Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation How do you prefer to consume your bud

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    • #5179
      Points: 795

      I am old fashioned I enjoy tearing up the bud that I grew and then lighting it up and smoking it best of all. I can also kick back and eat brownies on occasion or even smoke oils.My favorite is light up that joint.I was just wondering , how  each of you my friends and members get down!

    • #5183
      Points: 6,638

      For convenience more often then not it’s just hitting a bong quickly as it’s easy to titrate the dose compare to doobies as I hate putting them out once light.

      I regularly smoke doobies, vapes (volcano at home, pax3 while out), dabs (swing vape or Pax3 while out, dab rigs and an enail at home) and pipes as well though. Hitting the volcano is probably my favourite way overall to enjoy the experience as much as possible, if I was stuck only being able to smoke one way for the rest of my life it’d be my 22″ Hash Masta Kut bong & matching downstem with my portland experimental green & crushed opal ash catcher matched with my Pied Piper #1 “follow the piper” limited series one off bowl that I had cold carved by Official Dremlin’s; purely for sentimental reasons as I’m fine risking my health to enjoy beautiful glass.

      • #5364
        Points: 6,116

        Joints put out too much smoke for me.  My whole garage would be filled if I smoked one.  Plus the paper.

      • #5372
        Points: 6,638

        Bongs are definitely easier to blow out windows, even if the place still reeks of pot at least it’s not smoky lol

    • #5190
      Points: 697

      Joints and puffco and 2 gummies every night to sleep. I alternate taking breaks between the 3. I definitely have the worst time with night gummies. I have back problems and I’ll toss around alot without them. Then the next day is hell. I usually bear through atleast 2 weeks of that every 3 months. I find they really jack my tolerance.

      • #5260
        Points: 6,638

        That sounds very regimented to manage your pain, well once I read “bear” properly as I first read it as “I usually beer through at least 2 weeks..” lol.  Back pain is miserable and bleeds into the rest of your life bit by bit.  Sorry to hear you also struggle with it.  CBD salves have been wonderful for my back pain related to muscle issues, for the pinched nerve pain I need high THC though.  Have you ever tried high CBN products for getting to sleep at night?  I find them more effective for inducing sleep as it’s less psychoactive then THC and always make me groggy/sleepy.

      • #5264
        Points: 697

        I have some CBD caps from sunsoil that I use to help when I’m not taking them. I have become very interested in CBG. Some of the cartridges I’ve been getting contain it and I knew virtually nothing about it until I looked on the package. From what I’ve had time to look into, it’s a more psychoactive CBD type compound? If anyone knows anything about it, I’d gladly listen and learn

      • #5270
        Points: 6,638

        Ironically my buddy just gave me some high CBG flower (chemotype IV) to try the other day.  I smoked a bowl before going out and felt generally stimulated and alert but not high (it was mid day so I had consumed a couple grams of high THC pot before trying the CBG).  It was definitely interesting, a nice benefit of the legal market is having niche products like that becoming more available despite the many, many problems with the legal market/regulations.  I plan on throwing the rest in the volcano, just have to see what temp CBG volatilizes at first so I can have a better idea of what it likes.

        CBD salves on sore muscles is particularly soothing I find compared to eating caps or toking/dabbing CBD.  Good luck in your exploration, for science of course.

      • #5281
        Points: 697

        For science 🤘

      • #5309
        Points: 6,638

        I’m always willing to be a guinea pig, for science that is…

      • #5365
        Points: 6,116

        Edibles always did that for me too.  Jack up my tolerance I mean.  I like the buzz but I still haven’t made anything yet.  I’ve got a shitload of trim from this last harvest and a bunch of the smaller spindly buds,I think I’m going to try to make something out of it.

      • #5373
        Points: 6,638

        I’m the opposite of you two, edibles rarely affect me regardless of the dose.  That is until I just get tired and fall asleep lol.  I rarely use them but give all the trim after it’s been sieved/washed for bubble to friends to play with, along with rosin pucks of course.

    • #5224
      Points: 4,165

      Joints all day.  I like to make my own dry sift & bubble hash.

      Then it’s a party joint lol 

      • #5263
        Points: 6,638

        I’m thinking of rolling a joint simply because I found a head shop that still has packs of Modiano Club rolling papers.  Easily the best quality, finest paper I’ve ever used but were never popular as they don’t have a gum strip and no one knows the trick anymore of ripping off the edge to make ungummed papers stick.

        You’re clearly a RAW enthusiast, any other brands you enjoy or any you’d never use again?

      • #5278
        Points: 697

        I’ve used the old clubs, I hang with alot of hippies and one of them loved them. He said it reminded him of younger years.

      • #5310
        Points: 6,638

        They’re definitely old school, still the cleanest burning paper I’ve tested though.

