Home Forums Vegetable Cultivation We’ll call these veggies

last updated by Nate 2 years, 3 months ago
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    • #6492
      Points: 6,638

      Since the definitely aren’t pot, figured this is the best place to show off my wee peyote/false peyote (the three on the left), which is also perfectly legal in Canada as the gov excluded it from the controlled drugs and substance act when it was written.

      After a month or two under the LED’s they’re actually looking healthy and growing happily compared to the etoliated old gnarly look they use to have.

    • #7151
      Points: 470

      I always thought it was funny that they excluded peyote from the controlled substances act. I suppose it must have something to do with indigenous rights to ceremonial practices or something. Are those only a couple months old? I was under the impression it would take like 5+ years to grow one of any substance.

      • #7161
        Points: 6,638

        That’s exactly it, the CDSA was put in place after (possibly right around) when the Native American Church won the right to use peyote for religious purposes as part of their culture.  The Canadian gov didn’t want to open up and potential court challenges so just excluded it from section 3 where it lists mescaline.

        I got these cacti 2, maybe 3 years ago.  If I had to guess I’d say there were probably 3 years old at that point, so around 5-6 years.  Until this year they barely grew as they didn’t have good light or proper soil (they want very little organic matter, mostly stones/sand and inert growing media) so I didn’t water them much.  The Lophophora Diffusa (false peyote, 3 in the left pot) were really etoliated, basically stretched/thin instead of round but have really filled out nicely into a proper shape with the LED’s and regular waterings.  The actual peyote (L. williamsii) have grown maybe 20-30% this year, you can tell by the look (plumb and round) they’ve been actively growing.  Some growers prefer to keep the plants underwatered and “hard grown” which makes them look more natural instead of jacked like indoor/well watered ones.  Although soon it’ll be time to cut the watering out for the next 6 months and set them aside somewhere cool to hopefully hibernate so they flower for me next year.  I got my old peyote cacti to flower, it’s fun collecting the seeds and growing your collection of cacti; maybe in 20 years I’ll have enough for a trip lmao.  Which is why you don’t grow peyote as a psychedelic, just a beautiful plant.

        Growing cacti was the first thing I ever tried when I was 6-8 years old, then bonsai when the Karate Kid movies came out in the late 80’s/early 90’s when I was a pre-teen/teen.  My parents probably never would have let me if they realised I was building towards being a pot growing addict lol

    • #7181
      Points: 470

      That’s pretty cool man. I’d like to branch out into house plants and cacti as well at some point. My wife has a monstera, but I’m not allowed to touch it lol.

      • #7184
        Points: 6,638

        Lol, that sounds like a challenge; figure out the right mycos/beneficiasl to grow a monstera, sneak one into your tent and grow a beast then tell her she’s not allowed to touch it 😛  (there’s very much a reason why I’m happily single lol).

        I love gardening but I’m pretty specific, if I can’t eat it or get high from it I’m not really interested in growing it lol.  Ma Huang is the next plant I want to add to the garden, a variety of Ephedra from China as I want to recreate Soma; which by all accounts originally was a mixture of pot and ephedra taken before dancing/spinning all night.  Sounds exactly like my kinda religious experience lol

      • #7195
        Points: 470

        She has been talking about taking some cuttings and potting some more, so I might just take that opportunity to snag one lol. Mostly I’m the same way, I like to have an end product, but I can’t lie, I do like the aesthetics of a room with a lot of plants in it. My wife was into house plants for a while, but with her (self diagnosed, she’s trying to get a family doctor now) ADHD, she tends to forget about them and kill them lol. So now all we have left is her giant monstera, some snake plants that are living in a biotank that we have for a tree frog, and then a single leaf cutting from a dying money tree (dead now lol) that was placed in a shot glass of water, and started growing roots like 2 weeks later.

      • #7201
        Points: 6,638

        Relatable, people keep giving me plants only for me to find them a month or two later dead from neglect.  Although the “money plant” I was given a year ago is still kicking somehow, despite chronic underwatering…  There’s a reason I like cacti, they tend to be perfectly happy being neglected for weeks/months on end.  I remember helping a friend move and we found a T. Peruvianus (peruvian torch, the easy way to grow mescaline) cutting behind his fridge that I had given him 6 months to a year earlier.  It was a very light green and thin but still kicking with roots sticking out ready to grow lol.

      • #7223
        Points: 470

        Haha thats wild about the cutting behind the fridge. Somehow she’s actually managed to kill like three cacti, and multiple succulents. Can’t say I’d do much better though, as al my plant focus in in my weed plants lol.

      • #7231
        Points: 6,638

        Usually over watering is the culprit, cacti are kinda like cats, they want you to piss off and leave them alone most of the time until they want attention.

      • #7284
        Points: 470

        I honestly think she just forgot about them for like 6 months. We got a dog in the spring, so it’s understandable that the plants would take a back seat.

