Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation What material would you use for the walls of a tent you built?

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    • #3948
      Points: 6,116

      I was planning foam board bc it’s cheap, it insulated and it’s got a reflective side.  Was thinning maybe some panda film for the inside grow area.  Was just looking for other input.   Here’s the frame of the tent.

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    • #3958
      Points: 796

      I would use a thick mil black plastic bro overtop of a tarp.place a dark tarp over your plumbing pipe first off,cut your doors were you want them a thick mill black plastic over that might do the trick. I’ve been thinking of doing it but I’ve decided to use my closet and I’m going to line it’s wAlls in aluminum foil. I hope my idea helps you out some

      • #3960
        Points: 6,116

        That’s would work but the black wouldn’t be reflective.  Is that right?

    • #3963
      Points: 796

      Yeah you are right about that,you can’t tell Ive been burning down tonight huh ha ha . Maybe you could like get the tarp in position first then just buy a roll of mylar paper I guess they still sell it I’ve personally not bought any in a decade but if for some reason they don’t manufacture it any longer I guess you would have to use aluminum foil bro.but anyway after you get your tarp positioned perfect and your doorway cut then you mylar the tarps inside walls for the plastic will go on last and your tarp will be your inside walls.I would lay the tarp out flat what ever size you need then figure out how to attach the mylar to the tarp bro and that should do it maybe

      Hopefully this helped you out bro

    • #3971
      Points: 1,073

      Nice Frame, How Rigid is it? I just Made a new Tent out of 2×3 pine. Idk why they are so cheap… and an old vivosun 4×8 tent that I unstitched with my a seam ripper from a sewing kit! For the Floor I used that reflective bubble wrap insulation for hvac ductwork and the celing and 1 wall i used Vivosun Mylar.

      • #3984
        Points: 6,116

        That’s really awesome that you made use of of all that older material.  I love to use old free material.  The pvc I got for free from a guy on fb.  I’ve got a shit load of it.  Along with a bunch of 2×4 about 6 ft long and some other wood. Most of the things I’ve built were made out of salvaged wood.

    • #3973
      Points: 1,073

      And for all joints and seams I used ZIP TAPE. Its my new Duct Tape. It sticks to anything even fabric or wet stuff and when you pull it off it doesnt leave goop and white mesh like duct tape. Lowes and Home Depot have it

      • #3981
        Points: 6,116

        I’ll have to check that out, I’ve never heard of it.  I’m not sure how rigid it’ll be, but I’m going to glue all the ceiling joints and it’ll be a checkerboard pattern for more strength.  It should hold a light.  I hope.

    • #3986
      Points: 1,073

      Zip tape takes more than one layer to be light proof. Very sticky and strong. Used to tape plywood sheathing joints on the outside of houses.


      for The record my Snowmobile seat is going 3 years strong with a zip tape seat lol

    • #3993
      Points: 6,116
    • #4021
      Points: 707

      My first grow set up was home made. I used 2x4s and some panda film it’s called. It’s black on one side, white on the other. Completely light proof and fairly cheap like 15$ for 10x10foot. Then you can buy a zipper that has sticky on one side, put on plastic where ever you want doorway, cut slit, zip zip, and your jammin.

    • #4022
      Points: 6,638

      I make grow chambers out of 1×3 up to 2×4’s and then wrap panda plastic around both sides and seal with tuck tape. It’s cheap, no off gassing to worry about other the ethylene but that’s only an issue in sealed rooms and is around 90% reflective. Wrapping both sides of the frame creates an air space that’s 3-4″, giving an R value of 10-14 theoretically although realistically it’s probably closer to 7-10 with thermal bridging and convection currents in the wall space.

      • #4064
        Points: 707

        Somatek your on another level my man. Always dropping that detailed knowledge, much appreciated bro.

      • #4142
        Points: 6,638

        Being neurodivergent and 20+ years of being hyperfocused on all things dope come in handy.  The rest of my life not so easy, pot is easy peasy for someone who’s nice and sleazy lol.

