Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Pk booster during flowering

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    • #4003
      Points: 795

      How much is to much pk during flowering? As always thanks in advance for your help

    • #4013
      Points: 1,073

      Ive only done 4 grows now but I can say I’ve used recommended doses of half nutrients. I’ve ignored peoples recommendations of using half nutes and went full scale. Ive even mixed epsom salts in water. I think the bag said that was 0-0-60 lol. Those are big numbers. Id love to know the max.

    • #4019
      Points: 795

      That’s what I’m screaming, the booster I use makes my last p 10 and k 11 after I ad it to my base nutrients so how the hell are you supposed to give something to your plants like 20 to 30xhihher I just don’t understand it I think maybe the giant number stuff is for outdoor crops,but I don’t know that.

    • #4028
      Points: 1,073

      As long as the babies dont stress I say do whatever. Full dose half dose and no dose have all worked for me so on grow number 4 im just like… idk what to think anymore. Id love to see a commercial operation run.

    • #4058
      Points: 697

      I added up all tje numbers on my technaflora nutes, 8-14-19 and I run at 2/3- 3/4 strength.  As far as limit, I can say at full strength plants don’t really like it. I belive the nute company put out higher recommendations than are required to make more money. I’m sure there’s some strains who wouldn’t mind full strength but none I’ve found so far

    • #4647
      Points: 795

      Are you running the recipe for success by tecna flora bro @atom?

    • #4674
      Points: 1,670

      House and garden nutes call for their top booster 4 weeks prior to harvest for a week, then top shooter for 3 more weeks after.


      General Hydroponics Liquid koolbloom – calls for 2 weeks prior to harvest or entire flowering cycle, depending on whether you’re reading the label on bottle or website.


      I’ve never even heard of doing half strength nutrients.  Just quarter strength (or less) for clones.  Is there a line that cooks plants or something?

      • #4889
        Points: 6,638

        Using nutes at half strength is a common suggestion as a lot of home growers have conditions far from the ideal which is what the manufacturers recommendations are based on.  Since plants will only grow as quick as the biggest limiting factor allows them to, often growers have as good or better results with half strength leading some to believe in conspiracy theories about companies telling people to use too much to boost their profits instead of acknowledging their own faults…

    • #4688
      Points: 6,116

      I use Langbeinite 0-0-22 on top of full strength ff powdered bloom nutes.

    • #4890
      Points: 6,638

      First off to clarify the NPK ratio just shows how much of one there is to another.  How high the numbers are just tells us how concentrated the fertilizer is; a 20-40-30 and a 2-4-3 provide the exact same nutes in the same concentration as the first might be mixed at a 1/4 tbsp/gal while the second would be more like 2 tbsp/gal.  Higher numbers just mean more dilution, lower numbers mean more fertilizers.

      My personal favourite flower booster was PK 13/14 from Canna as it was the first product line developed specifically for cannabis and rely on quality products that work over marketing.  Not to mention PK 13/14 gives you rock hard buds.

      Unless you’re an experienced grower I always suggested people choose a fertilizer and stick with their line/amendments until experienced.  A good company designs their products to work together and provide the right ratios of nutrients at the right times.  Using a plethora of different products from different companies is common but often not practical or economical.

      • #4903
        Points: 6,116


    • #4901
      Points: 795

      I’m super glad you shared the knowledge about the NPK,that was beneficial for me, cause I don’t know how I thought this or remember if someone had misinformed me,cause Ihad no idea the lower thenumber the more nutes,many thanks once again@somatek!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Brad104.
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