Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Let’s see those roots!

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    • #4427
      Points: 4,165

      Does anyone else document when they’ve had a root ball to die for? Healthy roots bring healthy fruits.

      This is a Glueberry Muffins s1 going from a 1gal to a 3gal.

    • #4429
      Points: 697

      25 gallon fabric pot. They look ripped cuz they are lol. I had to rip it out of bags, they grew into it. Then i beat it up to get an idea if how thick it got.

      • #6858
        Points: 795

        Damn 🤩 that is nicely done @cannabliss those roots are white as snow ❄️🌨️ and they just look awesome dude.You should be proud 🦚🥲 peacock bro for those roots are the truth.Did you use any mycro on it or is it just the glueberry strain has them gorgeous ass Roots

    • #4446
      Points: 4,165

      @Atom That has to be a hefty gal! Wooo Weeee! Look at the junk in that trunk as well lol 😍

      Nice job raising that beast! 💪🏽

      • #4591
        Points: 697

        Thanks man. They really liked the bottom layer where super soil was I guess. It’s strange how it filled in more there. I might bump up the amount in bottom next season. I’m pretty new to super soil/living soil so im learning yet.

    • #4461
      Points: 795

      Here’s my roots on a peyote I cut a little early @ 9 and a 1/2 weeks due to needing room bro I know that you understand @cannabliss. They’re little guys but you have to beat it on the ground to knock the dirt out of the shape of the pot.Because I moved straight out of Solo cups to there final 3 gallon fabric pots , when I transplanted theese gals bro I got to switch over to desktop,so I may post my picture bro

      • #6859
        Points: 795

        Damn bro that’s a monster for sure.I know that you are super proud of that one and damn well should be!

    • #4493
      Points: 1

      Good day brad 😎, I don’t have any root ball photos yet will try to upload one when I do have one.


      But I have a question. I’m fairly new to growing and from what I have learned so far is, for indoors grows you want to be pushing the limits the whole time on lights, ferts, you want the plant to be thriving the whole time pushing it to grow bigger and bigger with minimal interruptions.


      So why do I see so many posts about transplanting, starting in smaller pots, then increasing the size. Sometime 2 to 4 times.


      I see this all over the interweb.


      Wouldn’t it be better to start out in end pot and adjust the amount you water? Idk I am fairly new but is there a down side to starting seeds in there end pot?  What’s the benefit in multiple transplants?


      Just curious and trying to learn.

      • #4553
        Points: 4,165

        It’s not a bad thing to start in the bigger/final pots at all, the key to success there in short is to master your plants watering while it’s small. It’s definitely a learning curve, but worth going through.

        However I like the ability to add a coat of mykoz to the roots at each instance of up-potting. It strengthens the roots & I have had the best results with my plants going that route. It also helps people new to growing water correctly in the smaller pots.

        The ability to check roots is a plus as well just Incase you run into issues. Checking them isn’t such an easy task in fabric pots though. They can’t be lifted out like plastic pots because the roots fuse to the fibers making it impossible to do it without damaging the root system.
        I do like starting autos in their final pots if I am starting the whole tent at one time. If not, it goes into a cup for a couple weeks in a random space under a cfl light.

      • #4593
        Points: 697

        I’d like to add a little to this. Another reason to pot up is to avoid root rott. If you stick it in let’s say 5 gallon from a solo cup, you’ll have to be extremely careful to not drownd it in water. You’ll have to water a little around the area where you transplant, then slowly add more and more each water. If you water the whole 5 gallon pot, you’ll basically starve the roots of oxygen and they will start to rott.

        I like to go rockwool cube>solo cup>1 gallon>5 gallon. It takes about a month to 6 weeks to get into 5 gallon then about a month in the 5s, then ready for flower.

        As canna said they mykos really helps out your roots. There’s is a version available ( wetable power) that can be applied during watering, I have not tried it though

      • #4775
        Points: 6,638

        On top of what the others have mentioned, using graduated potting instead of planting in the final pot right off the start makes sure the roots fill the entire pot and give an added element of control.  I regularly keep moms small by keeping them in small pots.  Another example is controlling the stretch on equatorial landraces which can easily stretch to be 2-3 times their size or more.  On varieties with a 16+ flowering period leaving them root bound until the stretch is done and they start budding out is a common strategy to keep them manageable and make sure they yield as well as can be expected.

        The end size of a pot itself is purely personal as you can grow equally big plants in big or small pots, it just changes the irrigation/feeding cycles with smaller pots giving you more control at the cost of higher maintenance vs big pots being low maintenance at the cost of less control.  Neither is right or wrong, both work equally well it’s just a matter of pros and cons.

        Pots like anything in a grow are just another element of control.  The more you understand the topic, the more control you have over your plants and can tailor the situation to your needs.

    • #4566
      Points: 795

      @pilted  I am so glad that @cannabliss saw this before me and answered your question, for he definitely gave you the best explanation about the root system and as to why to pot them up in each different stages much better worded than I would have been able to word it.The only one thing that I will add is the bigger the rootball the bigger the plant you know,    Thank you for your wisdom @cannabliss

      • #4567
        Points: 4,165

        Thanks! I definitely  don’t know it all, but I have surely walked into many brick walls & found a few good tried & true ways of doing things in the process. I used to waste so much time & energy.. I mean, I still do 👷‍♂️😆

        but I waste a lot less these days. There is still much to figure out.