      • #5356
        Points: 795

        I’ve never heard of those brands of papers, but I have used one called O.C.B We called them old country bastards ha ha. I would tear it a little, and use a lot of saliva and then they work like a charm! I appreciate the memories of my youth. I only use J.O.B 1.5 Anymore! Thanks again @somatek

      • #5368
        Points: 6,116

        I always just used the orange zig zags.  But I haven’t smoked a joint in a while.  Maybe I’d like them more if I tried some different papers.  I’ve been doing with the orange zigzag since I started smoking pot.

      • #5279
        Points: 697

        Nice! Do you use like a pollinator machine or dry ice?

      • #5367
        Points: 6,116

        That’s pretty cool.  Didn’t you make a post about how you do that?

    • #5227
      Points: 795

      I hear 🙉🙊 🙈 you bro I love the cones too aren’t they just great and that ball oh damn how I would love to smoke on it.Enjoy bro Enjoy @cannabliss.   Thanks for sharing @atom ,@somatek and @cannabliss

    • #5292
      Points: 4,165

      @somatek I use RAW a lot, but I came up on Zig Zag’s & Bamboo papers. Used to be a big cigar gutter, using the leaf as a wrap, but I got tired of adding tobacco to the mix.

      The younger crowd likes to use fronto leaf, it’s like Tobacco sprinkles. Horrible & harsh. Totally messes up any effects I was looking forward to.

      • #5311
        Points: 6,638

        Have you tried Rizzla?  I find they burn cleaner then zig zags being a rice paper, they’re probably the cleanest burning readily available papers.

        Smoking Maize are really nice, corn papers are underrated in my opinion.  I haven’t tried fronto leaf, don’t particularly want to after your comments lol, King Palms are a great subsitute for blunt wraps though without the harsh taste.  I use to also be a cigar gutter, swisher sweets in my ill spent youth, occasionally backwoods now when a friend wants to hit a blunt.

      • #5378
        Points: 6,116

        I do remember rizzlas.  They were a brand my buddies all liked a lot.  I remember it being a rice paper.  I think I stopped rolling with them after a while bc they were too slick and I couldn’t roll as tight of joints with them.  Maybe I’ll give rice papers another try.

      • #5382
        Points: 6,638

        With thinner papers you really need to keep even pressure as you roll or they’ll tear.  If you’re a joint smoker it’s worth learning as thin papers are a much nicer smoke.  Learning to roll a “flaming back flip” as the joint rolling handbook calls it is the ideal doobie experience as there’s the least amount of paper possible.  Basically you flip the paper upside down so the gum strip is at the bottom facing down.  Then you roll the join but it means the gum strip will hit the paper once it goes around once, with the excess being left as a flap you can burn off and if you lucky/practiced you can flip the joint to use the burning paper to light it.  Fun party trick, it’s much easier to roll a tulip though when you’ve been drinking.

    • #5353
      Points: 470

      I like using a dry herb vape these days. I grew up smoking joints mainly through my teens and twenties though. I honestly kind of miss rolling joints lol. But I prefer the flavour from a dry herb vape. I’ve only been using a cheap APX vape for the last few years, but I’d like to get an upgrade soon if I can afford it. I was thinking of maybe a Solo 2 or a Pax 2.

      • #5374
        Points: 6,638

        Are you specifically looking for a portable vape?  I like my pax as a good portable dual flower/concentrate vape but desktop vapes are pretty much always a better hit I find.

      • #5386
        Points: 470

        I’d prefer it to be portable, but it doesn’t have to be I suppose. I don’t really smoke on the go too much these days. I’m also more concerned about dropping more than $200 on a vape than anything tbh. The one I’ve been using is pretty weak, but I’ve been making it work for like 4 years lol. I just like it because I can figure out the dosage better than a joint or pipe.

      • #5405
        Points: 6,638

        The V-tower is a really solid vape all around and pretty inexpensive comparatively.  If you just care about functionality and not the bells and whistles like blu tooth control (which seems pointless when you need to be beside it to use it, just another thing to break) then they are great.  That’s why I bought another Volcano classic to replace my original one after it was stolen.  I had no interest in the digital or hybrid model as the analog works perfectly well and are built like tanks that’ll never die.  V-towers are basically the same, just less expensive for marginally worse build quality but that’s negligible.  Functionally they are the same with no difference in user experience other then a bag vs a whip.

      • #5632
        Points: 470

        That’s actually not too bad of a price. It kind of looks like it might be a bit bigger than I need, but it’s around the same price as the ones I was looking at. I think I would actually prefer a whip over a bag anyways. Damn, I wish money wasn’t quite so tight this month otherwise I’d buy it since it’s on sale until the end of the month.

