Home › Forums › Grow Journal › A new journal of my old Skunk #1 grow with a SF4000
2022年 10月 18日 at pm12:58 #6307
First for the THANK YOU, to Spider Farmer for producing the original SF4000 and subsuquent lights. To Sam the Skunkman for producing this timeless classic some 40 odd years ago and Todd over at AGseedCo for sharing these genetics with me, …and now with you! I am vegging (pun intended, 🙄 ) in a 4x4x6.5 Spider Farmer tent with my original model SF2000. Bloom is in a 4x4x8 tall tent with my SF4000. </span>
Skunk #1 at 1 week old and at the bottom right in the photo. The white cover you will see over all my pots is old carbon pre-filter cut to fit as a physical barrier to Fungus gnats. Works wonderfully and keeps my grows organic and gnat free. The photo shows 4 of the 6 Skunk #1 seeds I germinated. They are under my SF2000 in the SF tent with our fresh winter kales and tomatos. The photo was taken on Feb 9/22.
The next picture I have of this grow was taken on Mar 15th and is only of the 3 males. Sorry, this was never ment to be a show-n-grow, but I’m happy to share the pictures I have. I got 3 males and 3 females from the 6 seedlings. The boys are ready to explode with pollen and had been under 12/12. The girls had been removed to the tall tent at this point. The first pollen sack opened the next day. (…and we were still enjoying that kale 😉 )
This next picture is from March 21 and shows 3 Wedding Cake female clones on the left, 2 Sk#1 males in the middle and 3 Sk #1 females on the right. (lucky boys) That ole SF4000 may not have the PPFD map the new model(s) have, but it works pretty good for making buds, ….and babies. ➡
Only a few days later, March 22, I took this picture of my 2 boys in front of the tall tent. They looked like boys just showing off, so I took a picture… and collected and Sk #1 pollen I later gave away.
A week later, Mar 29th and the boys had done their work and had been removed. The girls were forming young buds and I thought I would only have a few seeds. HAHAHAHA! I seem to have ignored the fact that pollen had been pulled into my carbon pre-filter, only to be dispersed every time my heater turned on and the exaust fan turned off. It was winter and my setup has a set temp controler that allows my space heater and exaust fan to toggle back and forth so that only one or the other is on at a time. Works GREAT, unless you have pollen in the pre-filter that is back flushed out of that pre-filter, so to speak, every time the exaust turned off and negitive pressure was released. Lesson learned! Many, many seeds made. 😛
Tent cleaning day on the 30th and a picture in the tent on the 31st. WC on the left and Sk #1 on the right.
Why didn’t I change out that pre-filter?, ’cause sometimes I’m a knuckle head, just ask my wife!!! 🙄
April 4th and I have seeds ripening.
Well, the next pictures I have of that grow are from Apr 12th. You can see from the picture why I have a ‘tall’ tent beside my Spider Farmer tent. The SK#1 is on the right. Both Sk #1 and the WC are starting to form buds and trichromes. The 2nd picture is of a Sk #1 bud.
April 18, a picture of the ‘green’ Sk #1. Along the way, I took clones of each of the 3 pheno’s. To keep them seperate I used colored cloths pins to clip onto each pot. Look closely at the pots in the photo above. Green was the tallest and earliest finishing pheno.
The next pictures I have of this grow are from May 4th. At this point in the grow, green was only 4 days from harvest. In the second picture you can see the color differance between the purpling WC and the lime green and yellowing Sk #1 sun leaves. This grow was put into bloom on 3/15 and the Sk #1 harvested between 5/8 and 5/13, while the WC took until 5/15 to 5/25. The WC was from clones, so why different harvest date? I like to harvest at different stages of ripeness. “Variety is the spice of life” 😆 Oh yes, the light green and yellowing of the Sk #1 is a trait of that cultivar, just like the purpling of the WC. It is not light burn from the SF4000 or a nute deficiency. You can clearly see the lime green leaves of the Sk #1 on the right of the secong photo of Wedding Cake.
May 8th. Harvest day, hoorah!
and just because it WAS grown under the same SF4000, photos of the WC at harvest. Photos are from May 22nd and 23rd.
…and because I decided to do this journal, I took some pictures of the finished Sk #1 colas and seeds in a 9″ pie plate.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the journal as much as I enjoyed the grow! …and am still enjoying the harvest!!!
- This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by IamN2pot.
- This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by IamN2pot.
2022年 10月 18日 at pm6:31 #6356
Thanks for the share of this classic, delicious and one of my favorites skunk weed! I was telling everyone the other day, I can’t remember smoking a bad skunk joint. This strain in my opinion will always be a timeless classic in my book bro!
Very nice journal and grow, thanks for sharing!!!!!
2022年 10月 18日 at pm7:21 #6374
That was a great journal. I’ve not ever seen someone produce seeds so it was informative and interesting. Thanks for posting it.
2022年 10月 18日 at pm8:07 #6376
Always a pleasure to see the classics like Skunk #1 grown, even more so seeing so pollen chucking and seed being made. Thanks for sharing.
2022年 10月 19日 at am2:53 #6385
Skunk was the first real weed I ever had, its something I’ll never forget. Before that was brown frown.
Pretty nice grows, first breeder I think we have in this group. I’ll be back to pick your brain some about that no doubt. Have you done fems by chance?
2022年 10月 19日 at am11:06 #6473
Atom, to answer your question about “Have you done fems by chance?”
LOL, read my post in this forum thread on ‘nanners’, https://forum.spider-farmer.com/forums/topic/identifying-nanners-on-your-buds/
So the answer is yes, but ONLY by chance. 😉 I’ve never done any STS treatment or had any ‘serious’ nanner problems, knock on wood! I did have a male hermie on me. I pictured it in the nanner thread.
