Home Forums Grow Journal CBD Rene by Great Gardener Farms

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    • #4016
      Points: 6,638

      In celebration of finally getting my license renewed as well as finishing the grow room (more or less that is) I decided to open my first purchase from the legal market, a pack of CBD Rene by Great Gardener Farms.  One of my favourite breeders, Mat Beren is a true Canadian OG.  Combined with Kirt Tousaw, the other face of GGF, were instrumental in challenging the old laws and forcing progress through.  Which in my opinion is reason enough alone for anyone who enjoys legalization to support them, not to mention their seeds have always produced a keeper for me.

      CBD Rene is a cross of Rene and Cannatonic for Resin Seeds.  Which gives a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD while keeping the unique terp profile that won Rene a couple cups over the years.  It’s a finicky, low yielding variety to grow but the delicious little nugs make it all worthwhile for the taste.

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    • #4227
      Points: 795

      Enjoy the fruit of your labor there @somatek and it’s cool you supporting the seed company sounds great what they are doing man

      • #4243
        Points: 6,638

        I first started buying them as they carry a lot of Canadian varieties; Rene, Sweet Skunk, Shiskaberry (barb is a shisk cross), etc.  I really want to grab a pack of their Grapefruit Barb as well sometime but I already have too many seeds to grow lol.

    • #4255
      Points: 795

      I wish I had a stockpile of seeds man.I do a lot of mass cloning well not mass but I have 2 aerocloneers 1 holds 72 and the other one is the bigger one it holds 120 I take around 120 cuttings when I take them,but there for my whole family we all live on a big farm so everyone of us smoke so you know.how it is everyone wants the best ones best of luck to you @somatek

      • #4264
        Points: 6,638

        Everything grows bigger in the country lol.  Feel free to message me if you’d like some seeds to play with since we can legally share up to 30 at a time as long as they’re free and no goods or services are exchanged.  I have literally thousands of seeds from a selective pollination gone wrong (I forgot to spray with water before turning fans back on) and ended up with a room filled with seeded plants.

    • #4270
      Points: 795

      That is awesome dude.Im highly interested in that.I will message you later I truly thank you again @somatek you are a scholar and a gentleman my friend thank you

    • #4277
      Points: 6,638

      Just realised I should check to see if anyone wee ones had poked their heads up and four out of the five were just breaking out of the soil.  Always exciting seeing new friends pop up.

    • #4423
      Points: 6,638

      A couple pics of them popping up, just barely breaking the soil last night and starting to shed their shells and stretch their cotyledons out.  I’ll move them off the heating mat with the clones into the veg room today so they get proper lighting.

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    • #4477
      Points: 605

      Nice looking babies

      • #4499
        Points: 6,638

        They’re always so cute at this age, before they get into any trouble with pest or nute issues.  I’ve got to transplant a bunch of things in the veg room tonight and then these will go in.  The poor little leaves are showing a bit of red in them as I sleep with my window open so it’s chilly, although the pots are a toasty 24c with the root mat below for germination/rooting clones.

    • #5176
      Points: 6,638

      Quick snap of the babies from this morning before I ran out. The last one poked it’s head out of the soil the other night, so 100% germination now that all 5 are up.  Sadly 4, including the newest one to join the party, were showing light toxicity as the leaves had all curled under after being left under the bigger veg LED all night.  Live and learn, LED’s are definitely different as I’ve never had this issue with HID’s and regularly grow seedlings in the middle of the garden.  They’re off to the side now and seem happy enough although it looks like there’s some chlorophyll bleaching.  Good reminder to always check the PPFD with LED’s as they can damage plants much easier the HID’s.

    • #6343
      Points: 6,638

      Just over a week old, a bit stunted from the light poisoning but the end set of leaves is coming in looking normal.

    • #6348
      Points: 795

      Is there anything else you can do for the light toxicity? All I’ve ever known to do was pull them way back from the light,is there anything different that you do besides just pulling them away from the light.

      As always thanks @somatek

      • #6360
        Points: 6,638

        No, once the damage is done it’s done although the plants will grow out of it, just stunts things with seedlings this small but it’s all part of learning the new lights.  Well, that’s a better excuse then being negligent and not checking the ppfd but assuming turned to under 50% it’d be fine while under estimating the intensity of a 450w QB.  There was no real chlorophyll bleaching which is when you have serious toxicity issues, so little victories as at least despite my inexperience with LED’s I have enough experience with plants to recognize the signs of general issues before they become serious.

    • #6364
      Points: 795

      Thanks for the explanation, that is the first thing I learned if you see something wrong with your plants.I always back it away from the light ( the sick plant) that is.I have lots to still learn and I hope some of these questions don’t seem elementary to you bro

      As always Thank you @somatek for your knowledgeable response.


      • #6370
        Points: 6,638

        Usually that’s the right idea, the Rene mom on the other hand isn’t getting enough light and is suffering because of it, so you really need to always look at the context of the plant and it’s situation.

    • #6371
      Points: 6,116

      Can’t wait to watch them grow.

      • #6373
        Points: 6,638

        Hopefully this is the only abuse they suffer but I’ve had to rest a fair bit lately as my back has been bothering me, which is stopping me from finishing the grow off so I can focus on taking care of them properly.

    • #6378
      Points: 795

      I wish you well 🙂@somatek for noone knows what pain back/knee and hip pain is until they experience the burning sensation in there feet nonstop.I do wish you well my friend!


      • #6398
        Points: 6,638

        Yeah, working the odd days in the trades is definitely not helping my back.  It’s manageable as long as I keep up on my exercise and avoid sitting for any serious length of time as that puts the most pressure on my herniated disk/pinched nerve.  It’s hard for people to understand how much chronic pain defines your life by making you question every activity and the possible impact/risk of aggravating the pain.  So I deeply appreciate the empathy @Brad104

    • #7108
      Points: 795

      What is the ratio of the strain is it all CBD with out any THC or does it have just as much of each or more CBD and little THC

      • #7111
        Points: 6,638

        It’s listed as 1:1 but I really don’t put much stock in cannabinoid ratios as pot seeds generally aren’t stable enough to accurately predict what they’ll produce.  Grow a pack of seeds and you’ll find a range of potency, so how can they claim with any certainty what the cannabinoid ratio’s will be?

    • #7116
      Points: 795

      1-1 is good I 🤔💬 thought that they were more CBD than anything else, I was wrong again

      • #7122
        Points: 6,638

        Unless I convince the shop to invest in a purple pro tester I’ll have no way of knowing. That’s one of many ideas I have to make it the ultimate one stop pot shop, first though we need to make sure there’s the customer base for it.  Which will be easy to test by bringing my rosin press into the shop for people to use as that creates a chance to find out how many are outdoor vs indoor/all year growers.

    • #7127
      Points: 795

      I would guess they are a great Market there as well as here the whole world 🌎 can’t deny that it’s billions and billions industry that is in no time soon going to start slowing down I believe that anyway .

      • #7138
        Points: 6,638

        Home growing is a very niche market with only around 10% of Canadians pursuing the hobby according to the latest stats.  Growing but small, with how competitive shops are and how slim their profit margins due to over taxation; I imagine they’ll want to be careful and be careful where they invest.

    • #7142
      Points: 795

      I didn’t realize that is how it’s going up your way sorry I misunderstood earlier.

      • #7149
        Points: 6,638

        No worries, I wouldn’t expect someone from another country to understand the local market. I have no clue what your’s is like so why would you understand mine?  Just being clear since I wasn’t earlier, no worries dude

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