      • #7297
        Points: 6,638

        It’s a hard life for a plant that can only scream by letting off chemicals to compete with an adorable puppy that makes noise and has a tongue…

      • #7356
        Points: 470

        Haha too true.

      • #7359
        Points: 6,638

        The messed up part is I’ll wake up in the middle of the night, wide awake, if I forget to water my girls usually.  When I’m not distracted by a million things, bouncing around like a lunatic and sleeping like a log from sheer exhaustion that is lol.

      • #7362
        Points: 470

        Lol yeah, I’m the same way with my weed plants. House plants are certainly more casual for the most part.

      • #7386
        Points: 6,638

        Ironically I just found some lovely lithops (aka living stones) while out walking, plus some other interesting cacti, so I think I’ll be expanding my cacti garden.  Maybe having them in the veg area will remind me to water them lol

      • #7536
        Points: 470

        Nice! I’ve never heard of those, but they’re wild looking! They look like alien pills haha.

    • #7840
      Points: 796

      Damn @somatek you truly are a jack of all trades bro those are awesome, I wish the Americans would follow suit for the Indian church here,I would love to do some mescaline and I would love it even more to go on a iowaska trip that would be just simply amazing! Great share and great looking cacti  hey keep them in your tent to suck the water out of your humidity 😅🤣

      Truly awesome dude,they are

      • #7872
        Points: 6,638

        Canada excluded Peyote from the CDSA because the Native American Church had already won the right to use it for religious purposes in the US supreme court and the gov didn’t want to deal with a similar legal issue so they simply excluded it from the law.  Natives are fully allowed to use peyote in their religious, cultural context.

    • #7875
      Points: 796

      Let me find out, I learned something about the American judicial system from a Canadian, and that’s great in my opinion,I do appreciate all the knowledge that you have helped me with @somatek I do most appreciate my friend from up north,Thank you Soma




      • #7876
        Points: 6,638

        Cheers buddy, I always enjoy sharing what I know and if you find out I’m mistake please correct me as I enjoy learning even more.

    • #8825
      Points: 961

      Ah yes, Lophophora williamsii. $20 a button back in the day. A few years later it was “chocolate mescaline” in Hersey’s Chocolate milk powder. Then I discovered trichocereus pachanoi (San Pedro) for sale at Home Depot in Phoenix. What????  That started me on a nice cactus ebay business. eBay won’t take auctions for Trichocereus any more.

      As for legality, @Nate and  @Somatek , if you’re in Canada, ??? I don’t know, but here in the US, it’s still illegal Federally. https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Peyote%20and%20Mescaline-2020_0.pdf

      So my mescaline days are decade(s) in the rear view mirrow now, but I still have pics and shhhhh, I still have this one, LOL!!!  It’s a trichocereus bridgesii monstrose (long form), but it has another name. Know it’s common name? Hahahaha!!!

      • #8866
        Points: 470

        So, in Canada the criminal code specifically excludes peyote when defining the illegal substances in the controlled substances act. Here’s the criminal code.

        From the schedule III section:

        “Mescaline (3,4,5–trimethoxybenzeneethanamine) and any salt thereof, but not peyote (lophophora)”

      • #8897
        Points: 961

        “Mescaline (3,4,5–trimethoxybenzeneethanamine) and any salt thereof, but not peyote (lophophora)” 🙄 😕

        So the natives can use the buttons, but not San Pedro. Can tea be made from the buttons, or do they have to be consumed whole? Now I’m curious, seeing both you and Somatek are in Canada.  …and who qualifies? My great great grandmother was Native American.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by IamN2pot.
      • #8950
        Points: 470

        The reasoning was based on avoiding issues with native ceremonies, but it’s excluded from the criminal code entirely for all Canadians, and I would assume foreign visitors as well. As far as I can tell, there is no restriction on peyote whatsoever as long as you aren’t processing it into mescaline or anything else. I would assume tea would be fine as well since you aren’t changing it chemically.

    • #8899
      Points: 961

      Oh my budda:

      “Date of Issuance: 
      Tuesday, December 22, 1981
      Regulation of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) exempting peyote use in connection with the religious ceremonies of the Native American Church (NAC) from the controls and sanctions of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (CSA), accurately reflects Congress’ intent to exempt the religious use of peyote by the NAC and other bona fide religions in which the use of peyote is central to established religious beliefs, practices, dogmas, or rituals.  …..”

      US Dept. of Justice … https://www.justice.gov/olc/opinion/peyote-exemption-native-american-church

      Good grief, Charlie Brown.   Research time for N2!

      • #8951
        Points: 470

        I read the wording of that one to mean that you’d be fine as long as it was ingested in the context of a religious ceremony. But then again, you may have state laws that contradict that. Either way, I’m not a lawyer, or even an American, so definitely don’t just take my advice lol.

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