Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Taste Buds when High

last updated by Atom 1 year, 11 months ago
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    • #3584
      Points: 1,422

      Well this is interesting – explains the munchies.

      I know if you are a tobbacco smoker your senses decrease but with weed it is enhance but why? THC stimulates the edocannabinoid system and a study has shown that weed heighten your senses and that enhances the experience of eating and tasting the food.

    • #3612
      Points: 697

      Take a hit of some good hash then drink some coffee. Something magical happens and it enhances the hash taste. It’s a very special plant and I think we still have much to learn about it.

    • #3619
      Points: 1,422

      You mix some hash with flower or just as is? Sip of coffee mmmm

      • #3628
        Points: 697

        Mostly just make a long snake and put it in center of doob. Bubble hash can be very hard to smoke in bowl. It often times just melts down into your pipe.

        Once at a music festival I scored some hash that I was told way from Lebanon. It had a very distinctive taste, and was certainly different from bubble. I’ll never know if it was truly from there but I like to belive it was

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