Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Breeding and Chicken People

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    • #8042
      Points: 6,638

      I just finished a documentary called “chicken people” on amazon prime that was an excellent illustration of what I’ve talked about previously around breeding dope pot; what’s based as breeding doesn’t meet any of the standard definitions of what’s usually considered breeding.  The whole documentary is about how passionate people are who breed show chickens to try and win competitions.  At the beginning the talk about the “standard”, the established criteria that defines each breed of chicken and how they’re judged.  Compared to pot where they have fancy descriptions of the seeds but the results show a wide variety of expressions and no true stablility.  Which is why I use the term pollen chucker instead of breeder as it seems like a more accurate description.  Not to denigrate underground/BM breeders, it’s important to acknowledge the incredibly work that’s been achieved under prohibition while also accepting the reality of it instead of sugar coating it.

      Since there’s been more discussion about making seeds lately I thought I’d mention it, even if you just watch the first 10-20 minutes it’ll give you a clear idea of the tight definitions used to classify and define the distinct sub-population of chickens.

    • #8080
      Points: 697

      I’ll be checking this out later.


      Side note watch super size me 2 if you haven’t. It exposes how fd up the chicken corporations are in America. It’s pretty sickening.

      • #8106
        Points: 6,638

        Super Size me 2 was brilliant, such a good way to illustrate how marketing saturated our world is and how it’s all lies to hide the barbaric truth that we have failed to control our greed/self indulgent tendencies and created a food supply chain that not only treats farmers like cogs in a machine but abuses animals and plants while degrading the essential pillars we rely on for survival as a species.

        The nitrification of the oceans from run off, soil erosion or subsistence due to poor ag practices that prioritizes profits over anything, clearing rain forests to grow animal feed, over fishing the oceans and not holding fisheries responsible for the amount of plastics they dump into the ocean; if you look at the science it’s become more alarming as our climate models consistently fail to predict how quickly climate change is happening as unknown feedback loops are created exasperating the change that we didn’t understand or predict.  Like the amount of methane being released as the permafrost melts, speeding up global warming that we failed to include in our models until recently as it never occurred to us this would inevitably happen…

      • #8116
        Points: 697

        It’s definitely not good and I’m not sure it can be stopped sadly. It’s snowballed and it’s out of control

      • #8122
        Points: 6,638

        Climate change can’t be stopped but it’s more a question of how bad the mass extinction event is going to be and whether we collectively are willing to acknowledge the issue, address the problem and make changes that will mitigate the damage instead of continuing to do things we know are self defeating.

        It always reminds me of addiction/addicts; people will argue, deny, manipulate, lie or get aggressive when confronted about their addiction while ignoring the reality until it crashes down on them when the hit rock bottom.  We’re addicted to oil and the cheap energy it provides, the abundance of food and the illusion of wealth created by financial markets but reality going to smack us in the face as extreme weather events increase, floods are fires become the norm and costs keep rising as quickly as the wealth gap widens.  I had a lot of hope for the occupy movement as ultimately the people are the ones with the power which also makes us the ones responsible.  I’ve always like the idea that politicians/great historical leaders as just figure heads of the people; they don’t direct nations they simply are the mouth pieces of what the citizens feel/think more then anything…

    • #8081
      Points: 795

      I won’t watch it bro, I love eating the barn yard pimp and I am not going to watch something that I definitely find interesting but I enjoy chicken to good to ruin it for me,if that makes sense to you @atom

      • #8102
        Points: 697

        O it will ruin it for you. I’ll never eat tyson chicken after that and some other bs I’ve seen from that company.

      • #8129
        Points: 795

        I do know that is right,I know Tyson has some foul shit going on bro,so that is why I purposely skipped the film.Im glad that you put it out there though, forsome people have no idea what is happening,

      • #8209
        Points: 6,638

        Personally I couldn’t handle the cognitive dissonance living like that; understanding that an industry is abusive and exploits people and animals while still deciding to support them because you like their product just enables corporate irresponsibility and validates that profits are more important then the long term survival of our species.

    • #8213
      Points: 795

      That’s what makes this big old blue thing turn around, different strokes for different folks bro some call the ocean what some call the sea dude it’s just life.

      • #8222
        Points: 6,638

        Lol what?  People who call the ocean the sea are just using the wrong word.  That’s not an argument. Language is based on common understanding and can’t be randomized as it loses all meaning if people don’t agree on semantics.

    • #8229
      Points: 795

      Dude that is apples to oranges they’re both one in the same pretty much,I know that they say seas make up the ocean but damn it they’re one in the same look up sea it says similarities ocean and ocean says the same for the sea it’s mostly all a huge body of salt water period

      • #8243
        Points: 6,638

        They’re both large bodies of water but Ocean’s contain Seas and never the other way around.  They have specific semantic differences and communication is less confusing if people use language appropriately when using international forums where not everyone speaks english as their first language and local slang is confusing.

        I’m also done talking to you at this point as you’re clearly feeling defensive and not listening as it feels like deflecting or arguing is more important.  Good luck with the contest but I’m done as this is boring.

    • #8295
      Points: 795

      I’m not deflecting bro, I just have a decent detector.now.

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