Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Biden’s Pardon

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    • #4050
      Points: 1,422

      Bit off topic but for those under Biden’s ruling. What do you think of the pardon?

      South Africa it was discriminalized in 2018

    • #4059
      Points: 697

      I think it’s long over due. But also I’m worried about feds sticking there nose in our business. I’m a medical card holder and caregiver for my wife. There’s alot of rumors they may take grow rights, or start mucking up the already established system. As of now we’re allowed 12 plants just for recreational per property no exceptions. You can grow both med and rec but medical would have to be on a separate plot and the 12 rec plants would be allowed at your residence. You can’t grow your rec at a other location has to be your property. But if you have med card you can grow your 12 and can caregive for others. Up to 5 patients so you can potentially grow 72 plants if you have space and time.

      • #4385
        Points: 470

        Some of the regulations these politicians come up with are just silly. Like, if you’re going to be able to grow that much it should be able to be all in one spot. Definitely some fear mongering about the black market for sure.

      • #4415
        Points: 697

        There keeping medical separate from rec here because the rules are already established for like 8 years before rec came along. Your not supposed to have more than 2.5oz as medical card holder,but rec can have 10. First how can you limit it, you could have 50 cases of beer if you want right? Second how can yo7 have more as rec than medical? Money that’s how. Higher tax in rec, less people grow rec. All about the money

      • #4443
        Points: 470

        Yeah that’s completely ass backwards. Here in Canada you can have as much dried flower as you want, but you can only carry 30 grams. I believe that’s for rec and medical, although I don’t have my medical card, so there may be no carry limit for medical. For grows, you can have up to 4 plants for rec, and I think the medical limit caps out at 25, but I may be mistaken on that one.

      • #4472
        Points: 697

        Yep I’m moving! This place is fd anyway.

      • #4501
        Points: 6,638

        It depends on the province as some have capped how much you can have at home, I think BC (ironically) has a 1kg limit for example.  You’re allowed to carry 30g of pot (or equivalent, like a seed equals 1g in the govs opinion) for rec, med users are allowed to carry up to a 30 days supply or 150g (whichever is lower) on top of their rec limit.  Just like their license allows them to grow whoever many plants for medicine plus the 4 rec plants everyone is allowed.  Plant limits are based on daily presciption amounts run through a formula but basically works out to just under 5 plants/g; so a 3g license is 14 plants, 5g is 24, my 8g is 39 plants, 100g is around 490 something, etc.  That’s the biggest problem in the laws that enable the black market; unlicensed canna clinics that sell ‘scripts where the limit is based on how much you’ll pay.  We’d never allow that to happen with opiates but somehow it’s perfectly fine for pot and not seen as a problem.

      • #4504
        Points: 470

        I didn’t know that they had capped the home limit actually. I didn’t realize it was a dosage based plant limit either. I mean I knew it was related to how high your prescription was, but I didn’t know it directly correlated like that. So 8G/day works out to 2.9 Kg, or 103 oz, so you’d need to get like 2.64 oz per plant if I did the math right. Seems fairly reasonable I guess, although I feel like if you were trying to learn to grow for medical, you’d have a hard time hitting those numbers.

        You have to apply to be able to grow medically separately from getting the prescription right? If you have a prescription and you want to grow your own, does that keep you from filling your prescription with an LP? Also, what about being a designated grower for a medical user if you don’t have a prescription yourself? My brother has his prescription, and I had considered being his designated grower if it wasn’t too much hassle (I’ve been splitting the harvest with him since he’s the one who gave me the grow gear in the first place).

        I’ve seen different pages online that will walk you through getting the growing license, but I think those ones at least require you to have an existing prescription. But yeah I agree that the whole pay to play kind of model is pretty greasy, and diminishes the legitimacy of the medical program. Although, I would argue that over prescribing cannabis as opposed to over prescribing opiates (or selling prescriptions) is much less problematic.