    • #4572
      Points: 795

      I know I have leaps and bounds to catch up I have always helped grow bigger crops with 50 to 75 plants under 1000 watt HPS bro so this tent stuff is 100% new to me bro,but I’m getting it or I will get it with a little help alone the way from you and a few others that have helped me out on here.Hell I hope to win one of these lights or a tent but if not it’s not the end of the world if I don’t so I will be happy once the contest is finally behind us and we will just be focused on growing I understand that it’s hard to stay fully focused when we have a shot at some of the finest growing growing equipment in the business you know well thank you again for everything @cannabliss I still have not been able to get my phone switched back to desktop mode so I can post a couple a couple pics in my grow journal too I’ll get it though haha

    • #4573
      Points: 795

      Here’s the whole 3 gallon lump it’s all little veiny small roots as you will see in the follow up picture that is coming next after I shake off the excess mediium

    • #4574
      Points: 795

      I understand that theese aren’t as perty as @atoms or @cannablisses but I am going to go more with root additives on my next grow but I do have a few pictures of the plants up and you can see the buds on m let me see your biggest buds post thanks for listening guys

    • #4584
      Points: 6,116

      These were the roots from my last harvest.

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    • #4776
      Points: 6,638

      I don’t really have many root pics as I chop the plants and let the roots feed the worms while the soil sits fallow before getting used again.

      So how about a pic of some baby roots instead as the clones I was transplanting are nice and fresh.

      That or I have the stalk from the Barbara Bud I grew outdoors last year. This beastly girl was just shy of 6 ft tall and 6ft wide, covered in buds about the size of my hand/forearm and weighed in at around 2lbs of dried bud.  Dry farmed, I basically planted an old mom outside and ignored it until harvest as I was in another city for most of the year.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Somatek.
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      • #4839
        Points: 4,165

        Look at the junk in that trunk! 😍

      • #4870
        Points: 6,638

        It was thick enough and woody enough that I gave it to my Step Father to try turning and carving into something interesting.

      • #4947
        Points: 4,165

        Would probably make a great cane prop for Halloween.

      • #5000
        Points: 6,638

        Have you seen the furniture made out of cannabis stalks shaped while growing?  They’re pretty cool, definite life goal to grow myself a chair lol

      • #6860
        Points: 795

        That’s a trunk there soma I bet you could have made a few sweaters and a couple bundles of paper with that gals trunk there bro

    • #4780
      Points: 4,165

      This is the stump from my lit farms ice cream sundae. I’ll take it out tomorrow & see what they look like. She was pretty big compared to my indoor grows.

    • #5213
      Points: 4,165

      Solo cup roots

    • #6417
      Points: 697

      Roots bloody roots!

    • #6548
      Points: 6,116

      This was prob my best one so far

      • #6596
        Points: 4,165

        NICE! I love it when they wrap around & fill the pot perimeter. Roots like that in on the bottom I would actually cut straight across before a mykoz dip & transplant. I was once told the lateral roots will expand when you do this.. I’ve tried it & I’m a firm believer.

        I’ve also seen what happens when you sit in a 1gal  for 5 months & think you’re going to grow nicely into a 5gal.

        WRONG. Lol. I was root bound to hell. It resulted in massive underwatering. The soil would stay wet, because the roots weren’t there to drink. It would all dry back eventually, but not til the 1gal section that I transplanted in there was way too dry. I messed up there. I was also lifting the pot to determine the next watering.


      • #6614
        Points: 697

        You guys should check these out, I have 2 of them but only uses a few times. They will pretty much eliminate you root bound probs.



      • #6664
        Points: 6,638

        There’s a common misconception that more roots always equal bigger buds when the truth is healthy roots growing well grow big buds.  The main advantage of more precise hydro systems is to grow bigger plants, that are more productive because they only need a small root system in ideal conditions to meet optimal growth needs.

      • #6833
        Points: 4,165

        Right on! I’ve seen some nice sized plants come out of a solo cup full of medium. It was hooked up with an irrigation system by GrotekUSA. They killed it. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 

      • #6747
        Points: 6,116

        What do you mean by cutting straight across.  The bottom?  I ruffled them up a bit but tried to do it without breaking any.  But what I’m hearing is that’s not so important?  More important to break them free so they continue to spread out?

      • #6861
        Points: 795

        Wow, how did they not get root bound in those Solo cups ,they are some huge ladies there bro.@cannabliss

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Brad104.
      • #6869
        Points: 4,165

        I’m sure they are rootbound af lol They had a lot of algae growth up top too.

      • #6868
        Points: 4,165

        I wouldn’t cut those, they look fine. I meant the ones I leave in these cups for almost a year. They would get cut on the bottom. I may just chop around the root ball & replant it in new soil. If the genetics are top shelf, there’d be no worries.

    • #6553
      Points: 6,116

      This was the first one I was excited about.  Really shitty pic though. From my second grow. 

      • #6615
        Points: 697

        This is the exact time I would transplant. It’s ok if they circle slightly, bit you still want some root tips to point outward. Also I always rough up the roots pretty good. I don’t rip the hell out of em, just a good hard tickle I guess is the best way to put it. You want as many roots to point outward as possible.

      • #6832
        Points: 4,165

        Most definitely agreed.

      • #6847
        Points: 6,638

        Well said and apt description about tickling the roots loose instead of pulling.  I tend to transplant a bit earlier when the roots are just starting to circle nice but before I need to tease them out so I can quickly transplant.  I learned to grow with volume of plants though, so it was geared to working quickly compared to thinking in terms of only growing a dozen of less plants.

      • #7277
        Points: 6,116

        Nice, that’s almost exactly what I did.   Thank you bro

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