      • #5654
        Points: 6,638

        You can always pack smaller amounts but the nice thing about a good desktop vape is they’re great when friends are over or for parties/social gatherings.  I personally like stepping my temps up, starting around 180C, then bumping it up to 200 before working up to 220 to finish.  First couple bags are for the terps and flavour, also nice for light weights at social events as it doesn’t have much real effect.  Once the terps are gone a couple at 200 gets the cannabinoids cooking off, good for people that want to get stoned before the last couple have a heavier/stronger effect but also get harsh on the throat for non-experienced tokers who usually do better sticking to 200.  It’s a great way to show people the difference possible between varieties while also getting everyone higher then a giraffe…

      • #5659
        Points: 470

        That’s a good point about the shareability of a desktop vape. Kind of like passing around a hookah. I honestly had never heard about the V-tower before you mentioned it, and I’m actually kind of considering that one now. I had been looking at the Plenty for a desktop vape, but that one’s even more, and it kind of looks like it would get knocked over easily.

      • #5665
        Points: 6,638

        V-towers are very similar to volcano’s in terms of quality of toke but just cost a lot less.  Well, I guess you can find 2nd hand volcano’s now but I have no clue what that market is like.  Glad I’ve given you more options to consider and look at reviews of.

    • #5363
      Points: 6,116

      I just smoke it in a little bong.

      • #5375
        Points: 6,638

        It’s not the size of your bong that counts, it’s how often you hit it lol.  I love my big beautiful bong but it’s definitely more work clearing a 22″ tube over the standard 16″.  Sometimes 6″ really does make a difference… Just not in a good way… 😉

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Somatek.
      • #5660
        Points: 795

        For someone like myself who’s been smoking pot since Columbian gold in the early 80s and skunk bud too, what would you suggest that a beginner start at on a vape such as the v tower I am almost positive I’d enjoy it on every level for I don’t believe you can get too stoned right 🤣 I just thought 💭 I’d ask for I don’t know much about the dry vapes first one I ever saw was on Cheech and Chong s Nice Dreams!

      • #5673
        Points: 6,638

        Vaping is a lot like the pure equatorial varieties; clear headed, stimulating, laugh inducing, shit eating grin; all the best parts.

        For a desktop flower vape V-towers are great considering their price.  If you don’t mind 2nd hand then I’d also look at a used volcano classic as they are beasts and may be comparable in price.  I personally like bags as I can hit them and then get distracted typing replies with the bowl off the heating element and the bag waiting to be inhaled when I remember I was toking lol.

    • #5415
      Points: 4,165

    • #5416
      Points: 4,165

      @somatek I have seen Rizzla, but never picked any up. Maybe I’ll order some. I usually buy my raw’s in bundles. 200 sheet’s per pack – 9 packs per order. I will check them out.

      I’ve tried O.C.B that @Brad104 mentioned & the orange ZZ’s by Nate, had my Easy wider days as well.. too much paper there for me. Same with bamboo.. those were the 1st ones I went through. After I started rolling bigger fatter joints, I did go back to bamboo for a while before switching to RAW.

      • #5430
        Points: 697

        I have Josh, the creator of raw on my face book. He is a character lol. I love raw products myself and only smoke there organic hemp papes. I quit smoking 4 years ago and for making it 1 year my wife bought me that badass 3 price bamboo rolling tray. For new years I’m gana grab one of those challenge cones. Holds 2oz lol. That do have one bigger now called astrocone. 8 oz it hold 😳

      • #5674
        Points: 6,638

        On top of the Smoking Maize (my regular papers) and Club I just grabbed, a buddy sent me a care package of bud, some very gummy bubble hash, gummy worms (which I just remembered I ate awhile ago lol) and also papers.  So I also have a pack of raw, canadian lumber and glass: clear rolling papers (all 1 1/4) and Greengo (king size) to compare.  Come to think of it I have zigzag whites, rizzla silvers (my old faithful as a teen) and a couple other packs around I think.

        Does anyone else do the burn test to see how cleanly papers burn?  Simple burn on of each over a white piece of paper and compare the piles of ash.  It’s pretty easy to see based on size/colour how cleanly papers burns. I haven’t tried a lot of these papers so it’ll be nice to see how they stack up to each other. Tomorrow though as it’s long past relaxing time.

    • #5424
      Points: 795

      I enjoy the smoke while using the raw,solid choice @cannabliss. I’m also a bong guy and a blunt guy 🤣😂😂😂😂 The thing I wish to get into is the dabs and rosin . I’ve been looking through the different ones to get and like someone mentioned ,they are close to 200 bucks and also it’s hard as hell to try and get the device mailed into the U.S. on the count of the bill that was put into place.I guess if I want one I will have to drive a few hours to the city and pick one up for myself when I get a few hundred extra to spare it 😜 Until then I will just keep burning them blunts and 1.5 j.o.b.

    • #5724
      Points: 0

      Over the day I use my bong, at night I use the Mighty Vaporizer, so I can sleep trough the night

      Bonghits are just fast and I have a consistent effect 💪

    • #6088
      Points: 795

      I like it when I cough so hard I sneeze and can’t breathe.i open my mouth and catch my breath and my eyes are watering! That’s the kinda hit I like!

      • #6095
        Points: 6,116

        I don’t think that’s ever happened to me.

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