      • #4541
        Points: 6,638

        If you only grew one crop indoors a year that’d be true, on average people usually grow 4-6 though, so it’s more like anywhere from 12-18.5g/plant if they flowered them all at once.  Realistically I find about half my plant count is needed to meet my needs and the other half is used for looking for new moms or breeding, so even beginners should be able to hit their base needs as they learn the ropes.  Especially as most simply buy more lights and grow bigger plants as plant numbers don’t determine yield, wattage of lighting (indoors at least) and canopy space are the determining factors for max yield which are ignored entirely and creates an easy way to abuse them.

        Applying is a murky area, originally you had to send in the paperwork yourself after your appointment.  The doc/clinic would send you the original medical documents and then you’d fill out the application and send it off together, part of the application stating whether you’d be buying it, growing your own or having a DG produce for you.  With the ACMPR and creation of LP’s they changed it so clinics could sign patients up and send the paper work directly to Health Canada, have them send the script to the LP’s and you could buy directly from them.  That’s when a lot of free pot clinics opened up as the more patients LP’s had enlisted, the higher their stock value.  They’d only give the patient the paper work to sign up for personal production or designated growers if they paid a fee based on the size of the prescription but usually starting around $250.  Which as far as I’m concerned is a violation of patient rights by creating a barrier to access for their meds by charging based on prescription size.

        So to answer your questions, if your brother has or can get the original medical documents then he could fill out an application to amend his license and have you listed as his DG.  You can also be signed up with LP’s to buy and grow your own, I’m currently signed up with Mendo Cannabis as I wanted to see what they’d be charging for clones when they started selling them, which are as ridiculous as expected…

      • #4548
        Points: 470

        Ahh, right, I was forgetting that it’s a plant count at one time. That makes it a hell of a lot more feasible (although imagine the size of the plants with an entire year of growth lol). I’ll have to talk to my brother and see if it’d be something he’d be interested in. It would definitely open up a bunch of possibilities as far as the size of my grow.

      • #4587
        Points: 697

        See here there is no prescription. The Dr can just “recommend” that you be allowed to use medical Marijuana. They say nothing about dosesge. They just tell you don’t drive for 12 hours after smoking, send you on your way. It’s very easy to get. If you have no reason they will find you one ( for a fee of course). The state could care less. As long as your money order cashes that’s all that matters to them

      • #4610
        Points: 6,638

        Canada tried to avoid that situation as they didn’t want medical use to be easy to access as a way around the laws like it played out in Cali.  They fought with the courts for a decade, reinstated regulations struck down by the courts only to have them stricken again.  They forced prescribing it on docs without acknowledging the liability issue that created as an unregistered, untested medicine, which is why the pot clinics popped up ironically creating the same easy to abuse loop hole they wanted to avoid.  That’s why patients have to sign a waiver saying they understand it’s untested and they assume all risks for using it.  It’s comical now because some pretend to offer advice about dosage or variety, which leads to a comical conversation when it becomes clear they don’t know what they’re talking about as the body of science around pot as medicine is still growing and unclear…

    • #4322
      Points: 1,422

      Our regulations – well the cops also like to mess with things but if I am correct.

      As of April 2022, the Bill was still being revised. Once signed into law, adults will be able to possess up to 600 grams of cannabis per person in private, 100 grams in public, and 1,200 grams per household. You can also cultivate four plants per person and trade bud, plants, and seeds.

      But still a lot of red tape.


      • #4356
        Points: 697

        The world is coming around. Mostly I think because there realizing how much money is involved and want there peice of that pie. I honestly see it being like alcohol eventually, heavily regulated and taxed.

      • #4502
        Points: 6,638

        That’s the reality of it, the world is realising “the war on drugs” was lost long ago and that our drug policies only enable crime.  Exactly like alcohol prohibition which created more problems then it solved, bred corruption, cost a lot and caused a lot of needless violence and death.  We’re coming out of the dark age and back into one of reason, when you look at the research around THC and dementia it’s very likely we’ll see targeted cannabinoid meds to treat currently un-treatable conditions.  Which will really put the barbarity of the war on drugs, pot specifically, in perspective.

    • #5241
      Points: 795

      I think it’s a great thing that he is taking it out of the schedule 1 narcotic bracket it has no real reason to be classified the same way as heroin.Also how many people do you know are in federal prison for mistameaner posestion for real but it’s a step 🪜 in the right direction for certain!

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