      • #4352
        Points: 6,116

        Holy shit bro I just googled what neurodivergent is it was like a light going off.  Like I’m fucking terrible at some really easy normal parts of life.  I won’t get into it but I’ve always said it’s like my brain doesn’t work right when dealing with certain things.  But then in other areas I’m like a fucking savant.  But only really 1 area and I’ve never seemed to make it benefit me too much.  You’ve really made good use out of your brain.  The only thing I’ve figured out is how to make people like me.

      • #4395
        Points: 6,638

        It covers a wide range of things were people’s brains function differently from the norm.  I haven’t been properly diagnosed which is why I use the catch all but I have the classic symptoms of both ADHD and ASD/aspergers, self tests show I’m in the highest percentile for both of them and they’re commonly misdiagnosed.  I know some people struggle with being diagnosed but it was empowering for me as it put my life into a sensible context as I’m not like most people and embracing the differences instead of fighting my brain to be “normal” makes life easier, makes it easier to relate to people and helps me understand how to take advantage of my differences instead of be limited by them.

        Mental health, especially men’s mental health, is another key value I have.  When you look at the stats around pain, opiate addiction and homelessness it’s easy to see how men are disproportionately represented and how mental health is a key intersectional issue in addiction and poverty; it becomes clear that men need more functional support due to the stigma’s around talking about mental health as it’s seen as a weakness.  My Dad started a Men’s Helpline back in the early 90’s so I learned to associated talking about issues as being strong and confronting them, instead of being weak/afraid of addressing them and being controlled by them instead.  Which is a good time to mention that if anyone is ever struggling and in need of someone to listen, feel free to message me and I’ll always make time for someone to vent if needed.

      • #4401
        Points: 6,116

        I could talk about this forever.  I went through a program around 2010 that dealt with emotions and how to properly deal with them.  It was a rehab, but 10 months long that very much changed the way I felt about my feelings.  Your message was so right on I could keep going on and on, but suffice it to say I completely agree with you.  I was diagnosed with adhd and bipolar when I was a kid but don’t rely too much on that diagnosis.  I know I have major problems focusing but I’ve learned to deal with it in my life, like you said.  I don’t think anyone could diagnose me as well as I can diagnose myself.  Who knows me better?  I have the tools and the understanding of what is going on inside my head.  I really love talking about this kind of stuff.  And I really felt what you said.

      • #4068
        Points: 6,116

        Bro yes!  Both sides of the frame makes it even more insulated.  It’s creates that air space.  I’ll only have about an inch of space between though bc I’m only using pvc and not 2×4 or anything.

      • #4143
        Points: 6,638

        People underestimate the R value of air, even better if you can compartmentalize it into air pockets to minimize convection currents transferring heat between areas.  Friends with engineering degrees are wonderful things lol.

    • #4141
      Points: 6,638

      What I learned recently from “handbook of cannabis production in controlled envrionments” is the panda plastic which is made of polyethylene off gasses ethylene gas, which disrupts flowering and affects yields at concentrations of low as 10 parts per billion.  Like I said though, with the constant ventilation we use in most home grow situations it’s not relevant as any off gassing will be sucked right out.

    • #4147
      Points: 6,116

      That’s how they make igloo coolers, it’s just air in between 2 pieces of plastic.   And attics and houses too

    • #4208
      Points: 796

      I think 💬 I’m going to start building something my guys straight up 💯 I truly like the sound of the panda film and I like the sound of the zip tape you guys are so information full.Its a pleasure knowing and speaking to you all @atom

      @ Keith



      • #4210
        Points: 6,116

        What material will you use?

      • #4400
        Points: 6,638

        Can’t wait to see pics when it’s finished.  Have you figured out where intake/exhaust vents will go yet?

      • #4402
        Points: 6,116

        Are you talking about his or mine?  Bc I could use some advice figuring that out on mine.

      • #4411
        Points: 6,638

        why not both? lol

        I did originally mean Brad but answering your questions will probably help others so I see no problem in asking here instead of cluttering the forum with redundant threads.

