray in the mornings.  I’m not sure I’d try putting it near a vent.  I mean I’d prob try it but I’d be worried about mold or mildew collecting in the ductwork.  I’ll have to read through this all later.  I love problems like these.

      • #4732
        Points: 470

        The problem with putting water in the runoff tray is that the pots will wick the water up, which I don’t want (until I turn on the autopots anyways). I could set a separate tray in there, but I’ve never had a whole lot of success with it raising it enough. I’m not too far out of range, it’s sitting around mid to high fifties, and I want it to be around mid sixties. Not a huge deal, just trying to keep it to a VPD closer to 1.0 kPa (It’s at an average of 1.2 kPa, with a max of 1.3 kPa).I might just run the humidifier next to the side of the tent where my intake is and see if that’s enough.

    • #4757
      Points: 6,116

      I think it worked for me bc my run off tray is almost as big as my tent. So it’s more or less filling the whole bottom of my tent with water.  Also my pots are on risers.  Can you hang your dehu? In the tent I mean.

      • #4786
        Points: 470

        No I won’t be able to hang it because the base isn’t attached to the reservoir. It just sits in the base so that you can pick it up and fill it.

    • #4772
      Points: 1,670

      Have you seen the NEW AC Infinity humidifier? apparently they’re available for preorder now, and work with the Controller 69 [nice].



      I just saw the ad for these this morning!

      • #4787
        Points: 470

        Yeah I literally just saw them on Instagram. They’re having a giveaway right now too actually.

      • #4855
        Points: 697

        Wow I haven’t but thank you for posting this. AC infinity are top of the line products.

    • #4799
      Points: 6,116

      Man I guess I prob just would put it in front of your intake.  Just watch for mold to develop.  I’ve still not really ever had to use a humidifier.  I might though this winter though.   This is my first winter growing.  I’m in an insulated building but it’s got no heating or cooling except the window units I put in.  The weather here varies quite a bit in winter.  There a lot of stuff I just don’t how it’s going to work.  With the temps and rh I mean.  I’ve been talking with people and getting good ideas though.  Let us know what you figure out about the humidifier.

      • #4808
        Points: 470

        Yeah, I mean, I don’t absolutely need to run a humidifier, I’m just being picky and trying to optimize my environment. It’s not too far off from where I want it, I was more so just wondering if anyone had any novel ideas.

      • #4809
        Points: 6,116

        I def understand that.  I try to be as diligent as I can about maintaining proper vpd.  I’ve spent way more money getting started than I expected to get vpd right.  It’s actually been pretty cool coming up with ideas.  I’ve tried a few things that didn’t work.  But it’s an awesome feeling to have conquered a challenge.  I honestly loved it every minute of it.  I’ve been on these forums or reading stuff online about growing damn near every night since I started growing earlier this year.  I never had anything to do on my phone before.  My wife would sit there in her phone while we’d watch TV at night and I’d be like “what could possibly have to entertain you that long on your phone? “.  But now after the kids in bed and as much as I can get away with while he’s still awake, I’m on my phone reading something about growing pot.  There’s so fucking much to learn.

      • #4821
        Points: 470

        Yeah dude, I’m in a similar boat. I started growing a year and a half ago (aside from a couple shitty grows like 10 years ago), and I just can’t stop trying to learn as much as I can.

      • #4857
        Points: 697

        You’ll never stop, it gets in your blood. This is my 7th year growing with a medical card and I never stop learning and trying new techniques and whatnot. There’s always someone pushing the limits of what these plants can do and take. One of the leaders in plant advancement is Kyle kushman. If you haven’t heard of him check some of his videos on YouTube. He is the modern Jorge Cervantes IMO

      • #4869
        Points: 470

        Right on. I’ll have to check him out. It’s definitely a never ending rabbit hole that borders on obsession lol. Especially now that there’s real studies coming out to prove or disprove the bro science.

      • #4876
        Points: 697

        O I’m definitely obsessed. People get kinda annoyed because it’s mostly all I Wana talk about. I think they feel I’m bragging but I’m really just excited about it like a little kid.

      • #4885
        Points: 470

        Same haha. My wife doesn’t even smoke weed, so she couldn’t care less. My work partner told me he was growing this summer, so I tried to ask him what his plan for nutrients was, and he said miracle grow. So then I asked him what he planned on doing once they flipped to flower and he said more lol… Which is a perfectly fine way to do it if you don’t care about the specifics at all I guess. We definitely aren’t on the same wavelength as far as interest into the fine details of it though lol.

      • #4929
        Points: 6,116

        The fine details are the best part

      • #4938
        Points: 470

        100% agree.

      • #4951
        Points: 697

        Some people don’t care much they just want something to smoke, in fact I’d say most people don’t care. If it looks good they think it’s good. There’s always gana be bucsh beer drinkers and there gana be micro brew drinkers.

        My wife smokes but isn’t really interested in growing. She likes good smoke just don’t care how it gets there much.

      • #4954
        Points: 470

        Oh for sure. He’s just one of those over confident type people. He helped out with a small to mid size BM grow years and years ago, and thought he knew everything about it. But to each their own, not everyone is gonna be passionate about the process.

      • #4928
        Points: 6,116

        I learned how to do lst and support crop from him.  Man I hope I’m one of those guys someday.

      • #4953
        Points: 697

        Check out kushman chiropractic. Basically the new super crop, pretty interesting. I’ve started messing with it, I’m about to pop my veg room actually.

      • #5049
        Points: 6,116

        That was the first video I saw by him.  My wife waked into the room while I was watching it and she looked at him and said “what else could that guy do but grow pot for a living”.  I’ve literally watched that super cropping videos like 5 times.  I did it on my first plant, but since I’ve started using PowerSi I can’t pop the stems anymore.  They’re too fucking hard.  I remember being so scared to do it the first time. Hence, I watched the video so much, trying not to fuck something up.  He’s got articles on Growweedeasy.com too I believe.   I think that’s where I found him originally.

      • #5050
        Points: 697

        I was scared a bit too. I did one plant and after a few days it looked good still I did everybody. The one strain I grow is super lanky, even with silica and this technique it is still weak. It’s probably not a great choice to grow but the smoke is worth all the hassle. I’ve smoked alot of different strains, from shops and from growers. There something special about it, atleast for us. It’s that perfect blend of taste, smell and effects. Everyone is different though someone might not like it at all.

      • #5058
        Points: 6,116

        That’s awesome, what is it?  That’s super cool your wife smokes with you.  My wife used to but she quit when she was pregnant then got a job as a school teacher and never started back up.  I miss smoking with her.

        I did my plant the same way.  One small pop to see how it would handle it, then did the rest.

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