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2022年 10月 31日 at pm1:19 #8524
How do I raise the humidity level inside of my grow tent?I understand that I put a dehumidifier outside in the lung room,but what if I should need to raise it?
2022年 10月 31日 at pm2:05 #8527
Ive put a 5 gallon bucket and drain trays with water to help. Your not gana get huge swing but can get 5 or 10 if your lucky. A seed matt to kinda warm the water and or fan blowing over the water will help too.
2022年 10月 31日 at pm3:48 #8532
I appreciate your tip bro , I thank you as always my friend.I believe I’m going to get a 3×3 tent with my points credit to knock a few dollars off I will holler at you later
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