Home Forums Cannabis Cultivation Preventatives

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    • #5986
      Points: 2,471

      What do you use for preventatives? I use neem,  silica and ags garden fungicide

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    • #6014
      Points: 707

      Outdoor i used silica and green clean once a week till about week 3 of flower. Then i stop because i dont want anything on them the last month atleast. Then i order lady bugs, although this year i ordered them late and got aphids bad. They couldn’t keep up and seemed to love this certain strain. Im sure its because it had lanky stems.Live and learn

    • #6017
      Points: 2,471

      Yeah i hear ya there

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    • #6036
      Points: 6,116

      I use silica and I just started using sticky pads, but nothings getting on them.  I have been thinking about if I should be doing more ipm lately.

    • #6071
      Points: 796

      I use lots of stuff I just started using quite a bit of peroxide it’s great to kill soft shelled bugs in the soil and also it kill the larvae as well., while giving you a little extra oxygen! Then it’s pretty much the treatment of Neem oil, fungicide 3,and  captain jacks soap.

    • #6100
      Points: 6,116

      I didn’t know that about peroxide.

      • #6926
        Points: 796

        @keith it’s very good for your plants as long as you aren’t using nematodes or live good larvae in your soil.For it’s (peroxide) supposed to kill PM and mildew also it kills soft shelled bugs like spider mites,aphids larvae it’s suggested if you reuse soil your supposed to rinse it out well with peroxide and water solution.While feeding the solution to your girls it also sends a extra boost of oxygen to the roots, Also it will not hurt your plants in anyway as long as you mix it at the ratio suggested.its like from 3-1 3 water 1 peroxide to 5-1 you just have to make sure that you use 3% peroxide . Check it out online or wherever you like.I hope it helps you out sometime

    • #6936
      Points: 2,471

      I also heard this about peroxide. I always add a tiny bit to the soil when they are babies.  Once a week I spritz the top of soil to ensure nothing is attacking my girls.

      Game Changer!!!

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      • #7069
        Points: 6,116

        I might give that a try.  Wanted to Google it.

    • #7082
      Points: 6,638

      Do we really need another thread about preventatives/IPM when there’s been this one from last week which was already redundant as it was mostly covered in this post previously.  Spamming the site just drags the quality down, if people are doing it for points to win the contest that’s risky as you may end up behind when the mods clean things up.  More importantly what’s more important, winning a prize or building a quality forum where people can easily find the info needed to become better growers?  What’s your priority, yourself or the community we have a chance to build?

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