
Home Forums Q&A spurious threads, social points, and you!

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    • #7633
      Points: 1,670

      Good morning, just doing some point harvesting research.   I wouldn’t bother clicking like or subscribe here friends.

      Social side of things looks like its popping off, with some people making unspeakable points off the friends list activity feeds.

      Anyone of you that make your quota of new topics per day, have you been getting topics removed?  I stopped watching for deleted threads a while ago, but they’re definitely disappearing.   It’d be nice if we had some moderation from time to time, and some removal of spurious threads and comments and duplicated queries…  The last thing I want when I log in every week is to see notifications that when clicked, go to the wrong post… or activity feeds based on one user spamming their heart out.





    • #7716
      Points: 795

      I asked a while ago actually the first week, and I was written back by the admin saying everyones opinion counted on this forum,so in the race of trying to win a 600 dollar light.Yes I do ask a lot of questions but is it fair to say that because soma is in a close 3rd that his posts are more valuable than mine or Keith’s I just think 💬 that is a slippery slope I am not trying to ruffle any feathers but I’ve not had any luck on the other forums giveaways so this contest is not about luck it’s about precipitation and Damn if I have not put the hours in.I suggest to all who dislike what is going on with the contest to just stay logged off for a week or go to RIU or THC farmer, reddit 420 magazine just to name a few and when you return on 11-1 things will be much more calm I would think 🤔.  JS

      • #7737
        Points: 1,670

        Can you like, calm down and make your posts readable at least?   You make this place hard to interact with on the daily.

        The thread was a question about posts getting removed, and you just come in with spam instead.  Brotha that’s not copacetic.  I’m doing my part to reduce the spam I receive, can you reciprocate once in while?



        @spider farmer

    • #7731
      Points: 6,638

      As always well said, although I also appreciate how it’s a tricky balance for moderating being a new forum as if it’s at all heavy handed then it’ll discourage participation. Without any though it creates an equally inhospitable place as new people’s threads get lost in the shuffle when pushed back because of spamming.

      I know I spend less time looking at the forums and often just reply to notifications about threads and then move on, although I’m pretty busy scrambling to get everything done before I actually start working in a week or so.

    • #7743
      Points: 795

      So I guess that I’m not supposed to ask any questions I have got,I mean nothing personal but who the hell made you the spider farmer Police as I’ve stated if you wish to buy me a 600 dollar light then by all means I’ll listen to you then, until then I’m going to continue to ask what ever questions I see fit I’ve been here since the beginning and heard people bitching and talk about me since day 1 seeing as this contest is about perticipation I put in 16 hours a day on here every day since the beginning.I understand that you are feeling some type of way but hey I guarantee you or anyone who doesn’t care for me unfriend me that’s your opinion I will not loose no sleep 💤😴 either way believe that! I appreciate your response as it’s your opinion,but you know how the saying goes opinions are like a$##_-_#  everyone has one I’m just happy that none of the haters work for the company spider farmer until you do it’s going to be what it’s going to be good night and God bless you all I’m not mad or hating on anyone I’m just over every one talking junk about me every one here had as much as a chance as the next person

      • #7747
        Points: 1,670

        No, I think you miss the point brad, the ‘Points Rules’ at the top of the site doesn’t list anything about the ‘social network’ features, any points generated from that side of the site thus, are shady AF.  It lists Common, Forum, Referral and Other methods of gaining points, zero mention of the social network features points limit — if there even is one.

        Finding other places outside the Forum but still on the website that cause points, thats the real gold we found along the way, no?   If I had anything personal against you, I probably would’ve said something in private when we were still nominally friends…  quit taking this personally, I’m not after ‘your’ light, brethren.  There’s no opinions being slung, there’s no ‘hating’ going on, sir.   I just had enough so I clicked a couple other buttons ;o

        have a pleasant, fruitful, day.

      • #8049
        Points: 795

        I understand where you was coming from @nearotic turtle 🐢. I had gained many of points from that,but as you stated there was no mention of the social network page,so I treated it as Facebook and like everything,but as you see they took a lot of points away from me and now I am scraping to win the lights but .I do apologize to you nearotic turtle 🐢 I hope that you are able to forgive me for my haste and my words back to you.It was not in good taste and I am sorry again


    • #7748
      Points: 795

      I’m man enough to apologize, I’m sorry.I truly am.I took it the wrong way it’s just there’s been a lot of misunderstanding since day 1 and I understand why some of the more better growers such as your self (I do mean that as a compliment) You are a very talented individual and I hope you will still speak with me about things. But back to what I was saying yes I understand why the better growers get upset, I truly do.The main thing after today (Tuesday) we have only 5 days of the contest left.But I am sorry if I offended you I truly am I mean that @neaurotictutle for you are super talented at growing believe it’s showing through your journal. I also know that you are an intelligent individual.I will end with that.Good night or day whatever side of the pond your on !


      God bless @neaurotic turtle 🐢

      • #7897
        Points: 6,638

        Why do you think the more experienced growers are upset?  I’m asking because that kind of open statement is often the root of miscommunication; I don’t actually know if you understand why people are annoyed or if you’re feeling defensive and projecting your thoughts onto other people, assuming you understand their issue while not actually hearing what they’re saying.  I’m not asking to be an ass or be confrontational, I honestly want to help by making sure there is no miscommunication and everyone is talking about the same thing.

      • #7913
        Points: 795

        I understand @somatek I truly do get it.Everyones upset because if you go back and answer something from say 10-6 for instance.I am honestly computer dumb, that is the truth.I didn’t know that each time I pulled up an old thread that it posted it back up again so I’m assuming that is the spam that they are referring too.So that is why when I understood it I imidiately apologized I’m big enough to say that I did make a mistake and as everyone else can see I was punished for it and I accepted it,so now I will only reply to things that are brought to my attention or something I really wish to know about so I hope that this clears a lot of the misunderstandings up so thanks again @somatek I’m just trying to stay in the race for a light or whatever if I win anything I’ll be happy,so thanks again and sorry once again to everyone and to our host of the contest @spiderfarm

      • #7914
        Points: 6,638

        I don’t know if that’s what @NeutroticTurtle is actually saying…  You may want to re-read their replies and ask questions if you don’t know what they mean instead of just reacting defensively and not hearing what they’re saying.

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