      • #4404
        Points: 6,116

        There’s a few things I’m not too sure about.  I’ll be going from conditioning the lung room and relying on the exhaust system to suck in that conditioned air to attempting to keep the dehu and cooling/heating  inside the tent.  I have to play around with it too see what’s going to happen, but I’m going into this pretty green.

      • #4414
        Points: 6,638

        Are you relying on passive or active ventilation to draw the air in from the “lung” room?  I haven’t set up a room like that before but I imagine the key will be having even air distribution on the intake side so you don’t have uneven pockets of air trapped in eddies creating microclimates in the grow.

    • #4217
      Points: 796

      I believe I am going to try with what I was trying to explain to you here.I will do the frame in 3/4 inch PVC then a tarp wrap around first cut a doorway then place a 25′ peice of 5 mil black plastic over top of my frame with the tar already on them I will cut away all excess plastic then match up doorways then I will attach a zipper to my door but before I finish up the zipper.i will spot glue the plastic to the tarp to keep in place.Then once the outside is ready then I will mylar the inside.As soon as I see what my total yeild is from my few plants I cut the other day after I know that I will know when I can tell you guys when I am going to start the build.

    • #4222
      Points: 1,073

      Keith, I believe some coolers like yeti rely on the absence of air between two layers.  If there are no molecules to transfer the heat then there is better insulation. Vacuum is the best insulation from what I understand. not really sure how this applies to a grow space just wanted to throw that out there!

      • #4353
        Points: 6,116

        No I appreciate that.  I wanted to mention yeti cups but honestly wasn’t sure how they did that.  It works really well though. I love those types of cups.

    • #4223
      Points: 1,073

      I wish they would sell the Tent Materials that most grow tents are made of.

      • #4399
        Points: 6,638

        A friend was actually looking at the canvas they use for tents and planning on lining it with mylar but ended up just buying a tent and modifying it as the cost was lower then buying the materials.  I still don’t know how I feel about having canvas in a grow enviro as it can easily mold if you have too many water spill soak into it whereas panda plastic is inert and easy to sterilize.

      • #4403
        Points: 1,670

        @Loves2Trim they do make like…. black reflective canvas on a roll for fairly cheap.

    • #4460
      Points: 796

      I think you are on to something there somatek I was saying I would like to try and build one,but I don’t have any idea how much it would all be separate so that is why I was asking about building the tent is it cost effective and all of that but I’m thinking if I can get something in working order like a tent well close I would start building it around the 3rd of the month or so but I’m also thinking if I can maybe just buy a good fan from spider farmer or the ac infinity t series you guys all speak about so good and build the box for it and somehow use my closet space for the structure is there already, what is your thoughts on that @somatek.  Thanks in advance buddy

      • #4495
        Points: 6,638

        I prefer working in grow chambers/tents (although I’ve always built mine and only grown a crop or two in tents) over closets as you have better access to the garden without having to pull the plants out.  In a pinch on a tight budget or in a tight space closest can easily be set up to work well but if given a choice I’d always rather grow in a separate space.

        I normally build them, out of 2×4’s previously but with the price of wood now I’d use 1×3’s, as I like having the air space to insulate the grow.  Then it’s easy to keep the surrounding room at the ideal temp/humidity and have that drawn into the grow chamber before being vented.  If it’d help I can post a thread about the last one I built and things to consider/the thought process behind it.  My costs were minimal as my friend had a bunch of 1×6 clear cedar I ripped into 1×3’s and I used old plastic from my last grow.  If it’d help you make up your mind I’m happy to share though

    • #4503
      Points: 1,073
      1. tent material would have helped me out 12 weeks ago! I already butchered my vivo 4×8 into a 5×12! with Mylar and HVAC duct wrap for filler in the missing walls.
      • #4636
        Points: 796

        I would appreciate the share of your build @somatek for I am trying a run in a closet space 4×4 in my grow journal, Thank you in advance @somatek

      • #4648
        Points: 6,638

        I’ll post it after I’m done the mornings gardening before I head out for the day, it won’t be a detailed DiY instructions as I just have a couple snaps I took for friends but I can gladly explain how I built it and why.

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