I got real disapointed in trying to make femmed seeds when I learned (was told?) they aren’t genetically identical to the mother plant, just female. I had always thought that having only 1 parent was in essence like a clone, but I guess that’s wrong. I’m told it gets into some recessive genes becoming dominant and vise versa. Heck, I can mix up the gene pool without have to deal with STS, chem mask, it’s own tent, throw away all but the pollen and then all you got for all that trouble is to save yourself half of the seed you plant. It’s all good! femmed or regs, it’s just a personal preference that I prefer the old fashion way, chuckin ‘male’ pollen and thin out the boys from those seedlings.
2022年 10月 21日 at am2:29 #6914
I only asked because I’m curious about doing it. I don’t have the luxury of using a male because this is the only known plant of this strain. If I want to keep it I either have to clone it for ever and hope nothing goes wrong or make some fems and store them properly so I never lose it. Plus I want to try to breed a bit with the pollen from the strain.
2022年 10月 20日 at pm4:33 #6732
Guess you missed my post awhile ago about my Guatamalan x Honduras test grow lol. Pollen chucking is a great way to learn more about the genetics, if the site ever lets me post without triggering the firewall we can dig into fem seeds and how to make them.
2022年 10月 19日 at pm1:33 #6497
Ahh Oldie but a goodie. Nice thread. I have been attempting to make fems myself. However I have just encountered failure #2.
I ran 2 cuts, sprayed one & not the other.. No seeds in the end, but I did pluck some nanners & stored them in a vial + mylar baggie, and tossed them in the back of the freezer.
I smushed a few nanners on my cement shoes clone. Hope she takes.-
2022年 10月 20日 at pm4:36 #6733
Not all nanner’s will produce viable pollen, they also need time to mature before releasing any which is harder to tell with nanners vs proper male flowers where they dangle down as the flowers bloom. Keep trying and you’ll get there, just make sure you never smoke a plant which has been treated with STS/CS/GA3 as they aren’t safe to consume.
2022年 10月 20日 at pm9:54 #6839
I will post a pic of the tops I danced on in a bit (The cement shoes).
I let the plant that got sprayed dry separately, and everything. Won’t be smoking that at all.
Letting it dry though, and will see what else we got. A couple of seeds would be nice.
I found 4 white seeds on the outdoor version of her. They passed the squeeze test.. They will hit some water soon for shits & giggles.
No nanners, but I did find a male prior to flower in the greenhouse. Removed it stat.
2022年 10月 20日 at pm10:27 #6845
Here they are.
Cement shoes hit with pollen from ice cream sundae -
2022年 10月 20日 at pm10:41 #6850
Looks like there could be a successful pollination there, how did you time the flowering on your plants or did you flip them both at once?
2022年 10月 20日 at pm11:25 #6864
I took 2 cuts from my outdoor before they flowered. They flowered for almost 9 weeks. Finished pretty quick, and I let them keep going hoping there was some seeds to mature. I didn’t even bother smoking the nug I grew next to the sprayed clone. They were so tiny. 1 nug on a stick x2 lol
The cup has only been flowering for a few weeks. I just tossed an old mother in there to pollinate once they were ready. I hit a nug on the banana kush as well, but it’s not looking so promising.
2022年 10月 21日 at am6:05 #7028
So you just hit the one girl with CS/STS and the pollinated whatever girls where in flower around it? I didn’t quite understand that explanation.
2022年 10月 20日 at pm8:22 #6822
I would like to have some of the skunk#1 🦨 strain as in this journal for as I’ve said previously and @atom also has fond memories of the strain.Its definitely a strain that I have always and always will enjoy, and as one of the greats sang that sent me on this trip! (What a long strange trip it’s been)
2022年 10月 21日 at pm5:08 #7190
Folks, didn’t you notice the packet of seeds next to the colas in the pie plate picture? 500+ seeds in that packet. If you’re serious about pollen or seeds, drop me a private message. Let’s just say I made more SK #1 seeds than I planned or will ever plant. 😉 Remember what I said about the exaust pre-filter and how NOT replacing it when I removed the boys, …and it just kept giving, LOL. I wanted a few dozen, I got a couple thousand. 😯
2022年 10月 27日 at am5:42 #7951
<p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>Lol I saw them but didn’t think about it as seeing that volume of seed as a pollen chucker is normalized.</p>
That’s great to hear you share freely though as seeds should be. Like you found out it’s easy to produce more then you ever need. Personally I move my males to a separate area before the flowers open, collect the pollen and then selectively pollinate the females with all fans off, leave them for an hour or so and then spray the room down with water to kill any stray pollen that hasn’t pollinated a female flower before turning the fans back on. Except when I forget, the blue pill bottle is NL#5 x Hashplant that were mostly accidental as I forgot to spray the room down and ended up with thousands of seed lol. -
2022年 10月 28日 at pm12:50 #8136
2022年 10月 29日 at am5:59 #8206
These are just the extras to give away, I keep my seed collection in the fridge with desiccant at all times and only take them out when I need to grab something out of it.
2022年 10月 24日 at am6:17 #7640
One of the forums members reminded me, I never included the solution I used for the constant release of pollen from the exaust pre-filter. I didn’t change the filter untill after the grow, but I did stop seed production by misting the pre-filter. Moisture and pollen do NOT mix. Simply wetting the prefilter with a misting bottle did the trick. Keep that tip tucked behind your ear for future use when chuckin pollin, or cleaning up afterwards.
2022年 10月 28日 at pm1:28 #8143
This has been a very informative post my friend, I definitely will keep that tucked away in the old noggin.I would loveto grow some oef the skunk 🦨.
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